Foundation Administrator Tasks

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Goal of this page is to describe different tasks the foundation administrator must work on.

Web site or Social networks

Post news on web site then social networks

When: When a topic to post a news come. Good frequency is at least 1 post per week (major or minor news).

Estimated monthly duration: 2h


  • When a news is possible, post a news onto and by creating a new article into Joomla admin console of portals.

Example of major news:

- new stable version of dolibarr.

- happy new years.

- summary of major event.

Once news is posted onto portal, take url of news page and use it to submit news on social networks from HootSuite.

  • Or for minor information, just post directly news/link/image onto Hootsuite to push it on social networks.

Example of minor news:

- new version of a module

- stats

- article found into press

Add new surveys

When: Change survey on and (At least once a month)

Estimated monthly duration: 0.2h

How: Add a new survey into Joomla backoffice and post a news onto communication networks (social networks, mailing-list) to invite to vote.

Moderate Dolibarr Forum

When: a mail is receive by an forum administrator How: Banned or approve a message

Process request to make advertising on Dolibarr web site

When: When someone ask to use Dolibarr banners.

Estimated monthly duration: 0.1h

How: Add a new banner with duration onto Joomla Backoffice. Send invoice to requester.


Each quarter, the foundation must provide information for book keeper. This is how to find/generate such documents.


When: Once a month

Estimated monthly duration: 3h


Conciliate into Dolibarr at end of month bank account. For this:

  • You can use scan of bank receipts and export of Paypal transactions.
  • Create an invoice at end of each month to enter amount earned from dolistore onto CEP using generic customer "Client DoliStore CEP".

Generate documents for book keeper

When: Once a quarter, we must send to Dolibarr foundation book keeper, documents to make accountancy.

Estimated weekly duration: 1h

How: For this:

1) Run script rebuild_merge_pdf to create a PDF with all customer invoices (subscriptions) with payments during the quarter, on each bank account:

cd /home/dolibarr/
scripts/invoices/rebuild_merge_pdf.php filter=payments 20130101 20130331 filter=bank CEP filter=excludethirdparties 962 lang=fr_FR regenerate=crabe
scripts/invoices/rebuild_merge_pdf.php filter=payments 20130101 20130331 filter=bank Caisse filter=excludethirdparties 962 lang=fr_FR regenerate=crabe

Rename all generated files (found onto server into /home/dolibarr/ to replace "merged_payments_" with "Cotisations_"

Save all generated PDF (found onto server into /home/dolibarr/ into directory

/compta/Cotisations encaissées sur CEP ou caisse directement

If there is no generated files, put instead an empty text files, into this directory, with name "Aucune adhésion par paiement sur CEP au Xeme trim.txt"

2) And to get invoices for subscriptions done onto paypal:

cd /home/dolibarr/
scripts/invoices/rebuild_merge_pdf.php filter=payments 20130101 20130331 filter=bank Paypal filter=excludethirdparties 50 lang=fr_FR regenerate=crabe

Rename all generated files (found onto server into /home/dolibarr/ to replace "merged_payments_" with "Cotisations_"

Save all generated PDF (found onto server into /home/dolibarr/ into directory

/compta/Cotisations encaissées via Paypal

3) Run script rebuild_merge_pdf to create PDF with customer invoices for generic Dolistore client, with payment during the quarter, on each bank account

cd /home/dolibarr/
scripts/invoices/rebuild_merge_pdf.php filter=payments 20130101 20130331 filter=bank CEP filter=onlythirdparties 962 lang=fr_FR regenerate=crabe
scripts/invoices/rebuild_merge_pdf.php filter=payments 20130101 20130331 filter=bank Caisse filter=onlythirdparties 962 lang=fr_FR regenerate=crabe

Rename all generated files (found onto server into /home/dolibarr/ to replace "merged_payments_" with "Ventes_Dolistore_via_CEP_ou_Caisse_"

Save all generated PDF into directory

/compta/Factures Ventes Dolistore CEP directement

If there is no payment files, put instead an empty text files, into this directory, with name "Aucun achat via DoliStore via CEP.txt"

4) Run export of bank receipt for month of quarter on each bank account

cd /home/dolibarr/
scripts/bank/export-bank-receipts.php CEP 201301 excel2007 lang=fr_FR
scripts/bank/export-bank-receipts.php CEP 201302 excel2007 lang=fr_FR
scripts/bank/export-bank-receipts.php CEP 201303 excel2007 lang=fr_FR
scripts/bank/export-bank-receipts.php CEPEPARGNE 201301 excel2007 lang=fr_FR
scripts/bank/export-bank-receipts.php CEPEPARGNE 201302 excel2007 lang=fr_FR
scripts/bank/export-bank-receipts.php CEPEPARGNE 201303 excel2007 lang=fr_FR
scripts/bank/export-bank-receipts.php Caisse 201301 excel2007 lang=fr_FR
scripts/bank/export-bank-receipts.php Caisse 201302 excel2007 lang=fr_FR
scripts/bank/export-bank-receipts.php Caisse 201303 excel2007 lang=fr_FR

Save all generated Excel files (found onto server into /home/dolibarr/ into directory

/compta/Relevés bancaires simplifiés rapprochés

Note: Receipt for Paypal account is not provided to book keeper.

5) Then open each files saved at previous step into (one file per month) into /compta/Relevés bancaires rapprochés, and for each line with

> Transfert vers CEP

replace line with

> Transfert vers CEP (Cotisations X + Ventes Clients Dolistore Paypal Y)

X is sum of all subscriptions found for month, onto PDF generated at step 2, Y is (amount of line - X).

6) Go into GED module of the foundation Dolibarr, section Supplier invoices. Sort on date. Then download each file and save it into directory.

/compta/Factures fournisseurs (si obtenues)

7) Go into GED module of the foundation Dolibarr, section Relevés bancaires. Then download each file and save it into directory.

/compta/Relevés bancaires détaillés origines

8) Once all of this is done, copy directory /compta into a USB drive or create a zip file to send it by email to the foundation book keeper (email address is available into the gmail contact account of the foundation).

Manage Emails received for Dolistore support

When: At least once a week

Estimated monthly duration: 4h

How: Read frequently mailbox "DoliStore - Assistance à traiter" and process following steps

If a member ask the dolistore 20% discount

  • First check user is a valid member (subscription is up to date)
    • If no ask user information about its last subscription to be sure.
    • If yes, go onto backoffice and check member as an account.
      • If no, ask him to create a dolistore account first
      • If yes, edit its account and add "Foundation Members" to its groups, and modify default group to "Foundation Members"

If a customer has a not valid link

When: When a buyer has paid a module but link he received did not works:

  • Go onto Dolistore admin - Orders - and read state of order.
    • If status is "payment accepted", send customer the file.
    • If status is "payment accepted":
      • If confirm email was received by customer or if paypal account payment was recorded into paypal dashboard, modify status into dolistore to "Payment accepted".
      • If not, answer to ask customer the paypal payment email that confirm transaction. Do previous point, once received.

If a paypal dispute email was received

Just read dispute and try to find a solution.

If customer request help

Remind him to call to author

If customer request payment back

Make the refund on payment system + into dolistore backoffice.

Other email

Keep them into the inbox. A member of the foundation office will process them.

Note: Once processed, EMails must be moved into a specific dir (for example "Dolistore - Assistance traitées", ...)

Validate new uploaded modules

When: Once a week

Estimated monthly duration: 1h

How: Read frequently mailbox "DoliStore - Assistance à traiter" and process following steps

  • Go onto Dolistore admin, and if there is new submitted modules, check everything is ok with new submissions
    • If yes, validate new module
    • If no, send an email to submitter to ask him to fix his submission.

Process requests for new Preferred Partner program

When: When a request to be a preferred partner is received

Estimated monthly duration: 0.5h

How: When a request to be a preferred partner is received,

- if request is for a spain or latino america, transfer email to 2byte.

- if request is for another country, check that prerequisites are filled and document is provided. Ask it if not. If document is ok, send an email to foundation board to ask them to vote yes or no. If vote is no, answer requester and tell him why. If vote is yes, update wiki pages to add new partner, update member card into the Dolibarr foundation to classify requester into category "Preferred Partner" -> This add automatically member to the preferred partner mailing-list.

Process expired Preferred Partner program

When: When a preferred partner is no more a partner

Estimated month duration: 0.2h

How: Update the Dolibarr foundation to remove the category "Preferred Partner" of member.

Manage Foundation members

Send remind for subscription

When: Once a month, send a remind for late subscriptions

Estimated monthly duration: 0.2h

How: Use Dolibarr emailing module to send a remind to each member with a late subscription.

Record new subscriptions

When: When an email saying a subscription was paid or cheque is received.

Estimated monthly duration: 3h

How: When we received an email to say a subscription was paid, go onto the foundation Dolibarr and

  • Validate member if member has status Draft.
  • Enter subscription (and check the box to send confirm email). You may need to create the Thirdparty from the member card before. Send invoice when required.

Manage Foundation board members

When: When the foundation board members change (each year)

Estimated monthly duration: 0.1h

How: Each time there is one more or less member of the foundation board team, we must administrate credentials

  • Go into Dolibarr and add/remove the member into category "Membres CA" -> This should also register/unregister email to Dolibarr foundation board mailing-list.
  • Add/disable Linux accounts onto foundation servers (Add/remove public key of user).
  • Edit Joomla back office to add/disable admin permissions for user.
  • Edit Wiki back office to add/disable admin permissions for user.
  • Edit Dolistore back office to add/disable admin permissions for user.


Promotion of the month

When: Once a month, create the "Promotion of the month"

Estimated monthly duration: 0.5h


Once a month, choose a product with editor that allow to make a 50% promotion for one month (email exchange). Setup Dolistore to add promotion and post a news onto facebook - twitter - google+ - mailing list foundation. Remove promotion for previous "Promotion of the month".

Process request to Dolistore supplier payments

When: Once requested by supplier

Estimated monthly duration: 4h


Enter supplier invoice and make withdrawal. Answer requester by email.

Support on Wiki and Doliforge

Create accounts

When: When a email is received to create an account onto wiki or to validate a project on doliforge.

Estimated monthly duration: 0.5h


When such an email is received into the foundation mailbox, admin guy must:

  • create account onto wiki
  • answer the requester with the credentials of created account
  • Email must then be moved into Imap directory "Support".

Adding URL to pages

When: When a email is received to be included into partner/user list.

Estimated monthly duration: 0.1h


There is some page to list companies that use Dolibarr or provide support on it (For example all subpages of page List of Dolibarr partners and providers. Visitor can add their record themself, except for their URLs because of antispam system (only white-list URLs are allowed). If a visitor send a mail to ask to add its URL, this is what to do:

Specific development or tasks on Dolibarr project

When: When there is time to work on this.

Estimated monthly duration: 8h


This is specific works. For example:

  • dolibarr fix bugs or tasks
  • enhancements into dolistore module

This is example of specific works. For example:

  • upgrade of software tools (joomla, mediawiki, tuleap, ...)

Admin Proxmox

[[File::Warning]] There is no more Proxmox server.

When: When there is a need for a new VM.

Estimated monthly duration: 0.1h


The server of the foundation run with Proxmox OS. Sometimes it may be necessary to do some install/reinstall of VM. This is a quick tutorial to manage Proxmox.

  • To create a new VM, click on create CT and choose image *.tar.tgz into


  • To restore a VM after a corruption of server:
cd /var/lib/vz/dump
vzrestore vzdump-openvz-200.tar 202

Once restoration is done, if this is a copy of an old VM, from Proxmox web interface, do:

  • Add ip address on new VM with a new IP address
  • Remove old ip address to avoid duplicate use by 2 different VMs.
  • Change hostname on tab DNS of the VM.
  • Set memory of the new VM
  • Log into ssh: Change apache virtual host to set new host name
  • For prestashop, if VM has a new url, go into database to set correct url into table ps_configuration (var PS_SHOP_DOMAIN, PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL, CANONICAL_URL) and ps_shop_url
  • For wiki, if VM has a new url, go into database to set correct url into file LocalSettings.php
  • If VM is a backup VM, disabled also root cron tasks

Admin Public Cloud


Report its time spent on the Dolibarr of foundation

When: At beginning of a new month for previous month

Estimated monthly duration: 0.2h

How: Filling the reporting sheet of time spent.


How cost a salary ? This is some answer provided by another french foundation:

"On compte en ratio "coût salarial" / "salaire net" de 1,9. Donc pour 100€ perçu par le salarié, l'employeur paye environ 190€, la différence allant dans les caisses de cotisation (retraite, chômage, DIF, etc.) + CSG et consorts.

Le salaire net est environ 77% du salaire brut. Le brut est environ 130% le salaire net.

Ces estimées sont valables pour un salaire net pas trop faible, ni trop élevé. En effet, si le salaire est inférieur à 1,6 SMIC, la réduction Fillon est applicable, et tu payes moins de cotisations (28,1 % d'allègement de cotisation dites patronales pour un salarié au SMIC, 0% pour un salaire à 1,6 SMIC, et une décroissance linéaire entre les deux). Si le salaire dépasse certains plafonds fixé par la sécu, une tranche "B" (puis deux "B" et "C") de cotisation supplémentaire sont applicables (premier plafond : 37 548 € de salaire brut, second plafond à 4x ça). Aussi, pour les cadres, la principale différence (pour un salarié en tranche A) est le paiement de la CET, qui supposent 0.35% de cotisations en plus.

Dans les coûts annexes à prévoir en plus du salaire :

  • la taxe sur les salaires, si vous ne faites pas la récupération de la TVA (de l'ordre de 1k€ par salarié) ;
  • la gestion de la paye (l'association PPSJ fait ça pour quelques centaines d'euros par an). Rem: Plus simple encore, le service chèque emploi association www.cea.urssaf. fr/ceawebinfo/cms/index.html
  • les visites médicales (un billet de 130€ à chaque visite) ;
  • les avantages en nature (ticket resto, etc.)."