
En verysmall.png The vocation of this page is to aggregate some statistics about Dolibarr project.

Fr verysmall.png Le but de cette page est de centraliser l'historique de nombreuses statistiques sur le projet Dolibarr.

Es verysmall.png El propósito de esta página es centralizar las numerosas estadísticas del proyecto Dolibarr.


It is difficult to say how many users use Dolibarr as we don't have this information: As any Opensource software, Dolibarr can be downloaded from any external source we don't have statistics for. But we can provide information from the main download server (that is mirrored by Also note that downloading Dolibarr does not means, it is installed and setup.

Source/Date 2008-12 2010-02 2011-03 2012-02 2013-12 2020-12
Sourceforge server (nb of downloads/week) 500 1050 1350 2130 2180 3500

Note: Detailed statistics can be download from sourceforge API:


See page:

To help to improve this statistics, please read page Translator documentation.


See page

Social Networks

Date End 2012 End 2013 End 2020
Facebook followers 600 10074 41380
Twitter followers 110 325 17005
Linked In group members 163 229 1529
Youtube channel 60 71 2570


Date End 2012 End 2013 End 2020
Number of modules/addons available* 98 187 758

Note: * Source: The Dolibarr foundation (from Dolistore admin backoffice -> Stats -> Catalog statistics)

Web site statistics / Statistics des sites / Estadísticas Web sites

Date 2008-12 2010-02 2011-03 2012-01 2020-12
Web site 9 000 visits/month* 16 467 visits/month* 24 240 visits/month* 31 800 visits/month* 54 450 visits/month*
Demo 3 100 visits/month 3 563 visits/month 6 209 visits/month 7 838 visits/month 6 400 visits/month
Wiki 3000 visits/month
300 pages
8858 visits/month
674 pages
12050 visits/month
765 pages
20331 visits/month
830 pages
36 600 visits/month
1 366 pages
Forum 1280 users** 3084 users** 3408 users** 3903 users** 12108**

Note: * Source Google Analytics.

Note: ** This is for english forum only, users with trust level 1 only (users with trust level 0 are excluded). You must also add values for localized dedicated forums (french, spanish, ...) not included here.