Table llx societe account

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Contains the payment gateway accounts of companies (third parties), for example the Stripe user key.


Contient les comptes de passerelles de paiement des sociétés (tiers)


Contiene las cuentas de la pasarela de pago de las empresas (terceros), por ejemplo la clave de usuario de Stripe



Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
rowid int(11) NO PRI auto_increment technical index
entity int(11) YES 1 multi company id
key_account varchar(128) YES NULL the identifier of the third party on the external system (for exemple, when the Stripe module is enabled, the Stripe customer id related to this third party will be stored here)
login varchar(128) NO empty string
pass_encoding varchar(24) YES NULL
pass_crypted varchar(128) YES NULL
pass_temp varchar(128) YES NULL
fk_soc int(11) NO ID of society (llx_societe->rowid)
site varchar(128) YES NULL the external system name (for exemple when the Stripe module is enabled, this value would be stripe)
fk_website int(11) YES NULL ID of website (llx_website->rowid)



Key Type Fields