FAQ Agenda EN

How to Export the Dolibarr Agenda (for example to include it into Google)?

  • Activate module Agenda,
  • Create events and tasks,
  • Into tab "Other" of Agenda module setup pages, into field "Key to allow the export": enter a word of your choice (example: "DUMMY" and click on Save)
  • Get the link on line: "An export link to ical format is available at following link".

Example of build link (with "DUMMY" as key word) :

  • Go on Google and "agenda parameters" > add an agenda > add by url, enter the above link.

Problems already known: if the following message appears :
Impossible to get URL, because the robots.txt file does not allow exploration.
edit file robots.txt that is present into your Dolibarr root web site, and change it to have:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

User-agent: Googlebot
Disallow: /
Allow : /comm/action/agendaexport.php?format=ical&type=event&exportkey=DUMMY

Warning; You must wait 24 hours before the change is known by Google.