Documentaţie utilizator

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Această pagină este principalul index al documentelor referitoare la documentația utilizatorului. Pentru documentația de dezvoltare, see here.

Prezentare rapidă a caracteristicilor

Instalare | Actualizare | Configurare

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Utilizare (cu module / aplicaţii)

Knowing how to use Dolibarr is knowing how to use its modules, menus, and features. First, once the installation step is complete (see previous chapters), let's have a look at general information on usage:

Once general usage is understood, you can have a look at the documentation about all standard business modules. Choose the module you are interested in to see its documentation. Standard modules are modules available by default in all common installation. This is a list of main modules (also available on page List of Modules):

External modules are modules you can get on other sources than official sources. They are provided by third parties. Most of them can be found in the marketplace List of external modules is defined on the page Complementary modules.


Vezi pagina Glosar


All FAQ are available through the index page FAQ EN

Tutoriale Video

The association Dolibarr has started making video tutorials on the basic functions of Dolibarr Video Tutorials