Table llx actioncomm

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  Contains all the commercial actions (looks unused in many cases)

  Contient la liste des actions commerciales

  Contiene la lista de acciones comerciales



Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
id int(11) NO PRI auto_increment technical index
datec datetime YES NULL creation date
datep datetime YES NULL planned start date
datep2 datetime YES NULL deprecated
datea datetime YES MUL NULL real start date
datea2 datetime YES NULL deprecated
tms timestamp NO Current date Date of last modification. See page Field Tms.
fk_action int(11) YES NULL ID of action (llx_c_actioncomm->id)
label varchar(50) NO label of action
fk_proyect int(11) YES NULL ID of proyect (llx_projet->rowid)
fk_soc int(11) YES MUL NULL ID of society (llx_societe->rowid)
fk_contact int(11) YES MUL NULL ID of contact (llx_socpeople->rowid)
fk_parent int(11) NO 0 ID of parent
fk_user_action int(11) YES NULL ID of user that own action (assigned to) (llx_user->rowid)
fk_user_done int(11) YES NULL Deprecated. Not filled/used.
fk_user_author int(11) YES NULL ID of user author who created record (llx_user->rowid)
fk_user_mod int(11) YES NULL ID of last user which modify the record (llx_user->rowid)
fulldayevent smallint(6) YES NULL Event on full day
transparency int(11) YES NULL transparency (1= busy, 0=no busy)
priority smallint(6) YES NULL priority of action
punctual smallint(6) NO 1
percent smallint(6) NO 0 percentage realised of action
location varchar(128) YES NULL
durationp real YES NULL planned duration
durationa real YES NULL deprecated
note text YES NULL comment
fk_element int(11) YES NULL ID of element
element_type varchar(16) YES NULL Type of element



Key Type Fields
idx_actioncomm_datea MULTIPLE datea
idx_actioncomm_fk_soc MULTIPLE fk_soc
idx_actioncomm_fk_contact MULTIPLE fk_contact
idx_actioncomm_fk_facture MULTIPLE fk_facture