Table llx c payment term

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En verysmall.png The documentation related to other tables is available on the page: Table SQL
Fr verysmall.png La documentation relative aux autres tables est disponible sur la page: Table SQL
Es verysmall.png La documentación relativa a otras tablas se encuentra disponible en la página: Table SQL
De verysmall.png Eine Dokumentation zu weiteren Tabellen ist auf dieser Seite verfügbar: Table SQL
Cn verysmall.png与其他表相关的文档请参阅:Table SQL


En verysmall.png Contains the most current payment conditions for invoices: 30 days end of month, 60 days end of month, upon receipt, proforma, etc.

Fr verysmall.png Contient les conditions de règlement de factures les plus courantes: 30 jours fin de mois, 60 jours fin de mois, à réception, proforma, etc.

Es verysmall.png Contiene las condiciones de pago para las facturas más comunes: 30 días a fin de mes, 60 días a fin de mes, a la recepción, proforma, etc.



Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
rowid int(11) NO PRI auto_increment technical index
code varchar(16) YES NULL internal code used to refer to the translations
sortorder smallint(6) YES NULL order to view into a listbox
active tinyint(4) YES 1 is the payment condition active (1=yes, 0=no)?
libelle varchar(255) YES NULL label (name) shown on screen (this label will be used only if no translation is found in the language file)
libelle_facture text YES NULL label (name) shown on PDF documents (this label will be used only if no translation is found in the language file)
fdm tinyint(4) YES NULL end of month (eg "30 days end of month"). 0=no, 1=yes
nbjour smallint(6) YES NULL number of days after invoice for due date
decalage smallint(6) YES NULL if end of month is used, you can also add an offset for days from the start of month for the due date



Key Type Fields