Report board meeting 20240910 teleconf

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  • Title: Foundation board meeting
  • Date: 10 / 09 / 2024
  • Location: Online with NextCloud


Valid members of the board (subscription up to date), present:

  • Maxime KOHLHAAS
  • Alexandre SPANGARO
  • Emmanuel OYEZ
  • Florian HENRY
  • Nicolas ZABOURI
  • Philippe SCOFFONI



Foundation will take a conference booth at (9 & 10 octobre 2024) with Laurent, Emmanuel and Alexandre or Nicolas => Laurent DESTAILLEUR, Philippe SCOFFONI, Emmanuel OYEZ will be at the event on Dolibarr booth D16

Brand protection renewal

Trademark was renew for Europe and World under Dolibarr foundation => In progress for UK

Dolibarr lawyer

Argentina trademark subscription will take time.

Assurance Responsabilité Civile

Go for not cyber, only responsabilité civile : Validated for Onlynnov => Maxime : (+4), waiting feed back from onlyonv


Laurent will work on the future Dolistore as a Dolibarr module Nicolas will test (v2 +1) Planned date for Go Live : 01/01/2025


Winter DevCamp 2024 (max 70 places, 40 hotel rooms) : Nancy (Mercure hotel Nancy) Dates: 14 november to 17 november 2024 => First mailling to partner send 09/09/2024 => Discord will be the channel for the Bug Fix Contest (3 dolibear to win !)

Summer DevCamp 2025 : Valence (50 places maximum) Date : 5 june/8june or 12 june/15 june => Quotation on going

Winter DevCamp 2025 : Angoulême (Progiseize) or Noisy Le Grand (NET Logic) Date : TBD => To be organized. Progiseize + NetLogic must send an email with their intent to organize the event at with the name of the expected town => Florian ask them to apply.

DevCamp Germany 2024 (Munich) Dates : 29 novembre 1 decembre 2024 => Communication is done by German foundation on different platform => Dolibarr foundation agreed exceptionally the budget of funding to 100€ per person per day. Warning: The next time, the budget allowed must remains the target expected by the foundation. (80€ per person per day)

Task done by Laurent during past month (access not public),t.element_datehour,t.rowid&sortorder=desc,desc,desc&begin=&contextpage=timespentlist&search_user=2&search_date_startday=1&search_date_startmonth=6&search_date_startyear=2024&search_date_endday=30&search_date_endmonth=6&search_date_endyear=2024&projectid=1&withproject=1&page_y=45

Preferred partner

CYRITECH Cloud Security & Loans (Alain AZONLIGNON) ( => Validated Christophe TREMBLAY-GUILLOUX ( => Validated

GIF(F): Groupement d’intérêt Fonctionnel (et financier)

4 GIF in progress...

=> Tenant need to made invoice to fundation Function are integrated in v20 as experimental mode. Email will be sent with week

=> GIFF UX/UI has been launched next week. Financing in progress.

=> GIFF Facture électronique. First meet this afternoon.

Migrate AppViser page to the foundation

On going :


Germanophone doliday online will be done the 12 april 2024

Nord ERP CRM and Elonet will organize a Dolibarr Day in the north of France (Lille) => May be the 7 of november. Not confirmed yet.