Table llx societe

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En verysmall.png The documentation related to other tables is available on the page: Table SQL
Fr verysmall.png La documentation relative aux autres tables est disponible sur la page: Table SQL
Es verysmall.png La documentación relativa a otras tablas se encuentra disponible en la página: Table SQL
De verysmall.png Eine Dokumentation zu weiteren Tabellen ist auf dieser Seite verfügbar: Table SQL
Cn verysmall.png与其他表相关的文档请参阅:Table SQL


En verysmall.png Contains the list of third parties stored in Dolibarr (thirdparties are customers, suppliers, prospects).

Fr verysmall.png Contient les tiers enregistrés dans Dolibarr (les tiers sont les clients, fournisseurs ou prospects).

Es verysmall.png Contiene los terceros registrados en Dolibarr.



Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
rowid int(11) NO PRI auto_increment technical index
nom varchar(60) YES NULL name
entity int(11) NO 1 multi company id
ref_ext varchar(60) YES UNI NULL A field only stored and read by Dolibarr but not used. You can use it to store your id of thirdparty into another external system. This will help synchronisation tools.
ref_int varchar(60) YES NULL
statut tinyint(4) YES 0 state
parent int(11) YES NULL parent
tms timestamp NO Current date Date of last modification. See page Field Tms.
datec datetime YES NULL creation date
status tinyint(4) YES 1 Thirdparty status : 0=activity ceased, 1= in activity
code_client varchar(24) YES MUL NULL client's code
code_fournisseur varchar(24) YES NULL Supplier code
code_compta varchar(24) YES NULL Customer account code
code_compta_fournisseur varchar(24) YES NULL Supplier account code
address varchar(255) YES NULL company address
zip varchar(10) YES NULL postal code
town varchar(50) YES NULL town
fk_departement int(11) YES 0 ID of province/state (llx_c_departements->rowid)
fk_pays int(11) YES 0 ID of country (llx_c_pays->rowid)
phone varchar(20) YES NULL phone number
fax varchar(20) YES NULL fax number
url varchar(255) YES NULL web url
email varchar(128) YES NULL email
fk_secteur int(11) YES 0 This column/field does not exist anymore in 3.3.0+
fk_effectif int(11) YES 0 ID of range of number of employees (llx_c_effectif->id)
fk_typent int(11) YES 0 ID of type of entity (llx_c_typent->id)
fk_forme_juridique int(11) YES 0 ID of legal status (llx_c_forme_juridique->rowid)
fk_currency int(11) YES 0
siren varchar(128) YES NULL IDProf1
siret varchar(128) YES NULL IDProf2
ape varchar(128) YES NULL IDProf3
idprof4 varchar(128) YES NULL IDProf4
idprof5 varchar(128) YES NULL IDProf5
idprof6 varchar(128) YES NULL idprof6 (this column/field has been newly added)
tva_intra varchar(20) YES NULL VAT ID
capital double YES NULL capital of society
description text YES NULL
fk_stcomm int(11) NO 0 ID of commercial status (llx_c_stcomm->id)
note_private text YES NULL private note
note_public text YES NULL public_note
prefix_comm varchar(5) YES MUL NULL prefix commercial
client tinyint(4) YES 0 type of client (0/1/2/3) 1=customer 2=prospect 3=customer+prospect
fournisseur tinyint(4) YES 0 is it a third party supplier (0/1)?
supplier_account varchar(32) YES NULL account of a supplier
fk_prospectlevel varchar(12) YES NULL ID of prospect level (llx_c_prospectlevel->code)
customer_bad tinyint(4) YES 0 is the customer deadbeat (0/1)?
customer_rate double YES 0 reliability rate of customer (0 to 1)?
supplier_rate double YES 0 reliability rate of supplier (0 to 1)?
fk_user_creat int(11) YES MUL NULL ID of user who created the entry (llx_user->rowid)
fk_user_modif int(11) YES MUL NULL ID of user who last modified the entry (llx_user->rowid)
remise_client double YES 0 systematic discount for the customer
mode_reglement tinyint(4) YES NULL default payment mode
cond_reglement tinyint(4) YES NULL default payment conditions
tva_assuj tinyint(4) YES 1 Supplier: issues invoices with VAT? / Customer: is subject to VAT?
localtax1_assuj tinyint(4) YES 0 is subject to localtax1?
localtax2_assuj tinyint(4) YES 0 is subject to localtax2?
barcode varchar(255) YES NULL This field is used to store barcode value of thirdparty when module barcode is enabled
fk_barcode_type int(11) YES 0 This field is used to store barcode type (EAN, ISBN, ...) of thirdparty when module barcode is enabled
price_level int(11) YES NULL level of price for multiprices
outstanding_limit double(24,8) YES NULL Amount of allowed outstanding invoices before warning
default_lang varchar(6) YES NULL default language for this thirdparty
logo varchar(255) YES NULL
canvas varchar(32) YES NULL
import_key varchar(14) YES NULL Code used to save the import id. See page Field Import key.



Key Type Fields
uk_societe_prefix_comm UNIQUE prefix_comm,entity
uk_societe_code_client UNIQUE code_client,entity
idx_societe_user_creat MULTIPLE fk_user_creat
idx_societe_user_modif MULTIPLE fk_user_modif



En verysmall.png Third parties can be:

  • suppliers or customers companies (depending on the sub-elements defined) or both.
  • A normal person.
  • A foundation.

Fr verysmall.png Un tiers peut être:

  • une entreprises cliente ou fournisseur (ou les deux)
  • une personne physique
  • une association/fondation

Es verysmall.png Un tercero puede ser:

  • una empresa cliente o proveedor (o los dos)
  • una persona física
  • una asociación/fundación