Handrail and Reviews
This page presents (reverse chronological order), all major events done by the Dolibarr foundation (by of for its members), with reports and reviews when applicable.
So this is the main area to have information on what the foundation did and follow the foundation life. But you can also follow us on other channels (Facebook, Twitter, mailing-lists, etc...) . For this, take a look at the page FAQ How to be informed on news about Dolibarr project.
Main done action (with review if available)
Note that only actions related to the Dolibarr foundation are reported here. Works done by Dolibarr development core team like publishing new versions are also reported for information even if this task is not done by the Dolibarr foundation.
Year 2024
- 2024-12: Migration of Dolistore to work with the Dolibarr website and marketplace module instead of Prestashop
- 2024-11: New social media accounts were created on Bluesky, Threads and Mastodon
- 2024-11: DevCamp in Nancy hosted by Inovea Conseil
- 2024-10: DolibarrDay in Toulon hosted by Cap-Rel
- 2024-10: DolibarrDay in Valence hosted by ATM Consulting
- 2024-10: 2nd participation at the Salon Solutions ERP CRM https://www.salons-solutions.com/
- 2024-09: Dolibarr version 20.0 has been released by the development team - (Not an event managed by the Dolibarr association but included in report for better readability of the timeline)
- 2024-06: Madrid OpenExpo - Dolibarr was represented by 2Byte - (Not an event managed by the Dolibarr association but included in report for better readability)
- 2024-05: DevCamp in Montpellier hosted by Eoxia.
- 2024-03: DolibarrDay in Pau hosted by Pragmatech
- 2024-02: Publish a new version of apstats at https://cti.dolibarr.org to include security report in addition of technical debt and statistics on the project.
- 2024-02: Main meeting in visio.
- 2024-02: Dolibarr version 19.0 has been released by the development team - (Not an event managed by the Dolibarr association but included in report for better readability of the timeline)
Year 2023
- 2023-12: Host a new tool to follow and report the technical debt on Dolibarr sources, at https://cti.dolibarr.org/ (Note: technical debt reported by phpstan has been completely reset for level 0, 1 and 2. Report shows now the technical debt for level 3)
- 2023-11: Modification of the "Règlement Intérieur" to fix some informations and give more explanation on how to apply to be part of the board or suggest a new list for the board renewal.
- 2023-11: Devcamp in Lyon hosted by Easya. Feedbacks from a french participant (so in French) is available here
- 2023-10: First participation at the Salon Solutions ERP CRM https://www.salons-solutions.com/
- 2023-10: DolibarrDay in Valence hosted by ATM Consulting, Easya Solutions
- 2023-08: Dolibarr Version 18.0 has been released by the development team - (Not an event managed by the Dolibarr association but included in report for better readability of the timeline)
- 2023-06: Madrid OpenExpo - Dolibarr was represented by 2Byte - (Not an event managed by the Dolibarr association but included in report for better readability)
- 2023-06: DevCamp in Bordeaux hosted by Dolicloud
- 2023-06: Participation at the 20i FOSS Award. Dolibarr is the winner. More information on https://www.dolibarr.org/dolibarr-win-the-20i-foss-awards.php
- 2023-06: Service courses.dolibarr.org is now closed - See news here https://www.dolibarr.org/we-are-closing-coursesdolibarrorg.php
- 2023-05: DolibarrDay in Nancy hosted by Inovea Conseil, Tiaris, Easya Solutions, ATM Consulting
- 2023-05: RPLL Lyon - Dolibarr was represented by Easya Solutions
- 2023-03: Dolibarr Version 17.0 has been released by the development team - (Not an event managed by the Dolibarr association but included in report for better readability of the timeline)
Year 2022
- 2022-11: DevCamp in Nantes hosted by Code42
- 2022-11: Participation to the Open-Source Experience 2022 Convention in Paris (France) https://www.opensource-experience.com/en/.
- 2022-10: DolibarrDay in Valence hosted by ATM Consulting
- 2022-09: International DevCamp in Vienna, Austria
- 2022-09: Dolibarr Version 16.0 has been released
- 2022-08: Dolibarr is referenced in the SILL (https://sill.code.gouv.fr/)
- 2022-06: Participation to the OpenExpo Europe 2022 Convention in Madrid (Spain) https://openexpoeurope.com/es/oe2022/
- 2022-06: Participation to the RPLL event in Lyon
- 2022-06: DolibarrDay in Bègles hosted by DoliCloud with FabLab_BEN - BORDEAUX ECOLE NUMÉRIQUE - PandaERP
- 2022-05: DevCamp in Valence hosted by ATM Consulting
- 2022-03: Dolibarr Version 15.0 has been released
- 2022-03: DolibarrDay in Nancy hosted by Inovea Conseil, Tiaris, Open-DSI, ATM Consulting
Year 2021
- 2021: Enhancement on Dolistore the versions compatible for module as a tags added automatically. Add a feature to give authors of module the reason why a module has been disabled.
- 2021-11: Participation to the Open-Source Experience 2021 Convention in Paris (France) https://www.opensource-experience.com/en/.
- 2021-10: DevCamp in Valence hosted by ATM Consulting
- 2021-10: DolibarrDay in Valence hosted by ATM Consulting
- 2021-07: Dolibarr Version 14.0 has been released
- 2021-06: Participation to the OpenExpo Europe 2021 Convention in Madrid (Spain) https://openexpoeurope.com/es/virtual-experience-2021/#sponsors
- 2021-03: Launch a second campaign of bug bounty to detect Dolibarr security breaches => Most return were included into v14, the rest were included for v15
- 2021-02: Release of more tutorial videos, first video in Dutch.
- 2021-01: Dolibarr Version 13.0 has been released
Year 2020
- 2020-12: Dolibarr is the winner of the award "Projet Open Naos D'or"
- 2020-12: Webinar "What's new in version 13" animated by Eldy (1 session in French, 1 session in English)
- 2020-12: Dolibarr is project of the month on SourceForge
- 2020-11: New feature on Dolistore : search by version compatibility
- 2020-11: Work with a bug bounty platform (https://yogosha.com/) to detect Dolibarr security breaches => Most return were included into v13.
- 2020-10: The foundation launches 2 projects to build some modules to improve its own management (event management and partner management)
- 2020-10: DolibarrDay in Lyon hosted by Open-DSI
- 2020-06: Dolibarr Version 12.0 has been released
- 2020-03: Dolibarr.org website is now powered by the Dolibarr foundation CMS module
- 2020-02: 2byte and dolibarr sponsored a telefonica event https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWrnsrOKFA8&t=1973shttps://openexpoeurope.com/en/.
- 2020-01: Dolibarr Version 11.0 has been released
- 2020: Release of several promotional videos, in English, French, Spanish and German to present Dolibarr main features.
Year 2019
- 2019-12: Enhance the automatic remind for expired subscription
- 2019-12: Dolibarr Song in French: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYunikDyjoE
- 2019-12: Due to strikes, participation at Paris Open Source Summit was canceled.
- 2019-11: Dolibarr DevCamp in Pau (France)
- 2019-11: Start a project to enhance Dolistore (add version of Dolibarr in product record, with search/filter, add reason why a module is disabled). Not yet finished.
- 2019-10: Create a video to present Dolibarr ecosystem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8G0zFW-Ot8
- 2019-10: Video of what's new in Dolibarr v10: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaLi7uTYEm8
- 2019-09: Migration of Forums from Kunena to Discourse.
- 2019-08: Stripe partnership on DSP2 and SCA
- 2019-07: Migration of wiki to the last version of mediawiki. Restore ability to create himself an account on wiki.
- 2019-07: Dolibarr Version 10.0 has been released. Enhance dolistore to support v10.
- 2019-06: Enhancement of Dolibarr to manage SCA rules for online payments.
- 2019-06: Participation to OpenExpo Madrid, Spain
- 2019-06: Dolibarr DevCamp in Lyon (France)
- 2019-06: OpenExpo https://openexpoeurope.com/es/oe2019/ponentes/ - bronce partners
- 2019-05: The Dolibarr academy with a first sample of course (installation and configuration) has been set online on the new MOOC of Dolibarr (based on Moodle + Opale).
- 2019-03: Activation of DNSSEC on all servers
- 2019-02: Dolibarr Version 9.0 has been released
Year 2018
- 2018-12: Stand at Paris Open Source summit
- 2018-12: First Doliday in Vienna
- 2018-12: DevCamp in Valence DevCamp Valence 2018 Organisation
- 2018-11: Call for tender for a MOOC dedicated to Doibarr
- 2018-10: Small promotion campaign for Dolibarr on Facebook, Twitter and Google adwords
- 2018-09: Upgrade of the Dolibarr of the foundation to v8.0. Launch the automatic remind emails for renewal of subscription available with v8.
- 2018-09: Upgrade of Prestashop for dolistore.com
- 2018-08: Move management of passwords into Buttercup
- 2018-08: Version 8.0 has been released
- 2018-06: Participation to OpenExpo Madrid, Spain - https://openexpoeurope.com/es/oe2018/ponentes/ - bronce partners
- 2018-05: Release of 2 books around Dolibarr : production management and service (2nd edition)
- 2018-05: Bronze partner at Open Expo Europe 2018 (represented by the Dolibarr Preferred Partner 2byte.es)
- 2018-03: Devcamp in Nancy (54, France) Dev'Camp_Nancy_2018
- 2018-02: Renewal of all ssl certificates.
- 2018-02: Serious spam account deletion on forums.
- 2018-02: Version 7.0 has been released
- 2018-02: Migration of websites (*.dolibarr.org, dolibarr.*) and tools on new Cloud servers.
- 2018-02: Dolibarr Newsletter #4
- 2018-01: Meeting with french government about new law on software to fight against tax evasion.
- 2018: Release of several maintenance version of Dolibarr
Year 2017-2018
- 2018-03: Devcamp in Nancy (54, France) Dev'Camp_Nancy_2018
- 2018-02: Renewal of all ssl certificates.
- 2018-02: Serious spam account deletion on forums.
- 2018-02: Version 7.0 has been released
- 2018-02: Migration of websites (*.dolibarr.org, dolibarr.*) and tools on new Cloud servers.
- 2018-02: Dolibarr Newsletter #4
- 2018-01: Meeting with french government about new law on software to fight against tax evasion.
- 2018-01: Cancelation of Semalt Subscription (Ahref provides same features now than Semalt)
- 2017-12: Validation to pay a halftime worker to work on pending dolibarr foundation tasks in 2018.
- 2017-12: Participation to the Paris Open Source Summit in Paris (75, France)
- 2017-10: Participation to the salon "Objectif TPE" in Nancy (54, France)
- 2017-10: Dolibarr Newsletter #3
- 2017-08: Version 6.0 has been released
- 2017-07: Participation to the RMLL event in Saint-Étienne (42, France)
- 2017-06: OpenExpo Europe https://openexpoeurope.com/es/oe2017/ponentes/ - bronce partners https://openexpoeurope.com/es/oe2017/catalogo-de-empresas/
- 2017-06: Participation to the salon "Go Numérique" in Lyon (69, France)
- 2017-06: Participation to OpenExpo Madrid, Spain
- 2017-05: Participation to the salon "Drôme Digital Day" in Valence (26, France)
- 2017-05: Dolibarr Newsletter #2
Year 2016-2017
- 2017-04: all websites were moved in https (also dolibarr.pt, dolibarr.de, dolibarr.fr). Let's encrypt was used.
- 2017-03: Devcamp in Orleans (45, France) DevCamp_Orleans_2017_Organisation
- 2017-03: Version 5.0 has been released.
- 2017-02: Participation to the JDLL in Lyon (69, France)
- 2017-01: Subscribe to Ahref and the "SEO plan" for 3 month of Semalt. Feedback will be done during March devcamp.
- 2017-01: 2nd crowdfunding to enhance accountancy module (100 companies / 10K€ collected)
- 2017-01: Start to send a Dolibarr Newsletter to inform on the project, the community, events, ... Once a quarter to begin.
- 2016-12: Banners available on dolibarr.fr for advertisement
- 2016-11: Start to work on the new French financial law and its rules to implement in Dolibarr
- 2016-11: Participation to the Paris Open Source Summit (75, France)
- 2016-11: Xmas devcamp in Valence (26, France)
- 2016-09: Donation to Framasoft who provides framagit, used by many Dolibarr developers
- 2016-09: Version 4.0 has been released.
- 2016-09: Participation to the salon "L'instant numérique" in Roanne (69, France)
- 2016-06: Devcamp in Genoa Devcamp_Genova_2016_Organisation
- 2016-06: French book written by Romain Deschamps "Bien gérer son entreprise avec Dolibarr" available on Dolistore
- 2016-06: Participation to the "Salon du numérique" in Saint Dié des Vosges (88, France)
- 2016-06: Subscription to April fundation: http://april.org/
Year 2015-2016
- 2016-04: Dolibarr help the french project NegoTIC: http://www.dolibarr.fr/87-actualites/233-projet-nego-tic
- 2016-04: Organisation of DevCamp in Genova: Devcamp_Genova_2016_Organisation. This is the first Dolibarr DevCamp outside of France. This year, it is in Italy.
- 2016-03: Version 3.9. A release candidate was published before the final release.
- 2016-03: A new home page for dolibarr.org to introduce pages with content and try to increase position on google search.
- 2016-03: Rewrite Dolibarr tools/services backups to be moved on hosted external services (Google Drive + Hubic) owned by the Dolibarr Foundation instead of members' personal hard drives.
- 2016-02: Move all internationnal tools to HTTPS by default and only HTTPS (wiki.dolibarr.org, www.dolibarr.org, www.dolistore.com)
- 2016-01: The Dolibarr Foundation donated again to FramaSoft community to thanks them for their service gitlab, used by a lot of Dolibarr module developers.
- 2016-01: Works to enhance Dolistore started. Full list here: https://github.com/Dolibarr/foundation/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue+assignee%3Ahregis+
- 2016-01: We closed doliforge, replaced by framagit.
- 2016-01: Reopened advertising campaigns: Budget for 2016 is 2940€ (10% of treasury as of January 1st). Increase part of twitter instead of facebook.
- 2015-12: Develop and publish the third infographic designed for Dolibarr project. Title of infographic was: Restrospective 2015: https://www.dolibarr.org/component/content/article?id=160:2013-restrospective
- 2015-08: Version 3.8 released. This version introduced a new step to the release process by adding a release candidate.
- 2015-05: DevCamp in Pau DevCamp_Pau_April_2015_Organisation
- 2015-04: Buy and install SSL certificate pour *.dolibarr.org, so now our internal tools are now availble on encrypted connections.
Year 2014-2015
- 2015-03: Organisation of Devcamp at Pau: DevCamp_Pau_April_2015_Organisation
- 2015-03: Corruption of our servers (harware problems). Restoration of services.
- 2015-03: Move bug tracker from Tuleap to GitHub.
- 2015-03: No more exception for alternative languages for translation. All languages are now on Transifex (except source language en_US)
- 2015-02: Generate second accountancy reports for Dolibarr foundation book keepers using defined procedure.
- 2015-02: Renew dolistore plateform with an up to date version of Prestashop and compatibility with smartphones. (still need work to do, for example the area for module editor is still in read only mode)
- 2015-01: Reopened advertising campaigns: Budget for 2015 is 4400€ (10% of treasury the 1st of january). Start some ads on twitter channels (english, french and italian channels).
- 2014-12: Develop and publish the second infographic designed for Dolibarr project. Title of infographic was: Restrospective 2014: https://www.dolibarr.org/component/content/article?id=160:2013-restrospective
- 2014-11: Finish process to buy the trademark "Dolibarr" for all the world (at least most important countries, except US)
- 2014-10: Start to buy service to make administrative task for the Dolibarr foundation. The make more free time for core development.
- 2014: Prepare Portals for nederland and portugal: https://nl.dolibarr.org and https://www.dolibarr.pt
- Buy a subscription to have reports of all Dolibarr web sites SEO (using semalt.com service).
- Version 3.7.0 has been delayed to April, due to a critical bug into Mysql. More information here: https://www.dolibarr.org/87-news/announces/181-why-dolibarr-3-7-was-not-released-in-january
- Version 3.6.2 has been released.
- Version 3.6.1 has been released.
- Version 3.6.0 has been released.
- 2014-08: Finish migration of all tools on personal server of foundation member onto the Dolibarr foundation servers (moved mail server and dns from nltechno.com to dolibarr.org) => No more tools owned by physical member of the foundation.
- 2014-07: Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre à Montpellier
- 2014-05-20/21: Solutions Libres et Open Source congress in Paris
- 2014-05-8/10: Linux Tag congress in Berlin
- During all year: Integrate new Dolibarr Preferred Partner (TecLib in France and TQM Insight, first Preferred Partner for Switzerland)
Year 2013-2014
- 2014-04-25: The first "balance sheet" ("Bilan comptable"), for year 2014 has been released.
- 2014-04-20: Web site www.dolibarr.fr has been updated to Joomla 3.5.2 (new site has now a responsive design and forum problems are solved). We are working on www.dolibarr.org now.
- 2013-04-12: Dolibarr foundation add dolibarr.pt into its list of reserved domain names.
- 2014-04-10: Version 3.5.2 has been released.
- 2014-03-14-2014-03-16: DevCamp Dolibarr at Valence
- 2014-03-10: Version 3.5.1 has been released.
- 2014-02-07: No more exception for language fr_FR, es_ES and ca_ES for translation. Those languages are now translated into transifex too.
- 2014-01-31: Version 3.5.0 has been released.
- 2014-01-10: Reopened advertising campaigns: Budget for 2014 is 2400€.
- 2014-01-05: Version 3.4.2 has been released.
- 2013-12-31: Develop and publish the first infographic designed for Dolibarr project. Title of infographic was: Restrospective 2013.
- 2013-12-27: Move DNS server (historically powered by http://www.nltechno.com) to the DNS powered by OVH (the web hosting service used by the Dolibarr foundation for other tools too).
- 2013-12-05: We hold Dolibarr advert invest on social networks, because we finished to consume budget of the year 2013 (We were allowed to invest 10% of amount in our bank account the 1st of January). A feedback is available on page Social_Networks_Ads_Feedbacks.
- 2013-11-15: Version 3.5 is frozen. 3.5 branch is created.
- 2013-11-02: Clean all Dolibarr social networks (removed duplicate channels and changes to match rules of networks). Each channel is now owned by several members of the foundation board.
- 2013-10-28: Start a 1 week twitter campaign for Dolibarr twitter account (see Social Networks Ads Feedbacks).
- 2013-10-16: Start a 2 month facebook campaign for Dolibarr facebook page English, french, spanish and greek page (see Social Networks Ads Feedbacks).
- 2013-10-14: Version 3.4.1 has been released.
- 2013-10-13: Version 3.3.4 has been released.
- 2013-09-15: Dolibarr foundation add dolibarr.cn into its list of reserved domain names.
- 2013-09-13: Add SPF setup into dns of @dolibarr.org mails.
- 2013-09-01: First add for Dolibarr is published into Press (Linux Pratique) => No significative change into web site traffic.
- 2013-09-01: Extend ads with adwords to united kingdom and south america and spain.
- 2013-08-31: Define emails alias for all local communities.
- 2013-07-31: Version 3.4.0 has been released.
- 2013-07-31: Buy and setup a Hootsuite dolibarr account to follow all social networks at once on one tool (rss, facebook, twitter, linkedin, google+, google news, slideshare, flickr...)
- 2013-07-30: Enhance http://www.dolistore.com tools to send email to supplier when their module is bought.
- 2013-07-20: Generate first accountancy reports for Dolibarr foundation book keepers using defined procedure.
- 2013-07-15: Version 3.3.3 has been released.
- 2013-06-01: Migration of dolibarr.org and asso.dolibarr.org onto the new server of foundation (virtual servers).
- 2013-05-28/2013-05-29: Congress: Salon Solution Linux 2013.
Year 2012-2013
- 2013-04-20: Meeting: Report GM 201304 (Year 2012-2013)
- 2013-04-19/2013-04-21: DevCamp Montpellier April 2013 Organisation
- 2013-04-12: Presentation of Dolibarr at OpenExpo Barcelona, Spain
- 2013-04-01: Project of the week at sourceforge.net (1st - 7th of april)
- 2013-03-26: The Dolibarr foundation apply to Google Summer of code as a mentor organization.
- 2013-03-25: Migration of demo.dolibarr.org onto the Dolibarr foundation server.
- 2013-03-20: Release of version 3.3.1.
- 2013-03-19: Presentation dolibarr to the ecommerce day, Metz (world trade center)
- 2013-02: Release of version 3.3.0.
- 2013-02: Setup of full backup of VM for the Dolibarr foundation servers. Backups are also saved onto platform of different foundation members of the board.
- 2013-01: Migration of dolistore.com, dolibarr.fr, doliforge.com onto the new server of foundation (virtual servers).
- 2013-01: The foundation now use a VAT rate (19.6%) for invoices on Dolistore.com
- 2012-11-15: Presentation of Dolibarr at OpenExpo Madrid, Spain
- 2012-09-20: Release of version 3.2.2.
- 2012-09-01: Release of version 3.2.1.
- 2012-07-07/12: RMLL à Genève.
- 2012-07-01: Release of version 3.2.0.
- 2012-07-19/2012-07-21: Congress: Salon Solution Linux 2012.
- 2012-04-15: First contacts to create a local community in Venezuela.
- 2012-04-02: Enhance the developer report page into DoliStore.com (add filter on date).
Year 2011-2012
- 2012-06-21: Meeting: Report GM 201206 (Year 2011-2012)
- 2012-03-01: First contacts to create a local community in Portugal and Germany.
- 2012-03-01: Release of version 3.1.1.
- 2012-03-01: Web site dolibarr.org and dolibarr.fr were redesigned.
- 2012-02-15: Add a guideline page to describe volunteers how to create a Dolibarr community: Create a Dolibarr local community.
- 2012-02-28: The Dolibarr Preferred Partner program is now described and ready to run.
- 2012-01-22: Changes into DoliStore.com. It is now easier to navigate into products and add subcategories to categories. This change was required because of module increase available on DoliStore.
- 2012-01-20: Extend adWords campaign on India and South america/Spain for 2x100euros.
- 2012-01-17: Add a new AntiSpam filter on Dolibarr wiki documentation (https://wiki.dolibarr.org). Submission of rubbish content seems to be stopped.
- 2012-01-01: Release of version Release 3.1.0.
- 2011-11-06: Extend ads with adwords to united kingdom and south america and spain.
- 2011-10-20: Synchronize download area of dolibarr.org and dolibarr.fr (available packages are now always same).
- 2011-10-10: Area for download of packages have been redesigned to make release easier.
- 2011-10-01: Move officially source code management from Savannah to GitHub
- 2011-07-02: Subscription process can be done automatically (including paypal or credit card payment)
- 2011-05-20: Add SSL certificate on dolistore.com
Year 2010-2011
- 2011-07-10: Release of version 3.0.1
- 2011-05-10: Meeting: Report GM 201105 (Year 2010-2011)
- 2010-03-16/2010-03-18: Congress: Salon Solution Linux 2011
- 2011-04-11: Release of version 3.0.0
- March-april: Test ads with adWords on India and Argentina for 2x50 euros.
- 2011-02-01: Buy the congress kit. The kit contains now: A suitcase, Flyers, The rollup, A box for cash, An electric plugs, A cadenas for netbook.
- 2011-01-07: Add spanish language into DoliStore.
- 2011-01-01: Add a svg file for dolibarr members to build a dolibarr "business card" (see into directory businesscard: cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.savannah.nongnu.org:/sources/dolibarr co dolibarrasso).
- 2010-11-27: DevCamp: Compte rendu Hackweek 2010.
- 2010-11-27: Meeting: Compte rendu CA 201011 (Hackweek)
- 2010-11-9/10: Forum PHP 2010: Compte rendu Forum PHP 2010.
- 2010-09-29: Release of version 2.9.0
- 2010-07-13: Congress: Compte rendu RMLL juillet 2010.
- 2010-06-20: Launch the market place DoliStore: http://www.dolistore.com
Year 2009-2010
- 2010-05-02: Release of version 2.8.1
- 2010-03-17: Meeting: Compte rendu AG 201003 (Année 2009-2010)
- 2010-03-16/2010-03-18: Congress: Salon Solution Linux 2010
- 2010-03-16: Release of version 2.8.0
- 2010-03-10: Reception of meeting materials: Rollup / TShirts (See Rapport_Moral_2010#Salon_Solution_Linux_2010).
- 2010-02-28: Create a new repository CVS to stock works of foundation (cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.savannah.nongnu.org:/sources/dolibarr co dolibarrasso)
- 2010-02-24: Meeting: Compte rendu CA 201002 telereunion
- 2010-02-15: Received SIREN number of foundation.
- 2010-01-13: Meeting: Compte rendu CA 201001 telereunion
- 2009-12-30: Release of version 2.7.1
- 2009-12-04: Release of version 2.7.0
- 2009-10-06: Meeting: Compte rendu CA 200910 telereunion
- 2009-10-01: Congress: Open World Forum 2009. Open Source SaaS solutions et e-commerce solutions
- 2009-09: Add possibility to pay its subscription with paypal or CB
- 2009-06-14: Release of version 2.6.1
- 2009-05: Add wiki for foundation and email boxes (hosted by NLTechno and routed to Google).
- 2009-04-28: Meeting: Compte rendu CA 200904 telereunion
- 2009-04-25: Release of version 2.6.0
- 2009-04-18: Creation of foundation is officially publicated into "journal officiel" with number 868. Voir site du JO.
- 2009-04-02: Creation of the foundation
Before genesis
- 2009-04-01: Meeting: Compte rendu assemblée constitutive 2
- 2009-03-31/2009-04-01: Congress: Salon Solution Linux 2009
- 2009-02-24: Meeting: Compte_rendu_assemblée_constitutive
- 2009-02-01: Idea to create a foundation.
TODO Tasks
For the TODO list of the foundation, see the Report of the board meetings: Report of the board meetings...