Modul Kundenaufträge

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Modulname (engl.): Orders
Modulnummer: 25
Benutzerinfo: auf dieser Seite
Entwicklerinfo: Module Customers Orders (developer)


Mit diesem Modul können Sie Kundenaufträge verwalten (erstellen, bearbeiten, löschen).

You can also convert an order into an invoice (if Module Customers Invoices is used).

It provides also features to generate documents for each order in a format like PDF.

Suppliers orders are however manager by Module Suppliers Orders.


Dieses Modul gehört zum Standard von Dolibarr. Es ist keine Installation erforderlich.


Um dieses Modul nutzen zu können, muss es aktiviert sein.

Zum aktivieren müssen Sie als Administrator angemeldet sein

und gehen auf der Startseite zu Einstellungen > Modul/Applikation.

Scrollen Sie unter dem Tab/Karteireiter Verfügbare Module bis zu dem Modul.

Schauen Sie dann in der Zeile ganz rechts auf den Schiebeschalter.

Wenn der Kreis links und der Hintergrund weiß ist, ist das Modul noch deaktiviert.

Klicken Sie nun auf diesen Schalter. Der Kreis zeigt nun nach rechts und die Anzeige wechselt auf grün.

Nun ist das Modul aktiviert.

Wenn rechts neben dem Schiebeschalter noch ein Icon erscheint, können Sie durch einen Klick darauf weitere Einstellungen vornehmen (Setup).

Nach der Aktivierung müssen teilweise Einstellungen vorgenommen und Benutzerrechte vergeben werden.

Beachten Sie, dass die Aktivierung dieses Moduls automatisch das Modul Geschäftspartner aktiviert.

Life cycle / Business rules

A customer order follow the following life cycle:

If module shipment is enabled:

Draft --> Validated --> Shipment in process --> Delivered -------> Processed (=Delivered + Billed)
                   \                       \                   /
                    \-------------------> Invoice created ----/

If module shipment is not enabled:

Draft --> Validated ---> Shipped --------------> Processed (=Shipped + Billed)
                   \                         /  
                    \--> Invoice created ---/
  • The status "Order to bill" is not a status that is specific. For some users it will be same than status "Validated", for others, it will same than status "Delivered". This depends if you choose to make invoice before or after delivery (both are possible).

Once an order is validated, by its creator, if you enabled the shipment module, you can generate one or several shipment receipts to send products. This can be done at anytime before the order is canceled or closed with status processed.

You can also define an order as "Delivered" (change status to "Delivered") when you want.

You can generate one or several invoices from customer order when they are at status "validated" or "delivered". Note that, by default, invoices built from order have same content/amount but you can edit invoice, once generated from order, to change that.

If you click on "Classify billed" and "Classify Delivered", this switch status to "Processed" and order will disappear from menu "Orders delivered". It should be visible into "Orders processed".

Create an order

Creation of an invoice need to go on card of a third party, on tab "Customer" (this require your third party has customer nature).

If Module Workflow and Module Commercial Proposals enabled, you can also have a draft customer orders automatically created once a proposal is closed (You must set this into setup of Module Workflow.

Modify an order

To modify an order, go on its card (you can find order from menu Commercial - Customers order - List or from Thirdparty card - Tab customer.

You can edit it if order has draft status. If not click on action button Modify.

Process an order (Deliver and Bill)

To have an order processed, you must both ship it and bill it. So once an order has been completely shipped, you can go onto card to close it.

Note: If Module Workflow and Module Invoice are enabled, you can also Classify Billed your order automatically when a linked invoice is validated or payed.

Delete an order

To delete an order, go on its card (you can find order from menu Commercial - Customers order - List or from Thirdparty card - Tab customer.

Then click on action button Delete order.

Warning, a deleted order is definitively removed with no way to restore it.

Examples of use cases
