Table llx user

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  Contains the users, together with their login and password.

  Contient la listes des utilisateurs avec leur login et leur mot de passe.

  Contiene la lista de usuarios con su login y su contraseña.



Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
rowid integer NO PRI auto_increment Technical index
entity int(11) NO 1 See page Field Multi company id. (llx_entity->rowid)
ref_ext varchar(30) NO See page Field ref_ext.
ref_int varchar(50) YES NULL
datec datetime YES NULL creation date
tms timestamp NO Current date Date of last modification. See page Field Tms.
login varchar(24) NO MUL user login
pass varchar(32) YES NULL user password
pass_crypted varchar(128) YES NULL user crypted password
pass_temp varchar(32) YES NULL temporary password when asked for forget password
civilite varchar(6) YES NULL
lastname varchar(50) YES NULL user name (field updated to lastname instead of name)
firstname varchar(50) YES NULL user firstname
office_phone varchar(20) YES NULL office phone
office_fax varchar(20) YES NULL office fax
user_mobile varchar(20) YES NULL mobile phone
email varchar(255) YES NULL e-mail
signature text YES NULL This field contains text that is added into default suggested email when you click on a button "Send by mail" and is also used to replace tag "__SIGNATURE__" into emails templates when using mass emailing module.
admin smallint(6) YES 0 user with administrator rights?
fk_societe int(11) YES MUL NULL ID of society (llx_societe->rowid)
fk_socpeople int(11) YES UNI NULL ID of contact (llx_socpeople->rowid)
fk_member int(11) YES UNI NULL ID of member (llx_adherent->rowid)
note text YES NULL comments
datelastlogin datetime YES NULL last login date
datepreviouslogin datetime YES NULL previous login date
ldap_sid varchar(255) YES NULL ID of LDAP
openid varchar(255) YES NULL
statut tinyint(4) YES 1 status of user
photo varchar(255) YES NULL filename or url of photo
lang varchar(6) YES NULL user lang interface
email_oauth2 varchar(255) YES NULL to set an alternative email to allow OAUTH2 authantication