Roadmap and Release 18.0.0
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Version: 18.0 (List of other versions on page Category:RoadMap)
Release date: 18/08/2023
Main focus (What developers has mainly worked on, but not only, so for full list of changes see the detailed ChangeLog):
Detailed Changelog:
For uses: --------- NEW: Work for PHP 8.2 compatibility (not yet complete). NEW: Module Workstations Management upgraded to stable status. NEW: Module Webhook upgraded to stable status NEW: #23436 Group social networks fields NEW: Accountancy - Add specific page to export accounting data rather than the journals page NEW: Accountancy - Add sub-account balance FPC22 NEW: Accountancy - Manage customer retained warranty FPC21+ NEW: Accountancy - Manage intra-community VAT on supplier invoices - FPC22 NEW: Accountancy - iSuiteExpert export model NEW: Accountancy - Quadratus export with attachments in accountancy export NEW: Accountancy - Can filter on a custom group of accounts. Perf or ledger list. NEW: Can upload a file with drag and drop on purchase invoice, vats, salaries and social contributions NEW: Authentication: #22740 add OpenID Connect impl NEW: Authentication: add experimental support for Google OAuth2 connexion NEW: Authentication: can now edit service name for OAuth token NEW: Add a public virtual card page for each user NEW: Add a status on supplier price ref (WIP to close a supplier ref) NEW: add bookmarks in selectable landing pages for users NEW: Add column ext_payment_site into societe_rib to allow multiple payment mode NEW: add convertion of images to webp for a single image in website media editor NEW: Add CRC for currency symbol before amount NEW: add customer code to invoices listing NEW: Add filter on nb of generation done in list of recurring invoices NEW: Add filters and sort on product unit column NEW: Add link to edit VAT list from error message of missing VAT NEW: add margins in paiement/card.php NEW: Add mass action delete on VAT NEW: Add origin info when create a product batch when created from a movement stock NEW: Add possibility to choose format #21426 NEW: Add SQL contraint on product_stock table to allow only exsting product and warehouse #23543 NEW: Add STRIPE_DEBUG, a way to log Stripe IPN NEW: An external module can modify the quick search fields NEW: Auto activate some modules on install (Export/Import/Wysiwyg editor) NEW: Autofill email form with the email template with status "Default" on NEW: Bank name no more mandatory on creation. Can be generated if empty. NEW: Bank: Add fields zip, town, country for owner of a bank account NEW: batch referential objets NEW: Can add the add now link on date into addfieldvalue() NEW: Can bin accounting line for a given month NEW: Can edit account on miscellaneous payment (if not transfered) NEW: Can edit inline the VAT number from supplier tab NEW: Can fill date of salary payment with date of start of salary NEW: Can go back to draft on shipment when stock change not on validate NEW: Can modify bank account of sepa payment (if file not sent yet) NEW: Customers: add date due and labels into customer comm card NEW: Can select the export format during export of journals NEW: Can set a checkbox in formconfirm by clicking on the label NEW: Can set flag default value on email templates NEW: Can set the page "List of opportunities" as landing page NEW: Can show the sql request used on emailing selection NEW: can stay on edit field when errors occurs NEW: comment in api_mymodule for seperate methods NEW: constant PROPALE_ADDON_NOTE_PUBLIC_DEFAULT NEW: create email substitution variable for intervention signature URL NEW: Debug the custom CSS feature to avoid a directory search/scan at NEW: dev name NEW: Disable bad reputation product price NEW: dolExplodeIntoArray can accept regex NEW: dol_sort_array can sort on alphabetical order even if val is num NEW: element time integration code + SQL NEW: Email: don't have closed contact proposed as receiver for the mails NEW: Email-Collector: add field reply-to in email collector as possible filter NEW: Email-Collector: substitute date now in email collector NEW: Email-Collector: operation type in email collector to load or create contact NEW: Email-Collector: easier setup - can also use ! for negative search NEW: Events: can add any contact on events if global MAIN_ACTIONCOM_CAN_ADD_ANY_CONTACT is set at 1 NEW: Events: list with color NEW: expend/collapse list of social networks NEW: Filter on amount and qty on list of service's contracts NEW: formconfirm can support field with format datetime NEW: getCommonSubstitutionArray to have more substitute keys NEW: GeoIP: Can test a geoip conversion from the geoip setup page NEW: GUI: add a CSS editor into the admin GUI NEW: GUI: add dropdown button actions (example on Create button on project) NEW: GUI: color for start date and owner NEW: GUI: new tab for reception and shipment NEW: GUI: better design for the page of discounts of a thirdparty NEW: GUI: can set background style with MAIN_LOGIN_BACKGROUND_STYLE NEW: Help: Tooltip to explain how to add a photo on a product NEW: Help: Possibility to link to German pages in help NEW: helper functions for dates + small demo case NEW: hook printFieldListFrom in contact list NEW: HR - Salary: can modify the date of payment of a salary (if not reconciled) NEW: HR - Salary: date for salary payment includes the hour/min NEW: HR - Salary: adding button Send Email on the salary file NEW: Import: filter on entity in import NEW: Import: map table to element for get entity in import NEW: inc.php: handle parameters from argv NEW: Invoice - show category of operations NEW: Keep a link between user created from recruitment and application NEW: List product in orders NEW: Mass Actions: Better responsive for mass actions NEW: Members: add numbering modules for members NEW: Members: add widget box_members_by_tags.php NEW: Members: Captcha for public member's subscription form NEW: migration script + delete old table + rename fields and indexes NEW: MRP MO: Dynamic choice of warehouse and batch in MO production. NEW: Multicurrency REST API to create, update, delete, update rate... NEW: Multiselect for filter on prospection status NEW: [Bulk delete Project tasks] NEW: No overwrite of optionals during put() contact NEW: Notifications: add Customer Order delivered (ORDER_NEW) in module Notification NEW: Notifications: for Sign or Refused Propal from Online Page NEW: Now we can edit amount on VAT and salaries clone action NEW: only get openned contact from liste_contact function, to not have acces to closed contact as mail receiver NEW: Option to manage deposit slips for more payment modes (not only NEW: Option to show column for field and line selection on the left NEW: Orders: add sub total in order list det NEW: Orders export: allow to export field 'shipment method' NEW: payment default values when supplier order created from reception NEW: Payment : manage contracts NEW: presend mass action in contact list NEW: Print PDF: category of operation for crabe PDF model NEW: Print PDF: Name and date to print on PDF Sign NEW: Print PDF: Use the more recent PDF templates for documents by default on a fresh install NEW: product images on popup are cached NEW: Products: Add statistics by amount on statistics of products. NEW: Proposals: filter for Signed+Billed in proposals NEW: Proposals: can modify margin rates in offers like VAT rates NEW: Proposals: option filter for NoSalesRepresentativeAffected in proposals list NEW: Provide the oldcopy value when calling setValueFrom() function with a trigger key NEW: Reception: can receive more than qty ordered on reception NEW: referential objects of batch NEW: remove default percentage for event creation url NEW: remove keys whose table element is the same as element in map list NEW: repair script skip views NEW: Security: Save date to invalidate other session into user table NEW: Security: Invalidate all sessions of a user when password is modified. NEW: search on time spent duration range NEW: sepaStripe now creates the payment mode with type pm_ using new API NEW: set payment default values when supplier order created from reception NEW: set today start time at beginning NEW: Show counter of access of website in website list NEW: Show main currency in company info user tooltip NEW: Show module into list of emails templates NEW: Show picto into the combobox of widgets NEW: Show supplier invoice ref of direct debit transfer tab invoices NEW: show supplier name in getNomUrl of supplier order NEW: sort of column of custom group of account NEW: Supplier Invoices: add ability of ODT support to supplier invoices NEW: Stock limit for alert and desired optimal stock by product and warehouse import NEW: Stock: Add warehouse create and modify triggers. NEW: Stock: Can select several warehouses into the view stock at date in past NEW: Support different bank account for several direct debit payments NEW: Support multiselect in the warehouse selection combo box NEW: Option: MAIN_SECURITY_MAXFILESIZE_DOWNLOADED #yogosha10660 NEW: Survey: Comment on survey is possible only after vote. NEW: tables: llx_element_time to store time spent on several elements (mo, ticket...) NEW: TakePOS: adapt category and product pictures sizes on TakePOS NEW: TakePOS: limit load products in TakePOS NEW: The batch for remind on due date can be setup for using validation date NEW: The refresh link for imap collector is always visible NEW: The upgrade process can be done by creating a file upgrade.unlock NEW: Tickets: --Send an email when ticket assigned-- NEW: Tickets: Send a notification email when ticket assigned NEW: Tickets: set ticket status to answered if the client has answered from the public interface NEW: Tickets: added an option to display the progress of tickets on the public interface NEW: Tickets: add link to thirdparty tickets history NEW: Tickets: notify also the contributor affected to a ticket if a new message public is post (add global TICKET_PUBLIC_NOTIFICATION_NEW_MESSAGE_ALSO_CONTRIBUTOR) NEW: Use a cache file for external RSS in calendar NEW: Use by default the domain $dolibarr_main_url_root for SMTP HELO NEW: use more recent model by default NEW: VAT can be modified during add of line NEW: Website Module: Increment website counter on each page access in website module NEW: write all fields and their properties in asciidoc format NEW: Can add an array of several links in date selector NEW: Option PDF_SHOW_PHONE_AFTER_USER_CONTACT to show phone after specific assigned contact on PDF NEW: Option PDF_SHOW_EMAIL_AFTER_USER_CONTACT to show email after specific assigned contact on PDF NEW: Widgets: Implement MAIN_ACTIVATE_FILECACHE on birthday widget NEW: Widgets: Add widget "The next upcoming events" NEW: Widgets: Add widget of open opportunities NEW: use an ajax component to switch prospection status on thirdparty list NEW: Add partial payment reason "withholding tax" For developers or integrators: ------------------------------ NEW: Make it possible to select hours and minutes in form_confirm NEW: add triggers on mailing NEW: Add a trigger when create a shipping line batch and fix propagate missing errors NEW: add function for listiong objects from directory NEW: add helplist property to describe fields of objects NEW: add hook in loadLotStock() in html.formproduct.class.php file, add hook 'llxFooter', Add hook online sign NEW: Update lib parsedownto 1.7.4, phpspreadsheet lib to v1.12, ESCPOS v3.0, jquery, Stripe. NEW: Support contact in post() document API NEW: More APIs (update currency rate, upload of supplier documents, ...) NEW: ModuleBuilder: updating in modulbuilder on tab Menu when adding object NEW: ModuleBuilder: add/edit permissions NEW: ModuleBuilder: better generated documentation NEW: add sent info in the parameters provided to the hook sendMailAfter NEW: add setAsSelectUser into factory for generic setup page NEW: add option keepspace into dol_string_nospecialchar() WARNING: Following changes may create regressions for some external modules, but were necessary to make Dolibarr better: * Minimal PHP version is now PHP 7.1 instead of PHP 7.0 * The deprecated method "escapeunderscore()" of database handlers has been removed. You must use "escapeforlike()" instead. * The method "nb_expedition()" has been renamed into "countNbOfShipments()" * Revert default type of hooks. Default is now 'addreplace' hooks (and exception become 'output' hooks, that become deprecated). * Deprecated property libelle removed from entrepot class. * The type 'text' in ->fields property does not accept html content anymore. Use the type 'html' for that. * The module for WebService SOAP API have been deprecated. Use instead the Webservice REST API module. * The method htmlPrintOnlinePaymentFooter() used for public footer pages has been renamed into htmlPrintOnlineFooter() and moved into company.lib.php * The method getCheckOption() and deleteCPUser() of class Holiday has been removed (it was not used)