Table llx commandedet

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En verysmall.png The documentation related to other tables is available on the page: Table SQL
Fr verysmall.png La documentation relative aux autres tables est disponible sur la page: Table SQL
Es verysmall.png La documentación relativa a otras tablas se encuentra disponible en la página: Table SQL
De verysmall.png Eine Dokumentation zu weiteren Tabellen ist auf dieser Seite verfügbar: Table SQL
Cn verysmall.png与其他表相关的文档请参阅:Table SQL


Fr verysmall.png Contient les détails des commandes clients, cette table est liée avec la Table llx_commande

En verysmall.png Contains details of customer orders. This table is linked to Table llx_commande

Es verysmall.png Contiene los detalles de los pedidos de clientes, esta tabla esta vinculada con Table llx_commande



Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
rowid int(11) NO PRI auto_increment technical index
fk_commande int(11) NO MUL ID of order (llx commande->rowid)
fk_parent_line int(11) YES NULL Since ?
fk_product int(11) YES NULL ID of product (llx_product->rowid)
description text YES NULL product or service description
tva_tx double(6,3) YES NULL VAT taxes
qty real YES NULL Quantity of product or service
remise_percent real YES 0 discount percentage
remise real YES 0 discount amount
fk_remise_except int(11) YES NULL ID of discount (llx_societe_remise_except->rowid)
price real YES NULL final price
subprice double(24,8) YES 0.00000000 price before discount
total_ht double(24,8) YES NULL total excluding taxes
total_tva double(24,8) YES NULL total tax
total_localtax1 double(24,8) YES NULL total local tax 1
total_localtax2 double(24,8) YES NULL total local tax 2
total_ttc double(24,8) YES NULL Total including discount and taxes (vat + localtax1 + localtax2)
product_type int(11) YES 0 type of prodcut
date_start datetime YES NULL start date if service
date_end datetime YES NULL end date if service
info_bits int(11) YES 0 TVA NPR or not
marge_tx double(6,3) YES 0.000 margin (margin on purchase price)
marque_tx double(6,3) YES 0.000 mark rate (margin on selling price)
special_code int(10) YES 0 UNSIGNED code for special lines. used for shipping (=1), ecotaxes (=2), product/service optional offers (=3). Otherwise=0
rang int(11) YES 0 order view
import_key varchar(14) YES NULL Code used to save the import id. See page Field Import key.



Key Type Fields
idx_commandedet_fk_commande MULTIPLE fk_commande