Dolibarr Project
Dolibarr history and future (Roadmap)
See page Origin, history and future roadmap of Dolibarr
Core actors and their roles in the Dolibarr galaxy
The current Dolibarr team is a group of people, helped (or sponsored) by miscellaneous physical or moral contributors (companies, foundations). The following chapters presents roles and functions occupied by everybody in the Dolibarr project management. This makes it possible to understand the way the project works. Some roles and functions are always waiting for candidates.
Volunteers to apply to a role in the project are invited to send a message on the Dolibarr forum.
If you need information to participate as a developer, the page Developer FAQ How to be an official developer may be more helpful.
The following link shows the list of actors that participate or have participated to the project: List of actors
The following chapters shows the different developer roles, then every non-developer roles. All these roles contributes to Dolibarr project's activity.
Developers roles
Developer grade Yoda (GIT merger, major version release manager)
Goal/Permissions: Global management of Dolibarr project. Merges PR into the develop branch. Organizes freeze, beta, create releases and packages for the develop branch. Make anouncements of the release of new major versions.
Currently has this role:
- Laurent Destailleur (DoliCloud) - Project leader since June 2008, also known as BDFL (Benevolent Dictator For Life, see
- Maxime Kohlhaas - Backup project leader
Juanjo Menent (2Byte) - Backup project leader- Retired/Désengagé/Retirado.Rodolphe Quiédeville - Initial author / project leader (2002 to june 2008)- Retired/Désengagé/Retirado.
Role need more people: No (by definition, this role is limited to the project leader and backups)
Note: All tasks to build a package for a new Dolibarr release are defined into the file build/makepack-howto.txt available into dolibarr sources.
Developer grade Jedi (maintenance release manager)
Goal/Permissions: GIT merge and also test the PR on already released versions (branches non develop). May also backport fixes done into develop branch (GIT cherry-pick). Create releases for maintenance versions and make announcement of this releases.
Currently has this role to work on modules:
- For branch N-1: Laurent Destailleur: position to be filled: Soon
- For branch N-2: Eric Seigne + Lionel Vessiller: position to be filled: No
- For branch N-x: None - position to be filled: Yes
Role needs more people: Yes. Please ask, if you want this role, at
Developer grade Admiral (GIT Pull Requesters)
Goal/Permissions: Develop, add code into GIT repository.
You become an Admiral as soon as your first GIT push request was validated. To submit new features or fixes, you must use the GIT push request system that does not need GIT write access.
Role needs more people: Yes (above all to submit bug fixes)
Article on this topic: FAQ How to become an official developer
Identified as having this role currently or recently (contributors found into
Developer grade Z-6PO (Translators on
Goal/Permissions: Translate files of fix translation (or typographic error).
Currently has this role:
- A lot of people are actually Z-6PO. Translation is now provided using platform. All users that are registered as translator on Dolibarr transifex project are Z-6PO.
Role needs more people: Yes (go on to find your language and apply to help)
Articles on this topic: Translator documentation
Developer grade Soldier
Goal/Permissions: Animate forums, communities, promote Dolibarr, etc....
Role needs more people: Yes (no limit)
Currently has this role:
- Number too high to be counted. Any Dolibarr users are potential soldiers.
And Darth Vader?
There are some parasitic people that pollute the forum with aggressive messages, which slows the development of Dolibarr rather than help improve with constructive criticism. Some argue rudely and in bad faith. Such people are Darth Vaders. Fortunately, statistically, there is only one or two Darth Vader per year ...
Other roles on Dolibarr project
Role A: Hosting web site ( or local portal)
Goal: Provide a platform and exploit it to host the Dolibarr web site (based on Joomla).
Currently has this role:
Dolibarr foundation (for International portal
Dolibarr foundation (for Arabic portal)
Dolibarr foundation (for Danish portal
Dolibarr foundation (for Finish portal
Dolibarr foundation (for French portal
Dolibarr foundation (for Japan portal)
Dolibarr foundation (for Nederland portal)
Dolibarr foundation (for Polish portal)
Dolibarr foundation (for Portuguese portal
Dolibarr foundation (for Romanian portal)
Dolibarr foundation (for Russian portal
Dolibarr foundation (for Swedish portal
Dolibarr German foundation (for German portal (for Spain and Latino America portal
Lorenzo_Novaro (for Italian portal
Nikos Drosis (for Greek portal
Role needs more people: Yes, we need people to animate and post news of websites.
Role B: Hosting demo site (
Goal: Provide a platform and exploit it to host the online Dolibarr demo (international version, autodetected language).
Currently has this role:
- Dolibarr foundation
Role needs more people: No
Role C1: Hosting wiki (
Goal: Provide a platform and exploit it to host the Dolibarr wiki (based on mediawiki)
Currently has this role:
- Dolibarr foundation
Role needs more people: No
Role C2: Hosting market place (
Goal: Provide a market place to centralise all external modules (based on prestashop)
Currently has this role:
- Dolibarr foundation
Role needs more people: No
Role E1: Responsible of DoliWamp (Dolibarr installer for Windows)
Currently has this role:
- Ksar
Role needs more people: No
Role E2: Responsible of DoliDeb+DoliRpm (Dolibarr installer for Ubuntu/Debian/Redhat/Fedora/Mandriva/OpenSuse)
Currently has this role:
Role needs more people: No
Role E3: Responsible of DoliMamp (Dolibarr installer for Mac OS X)
Currently has this role:
- Nobody
Role needs more people: No, package was abandonned.
Role G: Management of Dolibarr foundation
Goal: Create and manage the international foundation to promote Dolibarr and help Dolibarr users.
Currently has this role:
- 1 president - See page Dolibarr foundation.
- 1 secretary - See page Dolibarr foundation.
- 1 bookkeeper - See Dolibarr foundation.
- Other people into the Dolibarr foundation board team: See Dolibarr foundation.
Role H: Promote/Communicate on Dolibarr
Goal: Make communication for Dolibarr, on forums, news sites, press, etc... Write articles on Dolibarr web site.
Currently has this role:
- The Dolibarr foundation
- Role need helper. Thanks to volunteer to send a request at
Articles on this topic: Message samples used to announce new beta or release.
Role I: Dolibarr Tester
Goal: Test current development version of Dolibarr (GIT develop branch) and reports problems on GitHub issues.
Currently has this role:
- About 50 regular users currently have this role (number obtained by analysing messages on forum), more if we add temporary testers.
Role J: Administer domain names
Goal: Administer DNS of dolibarr domain names. Some are not used, just reserved to avoid cyber squatting. Ask us if you plan to use one of them to build a local Dolibarr community.
Currently has this role:
- Dolibarr foundation -,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
- -
- Nikos Drosis -
This the page that list known partners:
The GIT access
The GIT server is hosted by
- Instructions to access GIT in read mode to get current development version are on this page
- To request a write access, read FAQ How to be an official developer to known how project is organized and steps to do to reach this goal.
Channels of information on social networks
The Dolibarr foundation owns several channel networks to publish its information. Note that some members of the Dolibarr foundation may also use this channel to publish news.
See page FAQ How to be informed on news about Dolibarr project
Help the project
This is a list of task you can do to help the project.
If you are a developer
- If you are a developer, join the Dolibarr team. See Developer FAQ for this.
If you speak a non english language
- Translate Dolibarr application or Dolibarr web sites in your language. See Translator documentation.
- Submit articles to promote Dolibarr on informations web sites on your languages or your own web site. At least, a link to web site is never a bad idea.
If you are not a developer, nor a translator
- Complete documentation on this wiki, above all the section User documentation.
- Vote for Dolibarr:
- You can also decide to be a member of Dolibarr foundation. See here, to subscribe.
If you want to create a Dolibarr users' group or a local community
- Read our guideline on page Create a Dolibarr local community.
DevCamps Organization
See DevCamps Organization for this.
Even if you don't want to be a member of the Dolibarr foundation, you can use the subscription page to donate to help development: Subscribe