Dolibarr Preferred Partner
This page describe the Dolibarr Preferred Partner program of Dolibarr ERP & CRM software. You will find here terms and condition to be certified, and constraints and benefits. For a list of partners in the world, see the page List of Dolibarr partners and providers.
What is a Dolibarr Preferred Partner (Provided services)
A "Dolibarr Preferred Partner" is a service provider (developer and/or trainer and/or consulting company, and/or hosting) around Dolibarr ERP-CRM who is committed to proving his credibility and his involvement around of the product, which offers a guarantee of quality in its services.
The following is a list of all services a company can provide as a certified
- Installation / Setup
- User training / Development training
- Help and support
- Custom development
- Dolibarr web hosting (SaaS or cloud hosting)
Partners can offer one or more of these services but not necessarily all of them. Also, a company can offer all of these services without being certified. The label is above all a guarantee of involvement for customers but it can also be a way to benefit from some advantages (see below).
Do not confuse "Dolibarr Preferred Partner" with "Dolibarr Communities". Communities are groups of enthusiasts who work (without necessarily having references) on promoting Dolibarr. If you want to also create a Dolibarr community in your region or country, see Create a Dolibarr local community.
The list of Preferred Partners is available on the List of Dolibarr partners and providers page.
Obtaining the "Dolibarr Preferred Partner" label is absolutely not compulsory to set up a commercial activity around Dolibarr ERP CRM. 99% of companies offering service on Dolibarr do not have this Label. It is just, for a company, an additional criterion to reassure its customers.
Since Dolibarr is Open Source software, anybody can provide services or support on Dolibarr, with no need of particular authorizations, as long as the Rules to use the brand name "Dolibarr" are correctly applied.
Eligibility Rules
Eligibility rules for the label are:
- Being a company registered in your country.
Then you have to enter the following criteria:
For any country except Germany, Austria, Switzerland (cumulative points)
- A) The company must have a website, and at least 1 link, linking to the web site or https://www.dolibarr.xx (where xx is fr, es, it, de, pt...) must be included on a page (home page is better). Of course, like everybody, the company and its website must respect the Rules to use the brand name "Dolibarr".
- B) The company must be a moral member of the Dolibarr foundation (moral member, not individual member) for more than 1 year. To be a member of the Dolibarr foundation, just follow instructions on page Subscribe.
- C) The company should have
- submitted/published at least 500 approved lines of code or translations (in the source code, into a module on or onto the
- OR have represented Dolibarr in at least one computer room or congress during past year
- OR have published two press releases about Dolibarr into past year.
This point C is to guarantee that company is commited in the project community.
- D) The company must agree to have in its ranks at least one active contributor ("active" will be define by analyzing github, wiki OR forums contributions).
- E) A Preferred Partner, who sells modules of his own free will on online marketplaces in addition to, undertakes not to set the initial reference price of modules sold at a rate below the initial reference price on DoliStore (we are only talking here about the public reference rate, therefore for a sale for a new customer, for a first purchase, and outside of any reduction). Rule applicable from March 31, 2025). Reminder: the GPL license allows complete freedom of distribution (and therefore of sales rate) of Dolibarr modules, the latter being obligatorily in GPL, also, this point is only a rule specific to the Preferred Partner status.
For Germany, Austria and Switzerland
- All rules are defined on the page
Note about the complementary Preferred Partner program for Spain and Latin America
The standard Dolibarr preferred partner label guarantee only the involvment of a company, not its quality.
The preferred partner program is a different partnership that guarantee also the quality of the partner. This program is available for spain and latin america only and is provided by the company Please contact them for more information.
This advanced program also use its own different registered logo registered by
For all countries
The following constraints must be met to get the standard Preferred Partner label:
A1) The company must redirect clients with tasks that it can't provide to another Dolibarr Preferred Partner (list available here: List of Dolibarr partners and providers).
If the company provides hosting service Dolibarr (SaaS), it must agree with the following:
B1) Time to display of a Dolibarr page <2 seconds (measurement made at the Firebug plugin for Firefox)
B2) The hosting company must allow its SaaS customers to update their Dolibarr software if they ask it and if they did not customize it to a version that is not older than 12 months.
B3) All features included with the standard version of Dolibarr must be enabled. The company is free to add additional modules of features but not to remove some.
B4) If there are limitations of time that have been added in some offers, the list of limitatuon must appear in the general sales conditions / accommodation.
Note about the complementary Preferred Partner program for Spain and Latin America
The standard Dolibarr preferred partner label guarantee only the involvment of a company, not its quality.
The preferred partner program is a different partnership that guarantee also the quality of the partner. This program is available exclusively for spain anf latin america only and is provided by the company Please contact them for more information on this program.
This advanced program also use its own logo registered by and has its own constraints.
Process to get certification
For all countries except Germany, Switzerland, Austria
- Create a developer account on GitHub (go to At least one GitHub login will be required on the request form. This can be an existing account of a company developer.
- Join the Dolibarr association (Subscribe) and have been a member for 1 year.
- Fill in the following request form
Once the request is received, it will be reviewed (delay may take 1 to 2 months).
You will be notified of the result by email. If approved, the association will add you as a partner on the page List of Dolibarr partners and suppliers.
For Germany, Austria and Switzerland
- The process is defined on the page
Once the request is received, it will be reviewed (delay may take 1 to 2 months).
You will be notified of the result by email. If approved, the association will add you as a Preferred partner on the page List of Dolibarr partners and suppliers.
Note about the complementary Preferred Partner program for Spain and Latin America
The standard Dolibarr preferred partner label guarantee only the involvment of a company, not its quality.
The preferred partner program is a different partnership that guarantee also the quality of the partner. This program is available exclusively for spain anf latin america only and is provided by the company Please contact them for more information on this program.
This advanced program also use its own logo registered by
Rules of validity
- The certification is valid for a period of one year. It is reviewed annually and renewed automatically as long as the conditions are met (Note: The criteria, however, may have hardened in the meantime).
- The certification is valid for the countries whose language used is a language in which the partner serves.
For all countries
- The company is promoted by the Dolibarr foundation. For example, the company is highlighted on the List of Dolibarr partners and providers (Send an email to if it is not), but also on other information channels controlled by the Dolibarr foundation.
- The Company may use the logo "DOLIBARR Preferred Partner" on its website (in such a case, the logo must point to web site) and all its documents:

Note: The use of the logo dedicated to the preferred partner program is not allowed as it is a different partnership (except if you are also part of this program managed by

- The company may use all marketing materials provided by the foundation. For example, business cards, flyers, slide templates or roll-ups available at Git URL: git:// All of content into this repository is licensed under licence CC-BY-SA. You are free to modify, translate and use them.
- The company can then provide any kind of services on Dolibarr among the one described into first chapter, with price and condition of its choice (note that everybody can do this, due to the Open source licence of software, even without being a Preferred Partner).
- Note: The use of the word "Dolibarr" (the association's international registered trademark) and DoliStore remains reserved for the rules defined on this page.