Table llx c stcomm

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  This table contains the commercial contact status of each third party of type Prospect. i.e. "do not contact", "contact pending", "to contact asap",...

  Contient les statuts de contact de chaque tiers de type Prospet . Par exemple "ne pas contacter", "contact en cours", "à contacter au plus tôt", ...

  Contiene los estados de contacto de cada tercero de tipo Cliente potencial. Por ejemplo "no contactar", "contacto en curso", "a contactar",...



Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
id int(11) NO PRI technical index
code varchar(12) NO UNI code of status
libelle varchar(30) YES NULL label of status
active tinyint(4) NO 1 is the status active?



Key Type Fields
code UNIQUE code