Script rebuild merge pdf.php
This script is used to build one PDF that contains several other PDF. You can choose rules to define which invoice PDF you include or exclude to build the merged target PDF.
Ce script fabrique un fichier PDF à partir d'autres fichiers PDF. Vous choisissez en ligne de commande les règles pour définir quel PDF vous incluez ou excluez pour fabriquer le PDF cible.
Este script crea un fichero PDF a partir de otros ficheros PDF.
- /dolibarr/scripts/invoices/rebuild_merge_pdf.php
To run the script, go into the directory with script file and just type the php file as a command name:
If you get an error "File not found" or "Permission denied", try to launch the command by adding php or php-cli (with or without full path of php command) before the script name
php rebuild_merge_pdf.php
/usr/bin/php-cli rebuild_merge_pdf.php
To build/merge PDF for invoices with at least one payment in a date range, use parameter filter=payments (dates should have format YYYYMMDD):
rebuild_merge_pdf.php filter=payments dateafter datebefore
To build/merge PDF for invoices in a date range (dates should have format YYYYMMDD):
rebuild_merge_pdf.php filter=date dateafter datebefore
To build/merge PDF for all invoices, use filter=all
rebuild_merge_pdf.php filter=all
To build/merge PDF for invoices with no payments, use filter=nopayment
rebuild_merge_pdf.php filter=nopayment
To exclude credit notes, use
rebuild_merge_pdf.php filter=nocreditnote
To exclude replacement invoices, use
rebuild_merge_pdf.php filter=noreplacement
To exclude deposit invoices, use
rebuild_merge_pdf.php filter=nodeposit
To choose language for output PDF, use parameter lang=langcode
Some examples:
rebuild_merge_pdf.php filter=payments 20080101 20081231 lang=fr_FR
rebuild_merge_pdf.php filter=all lang=it_IT
The merged PDF is generated in /documents/facture/temp
Tables used/Tables utilisées/Tablas utilizadas
- Table llx_societe
- Table llx_facture
- Table llx_facturedet
- Table llx_paiement_facture (with option filter=payments)