Report board meeting 20191112 teleconf


  • Title: Foundation board meeting
  • Date: 12/11/2019
  • Location: Framatalk


  • Valid members of the board (subscription up to date), present:

Maxime Kohlhaas
Philippe Grand
Jean Heimburger
Laurent Destailleur
Florian Henry



  • Dolistore : Search by Dolibarr versions

Eldy recommend use of tag but need a development to auto add tag between two version
Task started : Regis is currently working on it

  • New version forum

Jean Traullé are working on preproduction. LAurent will check if it's OK. Laurent will ask us on Whatsapp to validate real migration

  • Task done by Laurent during past month (access not public):

  • Devcamp

Dates were be 29-Nov to 1-dec  at Pau (France)

  • MOOC

1 course is available in French. Source of the course is available on the github of the foundation.
=> We must get feedback and translations... 
  • Open-Source summit

10 - 11 december -
Subscription done - Dolibarr has stand A05

  • Video What's new in v10

Task started : Linuxscoop is working on this => Done

  • E-mail to send to invite members to give a note on Dolibarr

We need to decide to whom we can send an e-mail => mailing list of dolistore with status optin = true optin email partenaire (1000 accounts).=> Some development were done in October to be able to extract the list of members that opt-in to the mailing list and reuse it in Dolibarr emailing.

  • Get a full SVG logo for Dolibarr instead of a mix SVG + Font

=> Alexandre Ask to Bruno. Waiting feedback of Alexandre and Bruno.

  • Idea of a Dolibarr Tour to discuss (N.Zabouri)

Todo and Running Task

  • Communication with Bruno's help

Relook websites (Dolibarr CMS ? Wordpress ?)
Social media
Global strategy
=> The foundation has to write a specification of what's needed
=> Waiting for forum migration

  • Add a label "Dolibarr Accounting Partner" for accounting firm :

Donation : min 100 € or 50 € ? 
Have minimum 3 customers ? Using Dolibarr and interconnexion with their accounting software
Ok for accounting firm to create page on other supplier wiki page, Must be registered on Official "Ordre des Experts-comptables" at least in france
Alexandre works on a wiki to start a draft on this "Dolibarr accounting expert".
=> WIP. Meetup 12/11/2019 at Nancy with expert accountant. => Waiting feedback of the meetup.

  • Work on NF203 compliance ? Work finance by the foundation ?

https://infocert (dot) org/marque-nf/nf-logiciel
Alexandre gather informations about this and gets back to us

  • Point to discuss from DolibarrDay
Label qualité 
Témoignage client
Visibilité des Partner sur les sites.
=> CMS module in Dolibarr is growing fast and will be used to improve websites in the future
=> End of 2019 web site will be migrated with Dolibarr CMS

Pending tasks

This is list of task waiting to people to work on ideas.

  • Preferred partner process : check every year if the partner still meets the requirements

Who ? (administrative task)

  • Suggest to renew our whole partner/labels system (J.HEIMBURGER)

Suggestion need more info. What will be rules to define the label. Who will validate it ?
Rules for preferred partners are ok today, participating in the community development (new fundations, events, ...) is doable by any member of the community, can't be a new rule to become a preferred partner

  • Why not creating a dolibarr developer training to get better code in core and modules. (J.HEIMBURGER)

Suggestion need more info. Who will train, who will be trained, How, When ?

  • Why not make mandatory a training and/or a test of capabilities to be Official Preferred Partner or a Dolibarr provider, in favor of Dolibarr reputation. (J.MENENT)

Suggestion need more info. Who will build the test, who will follow and correct tests. How, When ?
Why not use Dolibarr Academy?

  • Why not make mandatory be preferred partner for a company or foundation member for a private person to build a Community, in favor the foundation has better control. (J.MENENT)

OK, currently, Portugal and Netherland have community but no preferred partner