Roadmap and Release 13.0.0

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Version: 13.0 (List of other versions on page Category:RoadMap)
Release date: January 2021
Main focus (What developers has mainly worked on, but not only, so for full list of changes see the detailed ChangeLog):

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Detailed Changelog:

For users:

NEW: Add module "Credit transfer SEPA" to manage payment of vendors using bank credit transfer SEPA files. NEW: Module Reception (for a more accurate management of your receptions) moved from experimental to stable. NEW: Module Recruitment to manage Job position and applications. NEW: Several security issues after a private bug bounty campaign. NEW: Accountancy - add chart of sub accounts NEW: Accountancy - add options to disable binding on sales, purchases & expense reports independently of the modules NEW: Accountancy balance - add a menu entry to show subtotal by group NEW: Accountancy - change menu disposition NEW: Accountancy - on transfers, select the periodicity by default NEW: Accountancy - Add export for Gestinum (v3 & v5) #15180 NEW: new currency rate editor NEW: Solve blocking feature. Can increase stock of a Kit without changing subproduct stock. NEW: add a widget to show the customers with outstanding limits reached NEW: add 2 rules for emailcollector: Message send/not sent from Dolibarr NEW: add a counter of number of words for pages in website module NEW: add alert before changing thirdparty in TakePOS NEW: add a page to list Stock at a given date in the past NEW: add a start date to begin binding in accountancy NEW: add a statistics page to list popularity of products on invoices NEW: add calendar selection for agenda view NEW: Support documents generation for ticket edition (PDF or ODT) NEW: add column payment term into list of supplier invoices NEW: add column quantity in product margin page NEW: add column vat rate in page to define accounting account on product/service NEW: add costprice in fields of products list NEW: add an import profile for CUSTOMER ORDER, PO, PROPOSAL MODULE, SUPPLIER INVOICE NEW: add employee link in expense report binding page NEW: add EORI No. as ProfID5 NEW: add export for various payments NEW: add Extrafields labels and values in mail on create ticket NEW: add Extrafields support on ECM module NEW: add filter rules "is answer" and "is not answer" in email collector NEW: add focus when editing on product/stock/product.php Close #14548 NEW: add free text on each terminal of cash desk NEW: add global search for customer payments and vendor payments NEW: add global search for miscellaneous payments NEW: add helper function for table headers with numbers NEW: add link to edit property from the search result of website pages NEW: add link to reset qty on supplier dispatch page NEW: add MAIN_EMAILCOLLECTOR_MAIL_WITHOUT_HEADER const to remove header stored by email collector NEW: add Manufacturing Orders attached files into the automatic ECM view NEW: add margin info in invoice list NEW: add mass action to set category on a list of website pages NEW: add mass deletion for events NEW: add mass deletion for draft invoices NEW: add more filters on monthly statement list NEW: add option TAKEPOS_CAN_FORCE_BANK_ACCOUNT_DURING_PAYMENT NEW: add option to define a default warehouse at user level NEW: add option to include products without alert in replenish NEW: add order by lastname and firstname by default in get sales representatives NEW: add param to not show links when output tags NEW: add PDF document templates for warehouses (list of stock) NEW: add a prospect status for the contact with managment of custom icon NEW: add public note on products ; this also partially fix the #14342 NEW: add quick dropdown menu in top right menu (experimental with MAIN_USE_TOP_MENU_QUICKADD_DROPDOWN) NEW: add region in export companies and contacts NEW: add rights on margin info on invoice list NEW: add search param for close date on order list NEW: add show preview for mail attachement on form mail NEW: add State/Province origin for products NEW: add the workflow interaction close intervention on closing ticket NEW: add third order printer to TakePOS NEW: add tracking number in list and search_all items NEW: add vcard for adherent and user NEW: add week number for month view in agenda NEW: Algeria data (VAT and forme_juridique) NEW: allow click on all header numbers on commerce area NEW: allow to reopen interventions (green button) NEW: allow zero quantity on supplier/vendor order line NEW: appearance tab in TakePOS with more visual parameters NEW: better currency rate editor NEW: can build vendor invoice from vendor orders NEW: can change a product in lines of a recurring invoice or contract NEW: can change size of logo on PDF documents NEW: can change VAT rate of all lines of a draft object in one step NEW: can define date range of validity of a login during creation NEW: can disable, from edit page, the whole web site NEW: can edit and set sales representatives directly on thirdparty card NEW: can edit the list of sending email profiles NEW: can enable/disable users in bulk actions NEW: can filter on accounting system ref in export of chart of account NEW: can filter on container type, language and tags in the list of web pages NEW: can hide eatby, sellby dates with option PRODUCT_DISABLE_SELLBY and PRODUCT_DISABLE_EATBY NEW: can import proposals, sales orders, supplier invoices NEW: can set a dedicated SMTP config for sending email from public ticket interface NEW: can set tags/categories to website pages NEW: can set type of price without tax per default for new sale price creation NEW: can use desired stock of a given warehouse for replenishment NEW: change thirdparty with barcode scan in TakePOS NEW: common behavior for monthly leave list view NEW: convert all subscription in datetime NEW: can create a thirdparty customer from TakePOS NEW: date shipment from order accepts hours NEW: price level compatibility for variant NEW: delayed payment in TakePOS NEW: display date range if exist in TakePOS NEW: display resiliate status in TakePOS for member NEW: display stat for BOM on "object referent"/linked Object product tab NEW: Email configuration - allow auto signed certificate when smtp ssl activated NEW: enable free emails input with select2 NEW: Events in agenda for contact NEW: filter on progress column in task list NEW: filter product list by country and/or state/province NEW: format tickets sent by mail in public interface NEW: form to add customer/supplier into categories NEW: Framework is ready for CSRF token protection on explicit GET URLs NEW: helper functions for export with phpspreadsheet NEW: hide closed contract lines NEW: hide label in PDF for variants NEW: if specific help page is available, we change color of icon NEW: include the tag editor of page as a popup into website editor NEW: introduce constant FACTUREFOURN_REUSE_NOTES_ON_CREATE_FROM NEW: introducing new modal boxes in TakePOS NEW: keep TakePOS terminal when login/logout NEW: link on balance to the ledger NEW: MAIN_EMAILCOLLECTOR_MAIL_WITHOUT_HEADER const in email collector NEW: manage errors on update extra fields in ticket card NEW: mass-actions for the event list view NEW: Module Intracomm report NEW: more filter for "View change logs" NEW: multicurrency total in TakePOS NEW: multiselect type and date to date filter NEW: Nature of product is now a dictionay NEW: new line template: hidden conf to fill service dates from the last service line NEW: PDF model storm for delivery NEW: possibilty to group payments by mode and show their subtotal NEW: Print payment method and change in TakePOS NEW: Priority and transparency from external calendar events NEW: Products Import/Export 'default warehouse' and 'use batch number' fields NEW: Purchase price table: added filterable table columns NEW: rate editor for multicurrency NEW: ref_ext field for Commande lines, order lines, Attributes and Combinations, Invoice lines, payments, order lines NEW: remove new lines in mail on add ticket message NEW: restrict thirdparty to customer in TakePOS NEW: Rule "email to" accept wildcard * NEW: Save filter of the project homepage NEW: select-able columns on customer and supplier invoice paymnet list NEW: select-able columns on miscellaneous payments + more data columns NEW: select-able columns on social taxes list NEW: send context and remove new lines on create ticket NEW: show available stock in TakePOS NEW: show category filter on lists only when user have rights to read categories NEW: show header number and make it clickable in warehouse area, payment area, shipment area NEW: show image of user in the combo select of users NEW: show label on batch card NEW: show links for select and multi-select in category extra field NEW: show module and permission ids on user/group rights (only admin) NEW: show place from events on import calender NEW: show references in contract form on interventions NEW: show tags and status in search list of website pages NEW: show user on external calender events (when found) NEW: subject title with company name instead of application title in ticket message NEW: Support for Samba4 AD NEW: TakePOS connector compatibility with RECEIPT PRINTERS module NEW: TakePOS Gift Receipt NEW: TakePOS Multicurrency compatibility NEW: TakePOS Weighing Scale compatibility with TakePOS connector #14725 NEW: Third-Party Import new fields: mother company,outstanding debt limit,bank account,incoterms NEW: Thirdparty module : box on customer/supplier tab for invoice outsantding amount late NEW: ticket classification on create from email collector NEW: Ticket message notifications when edited from public interface NEW: translate classification labels in ticket NEW: VAT rate for Angola #15606 NEW: VAT and juridical status for Algeria NEW: VAT report - Invert constant to show by default zero VAT in reports NEW: website page fields selection NEW: website - global header of a website can also have dynamic content NEW: when creating a user from a member linked to a thirdparty, you can choose to create it as external or internal user NEW: add clone button on miscellaneous payment NEW: add option to put the product label in bold in the PDF templates if configured #15065 NEW: add option "If the feature to manage kits of module Stock is used, show details of subproducts of a kit on PDF." For developers:
NEW: add __MEMBER_TYPE__ and __TYPE__ substitution key NEW: add function dolButtonToOpenUrlInDialogPopup() to be able to open page into a popup NEW: show line number on intervention card (via MAIN_VIEW_LINE_NUMBER) NEW: Add some fields to link website page to an other object NEW: fill ECM src object fields in dol_add_file_process NEW: conf to allow to show the full tree in warehouse popup NEW: can use THEME_DARKMODEENABLED=2 for a preview of theme in dark mode NEW: can force the antivirus from conf file or autoprepend ini setup NEW: can add event to log into blockedlog module with a constant NEW: add property cssview when declaring fields of an object NEW: Can use dynamic code into the 'enabled' property of DAO fields NEW: allow to edit "demand reason" field though API NEW: field ref_ext in llx_commandedet NEW: fields ref_ext for Attributes and Combinations NEW: OAuth SCOPE for Admin SDK NEW: standardizes API thirdparties by email like other object NEW: Triggers Attributes and Attributes values NEW: added incoterms data into the substitution array NEW: add send context for ticket NEW: add a message in error_log after detection of SQL or script injection NEW: add validation of MX domain for emails NEW: calculate the virtual stock in transverse mode ( not on getEntity('commande'), ... but on getEntity('stock') ) NEW: Graphics can be horizontal bars APIs NEW: API get contacts list of a given order NEW: API endpoint getContacts and Clean results NEW: API can update a payment NEW: API get member by thirdparty NEW: API get thirdparty by barcode NEW: API get users by email / login NEW: fetch contact by email with REST API NEW: get state dictionnary by REST API NEW: improve Product API for variant products NEW: retrieve discount from invoice from API NEW: Thirdparty REST API: endpoint to set price level NEW: use new category API for project list view HOOKs NEW: Hook on propal card NEW: add hooks on newpayment page to allow external payment modules NEW: add hooks on stats pages NEW: add formConfirm hook on product page NEW: add two hooks printFieldListFrom and printFieldSearchParam NEW: add hook "loginCheckSecurityAccess" WARNING: Following changes may create regressions for some external modules, but were necessary to make Dolibarr better: * The object "livraison" has been renamed into "delivery" (directory, class, keys, methods with livraison in name ...). * All properties ->contactid have been renamed into ->contact_id * All properties ->titre have been renamed into ->title * Property $paiementid in API 'api_supplier_invoices.php' has been renamed into into $payment_mode_id * Property 'num_paiement' has been renamed 'num_payment' everywhere for better code consistency. * The deprecated subsitution key __SIGNATURE__ has been removed. Replace it with __USER_SIGNATURE__ if you used the old syntax in your email templates. * The hidden option HOLIDAY_MORE_PUBLIC_HOLIDAYS has been removed. Use instead the dictionary table if you need to define custom days of holiday. * If you build a class that implement CommonObject to use the incoterm properties or methods (->fk_incoterm, ->label_incoterm, ->location_incoterm), you must now also include declaration of the Trait 'CommonIncoterm' in your class. All incoterm functions were moved into this Trait. * The GETPOST(..., 'alpha') has now the same behaviour than GETPOST(..., 'alphanohtml') so no html will be allowed. Use GETPOST(..., 'restricthtml') to accept HTML. * If you have links in your code with '&action=add', '&action=update', '&action=delete' as a parameter, you must also add '&token='.newToken() as another parameter to avoid CSRF protection errors. * The API addPayment for api_invoice has evolved to accept amount into a foreign currency. You must provide array(amount=>X,mutlicurrency_ammount=>Y) instead of simple amount. * The method select_thirdparty(), deprecated since 3.8, into html.form.class.php has been removed. * Depreciate all methods with name ->valide(). Use instead methods ->validate(). * Function showStripePaymentUrl, getStripePaymentUrl, showPaypalPaymentUrl and getPaypalPaymentUrl has been removed. The generic one showOnlinePaymentUrl and getOnlinePaymentUrl are always used. * Context for hook showSocinfoOnPrint has been moved from "showsocinfoonprint" to "main" * Library htdocs/includes/phpoffice/phpexcel as been removed (replaced with htdocs/includes/phpoffice/PhpSpreadsheet) * Databse transaction in your triggers must be correctly balanced (one close for one open). If not, an error will be returned by the trigger, even if trigger did return error code. * Dolibarr v13 is still compatible with any PHP version between 5.6.0 and 7.4.*; Unit tests are OK with PHP 8.0 but some warnings or troubles may appears with PHP 8.0.