Table llx socpeople

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Cn verysmall.png与其他表相关的文档请参阅:Table SQL


En verysmall.png Contains the people or generic contacts linked to third parties or not (customers, suppliers...).

Fr verysmall.png Contient les contacts physiques (personnes, ou adresses génériques de personnes) liés ou non au tiers (clients, fournisseurs...)

Es verysmall.png Contiene los contactos físicos (personas) de las empresas (clientes, proveedores...).



Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
rowid int(11) NO PRI auto_increment technical index
datec datetime YES NULL creation date
tms timestamp NO Current date Date of last modification. See page Field Tms.
fk_soc int(11) YES MUL NULL ID of society (llx_societe->rowid)
entity int(11) NO 1 multi company id
civilite varchar(6) YES NULL civility (in text eg Mr, Mrs,...)
name varchar(50) YES NULL last name
firstname varchar(50) YES NULL first name
address varchar(255) YES NULL address
cp varchar(25) YES NULL postcode
ville varchar(255) YES NULL city
fk_pays int(11) YES 0 ID of country (llx_c_pays->rowid)
birthday date YES NULL anniversary/date of birth
poste varchar(80) YES NULL function within the company
phone varchar(30) YES NULL telephone
phone_perso varchar(30) YES NULL personal telephone
phone_mobile varchar(30) YES NULL mobile phone (GSM)
fax varchar(30) YES NULL fax
email varchar(255) YES NULL e-mail
jabberid varchar(255) YES NULL identifier on the Jabber network (could be another network)
priv smallint(6) NO 0
fk_user_creat int(11) YES MUL 0 user who created this contact (llx_user->rowid)
fk_user_modif int(11) YES NULL user who changed this contact (llx_user->rowid)
note text YES NULL note
default_lang varchar(6) YES NULL default language for this contact
import_key varchar(14) YES NULL Code used to save the import id. See page Field Import key.



Key Type Fields
idx_socpeople_fk_soc MULTIPLE fk_soc
idx_socpeople_fk_user_creat MULTIPLE fk_user_creat