Table llx adherent

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Contains the list of members managed in the foundation module


Contient les adhérents du module association


Contiene la lista de miembros del módulo miembros



Version Dolibarr 15

# Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description History
1 rowid int(11) NO PRI auto_increment technical index
2 ref varchar(30) NO IDX
3 entity int(11) NO 1 See page Field Multi company id. (llx_entity->rowid)
4 ref_ext varchar(128) YES NULL See page Field ref_ext.
5 gender varchar(10) YES NULL
6 civilite varchar(3) YES NULL civility of member
7 lastname varchar(50) YES NULL name of member nom
8 firstname varchar(50) YES NULL firstname of member prenom
9 login varchar(50) NO UNI login of member
10 pass varchar(50) YES NULL login password of member password
11 pass_crypted varchar(128) YES NULL
12 fk_adherent_type int(11) NO MUL ID type of member (llx_adherent_type->rowid)
13 morphy varchar(3) NO person physical / entity
14 societe varchar(128) YES NULL society varchar(50)
15 fk_soc int(11) YES UNI NULL ID of society (llx_societe->rowid)
16 adress text YES NULL adress of member adresse
17 zip varchar(30) YES NULL postal code of member cp
18 town varchar(50) YES NULL city of member ville
19 state_id int(11) YES NULL
20 country int(11) YES NULL ID of member country (llx_c_pays->rowid) payes
21 email varchar(255) YES NULL email of member
22 url varchar(255) YES NULL website of member
23 socialnetworks text YES NULL
24 phone varchar(30) YES NULL phone of member
25 phone_perso varchar(30) YES NULL personal phone of member
26 phone_mobile varchar(30) YES NULL mobil phone of member
27 birth date YES NULL date of birth naiss
28 photo varchar(255) YES NULL url to photo of member
29 statut smallint(6) NO 0 status of member ( -1 : draft, 0 : terminated, 1 : validated)
30 public smallint(6) NO 0 flag to set or not public member
31 datefin datetime YES NULL date end of cotisation
32 note_private text YES NULL comentary note
33 note_public text YES NULL
34 model_pdf varchar(255) YES NULL
35 datevalid datetime YES NULL
36 datec datetime YES NULL creation time
38 fk_user_author int(11) YES NULL ID user author (llx_user->rowid)
38 fk_user_mod int(11) YES NULL ID user made last modification (llx_user->rowid)
40 fk_user_valid int(11) YES NULL ID user made validation (llx_user->rowid)
41 canvas varchar(32) YES NULL
42 import_key varchar(14) YES NULL Code used to save the import id. See page Field Import key.



Key Type Fields
uk_adherent_login UNIQUE login,entity
uk_adherent_fk_soc UNIQUE fk_soc
idx_adherent_fk_adherent_type MULTIPLE fk_adherent_type