Module My shortcuts

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Module Dolibarr: TOOLS My Shortcuts / Mis Atajos


Module name Module MyShortcuts
Editor / Editeur Paul Peña (
Download or buy page / Page achat ou téléchargement
Status / Statut / Estado Stable
Prerequisites / Prérequis Dolibarr min version 12.0    Dolibarr max verion 18
Last update date / Date mise à jour fiche / Fecha última actualización 2023-09-7
Note / Nota


This module adds valuable functionality to Dolibarr, allowing us to quickly and efficiently access transactions similar to the model used in SAP. By simply pressing the CTRL or ALT keys together with a specific letter or by typing a few letters followed by the Enter key, we can execute the tasks we need without wasting time manually searching the system for options. This not only increases our productivity, but also reduces the possibility of errors and streamlines our daily operations, which translates into greater efficiency and effectiveness in our work.

In Dolibarr, a transaction refers to a unit of work or a specific operation that is performed in the system. Transactions in Dolibarr are essential to perform various activities within the business system, such as processing orders, creating invoices, managing inventories, carrying out HR tasks, and more. Transactions are the way users interact with the system to perform specific business tasks. This module allows you to access many transactions directly by simply entering the standard or custom abbreviations or acronyms for your business.


  • Download archive file of module (.zip file) from web site or from any other source.
  • Install module into the custom folder of Dolibarr:
    • Go to Home - Setup - Modules - Deploy/install external app/module
    • Upload the file. Note: If it fails, you can manually unzip the file into the custom directory from command line: Go into the *custom* directory and uncompress file with command unzip
  • Module is ready to be activated and used.


To use this module, you must first enable it using an administrator account, via the menu option "Home - Setup - Modules".

Choose the tab where the module is listed. Then click on "Activate".

The module is now activated.

If a cog icon appears Cog circle.svg on module thumb or at end of the line of the module, click on it to access the setup page specific to the module.


Some transactions of continuous or repetitive use can be created, customizing according to the specific needs of the company, for example:

Keyboard shortcuts:

  • ALT + c Client Creation: To register new clients in the system.
  • ALT + p Quotation Creation. To register a new budget.
  • CTRL + q Exit the system: To Close the system.
  • ...

Search Shortcuts:

  • /COn Creation of new Sales order: To create Customer orders.
  • /VOn Creation of new purchase order: To create purchase orders to suppliers
  • /Tn Creation of a new shipment.
  • /TCn New Exchange Rate
  • /Pn New product
  • /Sn new service
  • /CONn New contact

These are just a few of the many available transactions that you can use with this module.

A - Shortcut Creation

To create a new Shortcut, you can do it from the Bookmarks area or directly from the Shortcuts Module option.

  • From the Bookmarks Area: (It is necessary to have the Bookmarks module activated)
    • Go to the transaction or page to which you want to direct your shortcut.
    • Then Open the Bookmarks Area
    • Click on the option Add current page to Shortcuts
    • The Shortcut creation tab will open.
    • Complete the data and confirm by pressing the button Create.
    • Shortcut creation

  • From the Shortcuts Module option:
    • Go to the Utilities Menu.
    • Click on the New Shortcut option
    • The Shortcut creation tab will open.
    • Complete the data
    • And confirm by pressing the button Create.
  • Create Shortcut

Before use, check that the key combination to use does not conflict with the browser. For example Ctrl + f It is used by the Web to search (Do not use this combination).

To see List of Hotkeys used by Windows and Chrome

B - Execution of Shortcuts (Transactions)

This module or plugin adds valuable functionality to our system, allowing us to quickly and efficiently access transactions similar to the model used in SAP. By simply pressing the CTRL or ALT keys together with a specific letter or by typing a few letters followed by the Enter key, we can execute the tasks we need without wasting time manually searching the system for options. This not only increases our productivity, but also reduces the possibility of errors and streamlines our daily operations, which translates into greater efficiency and effectiveness in our work.

Automated transactions with Shortcuts are essential to perform various activities within the business system, such as processing orders, creating invoices, managing inventories, carrying out human resources tasks and more. Transactions are the way users interact with the system to perform specific tasks.

Once the transactions or Shortcuts have been registered for our company, it is important to inform the staff and encourage their use.

Keyboard shortcut:

To execute a Keyboard Shortcut, you just have to press the key   ALT  or   CTRL  followed by the letter or number of the shortcut that we want to execute (you must press both keys simultaneously).

Search Shortcut:

To run this type of shortcut, click on the Search space of the system and type the abbreviation of the transaction or shortcut and press ENTER or click on the option In my Shortcuts.

  • You can directly type the Shortcut name (abbreviation)
  • You can write the sign   /  followed by name
  • You can write the sign   ?  followed by name
  • You can write the sign   -  followed by name
Shortcut Search

Complete list of Default Shortcuts

N Code Acción o transacción (es) Action or transaction (en)
1 /Un Usuarios Nuevo Users New
2 /Gn Grupos Nuevo Groups New
3 /Cn Cliente Nuevo New client
4 /Vn Proveedor Nuevo New Provider
5 /CPn Prospecto Nuevo New Prospect
6 /CONn Contacto Nuevo Contact New
7 /Pn Productos Nuevo Products New
8 /Sn Servicios Nuevo Services New
9 /Wn Almacenes Nuevo Warehouses New
10 /In Inventarios Nuevo Inventories New
11 /Tn Envios Nuevo Shipping New
12 /Rn Recepciones Nuevo Receptions New
13 /Jn Proyectos Nuevo Projects New
14 /An Tareas Nuevo Tasks New
15 /OEn Eventos Nuevo Events New
16 /CPn Presupuestos Cliente Nuevo Budgets New Client
17 /COn Pedidos Cliente Nuevo New Customer Orders
18 /VPn Presupuesto Proveedor Nuevo New Provider Budget
19 /VOn Pedidos de Proveedor Nuevo New Supplier Orders
20 /CIn Factura Cliente Nuevo New Customer Invoice
21 /VIn Factura Proveedor Nuevo New Supplier Invoice
22 /BOn Pedidos Facturables Nuevo New Billable Orders
23 /SAn Salarios Nuevo Wages New
24 /MPn Pagos Varios Nuevo Miscellaneous Payments New
25 /Mn Margenes Nuevo Margins New
26 /En Empleados Nuevo Employees New
27 /Hn Vacaciones Nuevo Holiday New
28 /Xn Gastos Nuevo Expenses New
29 /Ul Usuarios Lista Users List
30 /Gl Grupos Lista Groups List
31 /Cl Cliente Lista Client List
32 /Vl Proveedor Lista Provider List
33 /CPl Prospecto Lista Prospect List
34 /CONl Contacto Lista Contact List
35 /Pl Productos Lista Products List
36 /PSl Stocks Lista Stock List
37 /Sl Servicios Lista Services List
38 /Wl Almacenes Lista Warehouses List
39 /WMl Movimientos Lista Moves List
40 /WSADl Stock a la fecha Lista Stock to date List
41 /Il Inventarios Lista Inventories List
42 /Tl Envios Lista Shipping List
43 /Rl Recepciones Lista Receptions List
44 /Jl Proyectos Lista Projects List
45 /Al Tareas Lista Tasks List
46 /TSMl Tiempo Usado por Mes Lista Time Used per Month List
47 /TSWl Tiempo Usado por Semana Lista Time Used per Week List
48 /TSDl Tiempo Usado por Dia Lista Time Used per Day List
49 /OEl Eventos Lista Events List
50 /CPl Presupuestos Cliente Lista Estimates Client List
51 /COl Pedidos Cliente Lista Customer Orders List
52 /VPl Presupuesto Proveedor Lista Estimate Provider List
53 /VOl Pedidos de Proveedor Lista Vendor Orders List
54 /CIl Factura Cliente Lista Customer Invoice List
55 /VIl Factura Proveedor Lista Invoice Vendor List
56 /SAl Salarios Lista Wages List
57 /MPl Pagos Varios Lista Miscellaneous Payments List
58 /El Empleados Lista Employees List
59 /Hl Vacaciones Lista Holiday List
60 /Xl Gastos Lista Expenses List
61 /Ue Usuarios Estadisticas Users Statistics
62 /Ge Grupos Estadisticas Statistics Groups
63 /Ce Cliente Estadisticas Customer Statistics
64 /Ve Proveedor Estadisticas Provider Statistics
65 /CPe Prospecto Estadisticas Prospect Stats
66 /CONe Contacto Estadisticas Contact Statistics
67 /Pe Productos Estadisticas Products Statistics
68 /PSe Stocks Estadisticas Stock Statistics
69 /Se Servicios Estadisticas Statistics Services
70 /We Almacenes Estadisticas Warehouse Statistics
71 /WMe Movimientos Estadisticas Movements Statistics
72 /WSADe Stock a la fecha Estadisticas Stock to date Statistics
73 /Ie Inventarios Estadisticas Inventories Statistics
74 /Te Envios Estadisticas Shipping Statistics
75 /Re Recepciones Estadisticas Statistical receptions
76 /Je Proyectos Estadisticas Statistics Projects
77 /JLOe Oportunidades Abiertas Estadisticas Open Opportunities Statistics
78 /JPOe Proyectos Abiertos Estadisticas Open Projects Statistics
79 /Ae Tareas Estadisticas Statistical Tasks
80 /TSMe Tiempo Usado por Mes Estadisticas Time Used per Month Statistics
81 /TSWe Tiempo Usado por Semana Estadisticas Time Used per Week Statistics
82 /TSDe Tiempo Usado por Dia Estadisticas Time Used per Day Statistics
83 /OEe Eventos Estadisticas Events Statistics
84 /CPe Presupuestos Cliente Estadisticas Estimates Customer Statistics
85 /COe Pedidos Cliente Estadisticas Customer Orders Statistics
86 /VPe Presupuesto Proveedor Estadisticas Budget Provider Statistics
87 /VOe Pedidos de Proveedor Estadisticas Supplier Orders Statistics
88 /CIe Factura Cliente Estadisticas Customer Invoice Statistics
89 /VIe Factura Proveedor Estadisticas Invoice Supplier Statistics
90 /BOe Pedidos Facturables Estadisticas Billable Orders Statistics
91 /SAe Salarios Estadisticas Salaries Statistics
92 /MPe Pagos Varios Estadisticas Miscellaneous Payments Statistics
93 /Me Margenes Estadisticas Statistical Margins
94 /Ee Empleados Estadisticas Employee Statistics
95 /He Vacaciones Estadisticas Vacation Statistics
96 /Xe Gastos Estadisticas Statistics Expenses
97 ALT + C Nuevo cliente New Customer
98 ALT + P nuevos productos New Products
99 ALT + S Nuevos servicios New Services
100 ALT + J Proyectos nuevos New Projects
101 ALT + U Usuarios nuevos New Users
102 ALT + V Presupuesto para nuevos clientes New Customer Budget
103 ALT + O Nuevo pedido de cliente New Customer Order
104 ALT + I Nueva factura de cliente New Customer Invoice
105 ALT + G Nuevos Gastos New Expenses
106 ALT + A Nuevas tareas New Tasks
107 ALT + O Nuevos eventos New Events

More Info (In Spanish)

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