Module Double Entry Accounting

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Numéro/ID du module 50400
Doc utilisateur du module This page
Doc développeur du module Module Double Entry Accounting (developer)


The Accounting Advanced module provide double entry accounting features. If you don't need double entry accounting neither editing a ledger, you may use the Module Accounting Simplified instead.

Its features are:

  • support for double entry accounting
  • grouping transactions in journals
  • support for exports (a lot of common software format are supported, and also CSV and FEC format)

Dolibarr provides ready-to-use chart of account for several countries:

  • Africa (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Comoros, Congo (Brazzaville), Congo (Kinshasa), Equatorial Guinea, Ghana, Marocco, Niger, Senegal, Tunisia)
  • Europe (Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, France, Germany, Great Britain, Netherlands, Romania, Switzerland, Spain, Sweden
  • South America (Chile)
  • And more... (see full list)


This module is included with the Dolibarr distribution, so there is no need to install it.


To use this module, you must first enable it using an administrator account, via the menu option "Home - Setup - Modules".

Choose the tab where the module is listed. Then click on "Activate".

The module is now activated.

If a cog icon appears Cog circle.svg on module thumb or at end of the line of the module, click on it to access the setup page specific to the module.


This module's general configuration page allows you to :

Adjust global options

Global options.png

Adjust binding options

Binding options.png

Activate the accounting lettering function

Lettering allows you to associate entries from the same account. In dolibarr, lettering can be used for customer or supplier account only.

For v2 lettering (as it's known internally), it currently only works on sub-ledger accounts. It is planned to work on an evolution (lettering v3) to take over G/L account lettering on the accounts you define.

Lettering V2 feature requires version 17.0.3 of Dolibarr to activate lettering :

Default accounts

After setting up your chart of accounts you have to tell Dolibarr to use them.

Warning: Make sure you have different accounts for the top 3 accounts from the ones at the bottom or else all the reports will be mixed/wrong.



Set up your custom journals. Here is an example including a special journal for Upwork "bank" account, taxes and an equity insert/take out.


VAT accounts

Setup the applicable VAT rates and accounts for your country.


Tax accounts

Setup the account from which you pay your tax.


Export options

Change these if needed.


Life cycle / Business rules

Usage of the accountancy module is done in several step:

The following actions are usually executed one time only, or once per year...

  • STEP 1: Create a model of chart of account from menu Financial-Accountancy-Setup-Chart of accounts models
  • STEP 2: Create or check content of your chart of account from menu Financial-Accountancy-Setup-Chart of accounts

Next steps should be done to save you time in future by suggesting you the correct default accounting account when making thee journalization (writing record in Journals and General ledger)

  • STEP 3: Check the default binding between miscellaneous transaction lines and accounting account is done. Complete missing bindings. For this you can use the menu entry Financial-Accountancy-Setup-Default accounts.
  • STEP 4: Check the binding between vat rates and accounting account is done. Complete missing bindings. You can set accounting accounts to use for each VAT from page Financial-Accountancy-Setup-Vat accounts.
  • STEP 5: Check the binding between special expences (miscellaneous taxes) and accounting account is done. Complete missing bindings. For this you can use the menu entry Financial-Accountancy-Setup-Tax accounts.
  • STEP 6: Check the binding between type of expense report and accounting account is done. Complete missing bindings. You can set accounting accounts to use for each VAT from page Financial-Accountancy-Setup-Expense report accounts.
  • STEP 7: Check the binding between loans payment and accounting account is done. Complete missing bindings. For this you can use the menu entry Financial-Special expenses-Loans or Financial-Accountancy-Setup-Default accounts.
  • STEP 8: Check the binding between bank accounts and accounting account is done. Complete missing bindings. For this, go on the card of each financial account. You can start from page Home-Bank/Cash.
  • STEP 9: Check the binding between products/services and accounting account is done. Complete missing bindings. For this you can use the menu entry Financial-Accountancy-Setup-Products accounts.

The following actions are usually executed every month, week or day for very large companies...

  • STEP 1: Check the binding between existing customer invoice lines and accounting account is done, so application will be able to journalize transactions in General Ledger in one click. Complete missing bindings. For this you can use the menu entry Financial-Accountancy-Customer invoice binding.
  • STEP 2: Check the binding between existing supplier invoice lines and accounting account is done, so application will be able to journalize transactions in General Ledger in one click. Complete missing bindings. For this you can use the menu entry Financial-Accountancy-Supplier invoice binding.
  • STEP 3: Check the binding between type of expense report and accounting account is done. Complete missing bindings. You can set accounting accounts to use for each VAT from page Financial-Accountancy-Expense report binding.
  • STEP 4: Write transactions into the General Ledger. For this, go into each Journal, and click into button "Journalize transactions in General Ledger".
  • STEP 5: Add or edit existing transactions and generate reports and exports.


These are examples of available export formats. Export can be done from the General Ledger:

Export Standard (TSV)

2012016	gérance janvier 2016 (SI1601-0668)	40100000	FGEFFROY	0	1000	ACH
2012016	gérance janvier 2016 (SI1601-0668)	64400000	1000	0	ACH

Export Cador

See Export Standard

Export Cegid

2012016	ACH	40100000	FGEFFROY	C	1000	GEFFROY OLIVIER - gérance janvier 2016 - Tiers	gérance janvier 2016 (SI1601-0668)
2012016	ACH	64400000	D	1000	GEFFROY OLIVIER - gérance janvier 2016 - Gerance	gérance janvier 2016 (SI1601-0668)

Export Sage Coala

02/01/2016	ACH	40100000	1	gérance janvier 2016 (SI1601-0668)	0	1000	E	FGEFFROY
02/01/2016	ACH	64400000	1	gérance janvier 2016 (SI1601-0668)	1000	0	E	

Export Sage Bob 50

1	02/01/2016	F	FGEFFROY	0	1000	GEFFROY OLIVIER - gérance janvie...
1	02/01/2016	G	64400000	1000	0	GEFFROY OLIVIER - gérance janvie...

Export Ciel compta format txt

1    ACH06022017020120161           FGEFFROY   gérance janvier 2016 (SI1         1000C                  GEFFROY OLIVIER - gérance janvier O2003
2    ACH06022017020120161           64400000   gérance janvier 2016 (SI1         1000D                  GEFFROY OLIVIER - gérance janvier O2003

== Export Quadratus format txt == (File:KB0014530 - Fichier d'entrée ASCII.pdf

MFGEFFROYAC00006022017 gérance janvier 2016C+000000001000        000000     1                        1       EURACH   gérance janvier 2016 (SI1601-0661                                                                                  
M64400000AC00006022017 gérance janvier 2016D+000000001000        000000     1                        1       EURACH   gérance janvier 2016 (SI1601-0661

Export EBP

10803	2012016	ACH	40100000	40	GEFFROY OLIVIER - gérance janvier 2016 -	1	1000	C	2012016	EUR
10804	2012016	ACH	64400000	64	GEFFROY OLIVIER - gérance janvier 2016 -	1	1000	D	2012016	EUR

Export Cogilog

ACH	2012016	1	40100000	GEFFROY OLIVIER - gérance janvier 2016 - Tiers	2012016	1000	gérance janvier 2016 (SI1601-0668)	GEFFROY OLIVIER - gérance janvier 2016 - Tiers
ACH	2012016	1	64400000	GEFFROY OLIVIER - gérance janvier 2016 - Gerance	2012016	1000	gérance janvier 2016 (SI1601-0668)	GEFFROY OLIVIER - gérance janvier 2016 - Gerance

Export FEC

FEC means Fichier des Écritures Comptables (French law), a TSV file but with the extension "*.txt".

JournalCode	JournalLib	EcritureNum	EcritureDate	CompteNum	CompteLib	CompAuxNum	CompAuxLib	PieceRef	PieceDate	 EcritureLib	Debit	Credit	EcritureLet	DateLet	ValidDate	Montantdevise	Idevise
V1	Journal des ventes	134	20191022	411	Clients et Comptes rattachés	411FINCORP	Fincorp	FC1808-0007	20180821	Fincorp - FC1808-0007 - Compte auxiliaire	10248	0					
V1	Journal des ventes	134	20191022	7061	Prestations de services 20%			FC1808-0007	20180821	Fincorp - FC1808-0007 - Prestations de services 20%	0	8540					
V1	Journal des ventes	134	20191022	44571	Prestations de services 20%			FC1808-0007	20180821	Fincorp - FC1808-0007 - TVA 20 %	0	1708					
AC	Journal des achats	135	20191022	401	Fournisseurs et Comptes rattachés	401DIVERS	Divers	HA1808-002	20180802	Divers - FF1808021 - Compte auxiliaire	0	32.9					
AC	Journal des achats	135	20191022	625128	Frais de repas 5.5%			HA1808-002	20180802	Divers - FF1808021 - Frais de repas 5.5%	26.92	0					
AC	Journal des achats	135	20191022	625127	Frais de repas 20%			HA1808-002	20180802	Divers - FF1808021 - Frais de repas 20%	3.75	0					

Article explaining the FEC format: