Module Banks and Cash

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Numero/ID of module 85
User doc. of module This page
Developer doc. of module Module Banks and Cash (developer)


This module is used to manage bank or cash accounts.


This module is included with the Dolibarr distribution, so there is no need to install it.


To use this module, you must first enable it using an administrator account, via the menu option "Home - Setup - Modules".

Choose the tab where the module is listed. Then click on "Activate".

The module is now activated.

If a cog icon appears   on module thumb or at end of the line of the module, click on it to access the setup page specific to the module.


  • A bank account is a bank account (often this account can write cheques/checks or pay by credit card).
  • A cash, is cash account in which you put your cash or your wallet or cash register for merchants.

When we receive a payment by cheque/check, it will necessarily be deposited into a bank account but when receiving cash, you can store notes in a wallet, a cash register (cash account) as put them aside for deposit in the bank. Dolibarr can create as many bank accounts or credit union accounts as needed. To manage cash flow, it takes at least one (usually a bank account, unless the managed trade does not accept cheque/check or credit card and everything is made ​​in cash, purchase as a sale), but this is optional. If the cash should not be managed by Dolibarr, the module Bank / Fund may be disabled.

Lifecycle / Management Rules

  Page waiting to complete. To complete, create an account, go back and clic on "Modify".
  Page en attente d'être complété. Pour compléter, créez un compte, revenez et cliquez sur "Modifier".
  Página a completar. Para completarla, cree una cuenta, vuelva a la página y haga clic en "editar"
  Seite wartet auf Vervollständigung. Um zu helfen, erstelle ein Konto, gehe zurück und klicke auf "Bearbeiten".

Create a new account / cash

1.1 / Click on the menu Bank/Cash.

1.2 / Click on "New Financial Account" in the left column.

1.3 / Specify Account Label and complete the details requested, and click on "Create Account ".

2.1 / Under the heading "Bank accounts" in the left column, click the Account Label you just specified.

2.2 / For the "Account Type" of "Current or credit card account" or "Savings account", Select the tab "Bank Account Number" and click "Edit" (bottom right) to fill in the details etc. GDI.

2.3 / You can now select the account for transfers in the module "Invoices and Credits" [login as an administrator, Configuration / Modules / Modules Financial (Accounting/Cash)]

Deleting / Disabling an account

To disable an account

To disable (close) a financial account, go on menu "Bank/Cash". Choose the bank account to delete on left menu. The card of bank account will appears. Click on "Modify" and change status to "Closed". You can enable back the account when you want.

To delete an account

Warning, deleting an account will remove account but also all reconciliated records for this account. In most cases, you will prefer to disable only the bank account (see previous paragraph). To delete a financial account, go on menu "Bank/Cash". Choose the bank account to delete on left menu. The card of bank account will appears. Click on "Delete" and confirm.

Example of use case

  Page waiting to complete. To complete, create an account, go back and clic on "Modify".
  Page en attente d'être complété. Pour compléter, créez un compte, revenez et cliquez sur "Modifier".
  Página a completar. Para completarla, cree una cuenta, vuelva a la página y haga clic en "editar"
  Seite wartet auf Vervollständigung. Um zu helfen, erstelle ein Konto, gehe zurück und klicke auf "Bearbeiten".



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