Module Membership management

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Numero/ID of module 310
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Developer doc. of module Module Foundations (developer)


The foundation module can be used to manage members of a foundation:

  • Define several types of member.
  • add/Validate/Edit/Resiliate/Delete a member card (characteristics, photos, ...)
  • Manage subscriptions is required or not.
  • Add/Edit/Delete subscriptions.
  • With module EMailing, send mass emailings to members or to a selection of members.
  • With module LDAP, synchronize members with a LDAP.
  • With module Banks and Cash, interface your subscriptions with treasury of your foundation.
  • Reporting.
  • Generic export with Module Exports.

All features to manage foundation members are in top menu "Members".

Dolibarr can manage your bank accounts but does not manage accoutancy. This means Dolibarr does not suit needs of a big foundation (more than 5000 members). There is also no salary management module. The foundation management modules is however a very good choice if your foundation as a budget lower than 10 000 euros/dollars a year.


This module is included with the Dolibarr distribution, so there is no need to install it.


To use this module, you must first enable it using an administrator account, via the menu option "Home - Setup - Modules".

Choose the tab where the module is listed. Then click on "Activate".

The module is now activated.

If a cog icon appears Cog circle.svg on module thumb or at end of the line of the module, click on it to access the setup page specific to the module.


Creation of a member type

Before starting, you must define the profiles of members. For this, create a new member type from menu Members type then New type.

Creation of personalized attributes

If you need to manage new attributes that are not supported on your members card (age of captain, size of member, etc...), you can define in menu Members attributes then New attribute, the list of of new properties you want to manage. Choose the label that will be shown for attribute, its code (that will also be used as field in database), its type and its size.

Creation of a member

A member has the following cycle of life:

Diagramme d'états d'un adhérent

To create a new member, go on menu Members - New member. A create form will be shown. Fill all required fields and click Create. Then, you can validate the member to status Validated by clicking on button Validate on the member card.

If you want this member to have a Dolibarr access, click on Create a user from its member card view. If you want this member to be a third party to send him proposals, invoices, etc, click on Create a third party from its member card view.

New or renew a subscription

A membership can be seen as a contribution (payment). However, we use the term of membership for certain types of non-contributory members, in which case the fee is free. This does not exclude their presence as a member is limited in time as well as those who pay a membership fee. The term "membership" so characteristic of a renewal of the association from a date and for a fixed term, that renewal is paid or not.

To enter a membership, go to the menu and then New membership Membership and enter the member sought. Or, go to the membership form and membership tab then New membership.

The history of membership is kept also the Membership tab of the plug member.

Cas d'une adhésion payée en plusieurs fois

En verysmall.png Page waiting for translation. To translate, create an account, go back and clic on "Modify".
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Pt verysmall.png Página a aguardar por tradução. Para traduzir, crie uma conta, volte atrás e clique em "Modificar".
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Prenons le cas d'une adhésion payée en trois fois. Demandez à votre adhérent trois chèques dont la somme est égale à la cotisation qu'il doit. Puis, pour dolibarr, le principe est le même que ci-dessus.

Une fois que vous avec cliqué sur Nouvelle adhésion, entrez la contre partie correspondant au premier chèque, et spécifiez la période de validité, dans notre cas cela correspond à 1/3 de l'année. Puis, dans le champ Libellé indiquez par exemple Adhésion 2008 1/3. Puis validez par un clic sur ajout adhésion. Recommencez l'opération deux fois de plus en adaptant les valeurs pour couvrir toute l'année.

Revoke a member

Go on its member card, then click on button Revoke.

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