Electronic Billing
This page presents a description of the rules and solutions for electronic invoicing (e-invoicing, e-billing) and e reporting.
The laws, rules, and solutions to read, generate and send e-invoice depend on your country...
Belgium (Peppol BIS Billing 3.0)
The electronic invoice format in Belgium is Peppol BIS Billing 3.0, which uses the UBL structure defined by the OASIS organization: https://docs.oasis-open.org/ubl/
Here are some links about this format:
The Belgian parliament approved the law implementing mandatory domestic B2B eInvoicing in Belgium as from 1 January 2026
Dolibarr support
To generate invoices in this format, you need to install the module:
Legislation and current status
- B2G: Yes
- B2B: Not yet
- E-reporting: Not yet
Note: Belgium already offers a platform called Mercurius, where you can send manually classic invoice to get a Peppol invoice.
A peppol file can be validated here: https://ecosio.com/en/peppol-and-xml-document-validator/#
To know if a peppol file has been published on the oeppol network, you can follow this tutorial: https://openpeppol.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Belgium/pages/624689399/Ma+facture+a-t-elle+t+bien+re+ue+par+le+client+Quel+est+son+statut
France (Factur-X, Peppol BIS Billing 3.0)
The government has specified three types of electronic invoice formats:
- Factur-X, sometimes incorrectly written as FactureX (Hybrid Format PDF A/3 + Structured Data in XML included in the PDF)
- CIUS for Chorus Pro (Cross Industry Invoice (CII))
- Peppol BIS Billing 3.0 (Universal Business Language (UBL) format)
Any of these formats can be used in France. The Dolibarr software has chosen the first format. It is already compatible (see below).
Initially, the first deadline was set for January 1, 2024. The schedule was modified at the end of 2023 by the government. It is now as follows:
- From September 1, 2026: Obligation to receive electronic invoices for all businesses.
All companies are required to receive their invoices in electronic format. Only large companies (employing at least 5,000 employees or with a turnover exceeding 1.5 billion euros) and medium-sized companies (employing between 250 and 4,999 employees or with a turnover not exceeding 1.5 billion euros) are required to issue invoices in electronic format.
- From September 1, 2027: All SMEs and micro-enterprises will be required to issue electronic invoices (postponable until December 1, 2027).
Dolibarr support
To generate invoices in the Factur-X format, you need to install the FacturX module available on Dolistore:
This module, or a modified or Dolibarrized version of the module, will be integrated as standard in a future version of Dolibarr.
Once the document is generated, it must be transmitted to a centralized platform. Sending the invoice directly to your client via email will no longer be possible.
Dolibarr, like any invoicing software, will therefore need to interface with a PDP (private intermediary operator) or the PPF (the state's centralized platform for submitting invoices). This point has not yet been developed because the government platform and specifications for such automatic invoice transfer are not yet ready. The development will be carried out as soon as they are available. See the page GIFF Facture électronique.
Note: France already offers a platform called Chorus-Pro, where it is mandatory to submit invoices in certain cases (e.g., invoices intended for the administration). To interface your Dolibarr with this platform, you need to either submit invoices manually onto this platform, or to use a third-party service for submission directly from Dolibarr, for example by using:
- The Chorus Pro Module - Subscription from EasyaSolution.
- The EDI Chorus Module
- The platform HeyBilly which interfaces with the Chorus APIs and Dolibarr APIs.
Legislation and current status
- https://ec.europa.eu/digital-building-blocks/sites/display/DIGITAL/eInvoicing+in+France
- B2G: Yes
- B2B: Not yet
- E-reporting: Not yet
Germany (Factur-X / ZUGFeRD, Peppol BIS Billing 3.0)
The electronic invoice format in Germany is Factur-X, which is the same as in France. However, its German name, ZUGFeRD, can also be used. This standard involves integrating structured invoice data into an XML file embedded within the PDF A/3 of the invoice. All authorities at federal and national level are mandated to always offer a Peppol transmission if an automated data exchange is provided for the delivery of eInvoices. The XRechnung format being specific to Germany, economic operators should select a provider that is accredited by the German Peppol Authority. This ensures that the service provider conducts Peppol transactions in Germany.
- Mandatory issuance of eInvoices for companies with an annual turnover exceeding 800 000, 00 EUR. In 2027
- Mandatory issue of eInvoice for every B2B transaction in 2028
Dolibarr support
To generate invoices in this format, you need to install the FacturX module available on Dolistore:
Legislation and current status
- https://ec.europa.eu/digital-building-blocks/sites/display/DIGITAL/eInvoicing+in+Germany (NO VERIFICATION)
- B2G: Yes
- B2B: Not yet
- E-reporting: Not yet
Greece (Peppol BIS Billing CIUS 3.0)
The electronic invoice format in Greece is Peppol BIS Billing CIUS 3.0
eInvoicing: From 1/7/2025 all companies are required to issue and receive their invoices in electronic format
Digital delivery note: From 1/4/2025 for companies with a turnover exceeding 200000€ and from 1/10/2025 compulsory for all legal entities
Dolibarr support
E-reporting is implemented by Independent Authority for Public Revenue (IAPR) MyDATA platform
- For Dolibarr versions 13.0.0 - 18.0.4 download *https://github.com/evansgl/dolibarr-mydata/releases/tag/1.8
- For Dolibarr versions 19.0.0+ use "dolibarr-19 branch" *https://github.com/evansgl/dolibarr-mydata/tree/dolibarr-19
Legislation and current status
- https://ec.europa.eu/digital-building-blocks/sites/display/DIGITAL/eInvoicing+in+Greece
- B2G: Yes
- B2B: Only for companies with B2G transactions
- E-reporting: Yes
- Digital delivery note: Yes
Italy (FatturaPA)
The electronic invoice format in Italy is FatturaPA (national XML standard)
As of January 2024, eInvoicing is mandatory for B2B and B2C for all Italian operators
Dolibarr support
There are two solutions:
- The "Fatturazione elettronica & Professionisti Smart" module: https://www.dolistore.com/en/modules/1054-Fatturazione-elettronica---Professionisti-Smart.html
- The "Fatture Elettroniche ITA" module available from the site https://www.dolibarr.it
Legislation and current status
- https://ec.europa.eu/digital-building-blocks/sites/display/DIGITAL/eInvoicing+in+Italy (NO VERIFICATION)
- B2G: Yes
- B2B: Yes
- E-reporting: Yes
Luxembourg (Peppol BIS Billing 3.0)
The electronic invoice format in Luxembourg is Peppol BIS Billing 3.0, which must comply with European standard EN 16931-1:2017. Two syntaxes are permitted:
- XML UBL (Universal Business Language) defined in standard ISO/IEC 19845:2015
- XML UN/CEFACT CII (Cross Industry Invoice)
The obligation for economic operators to invoice electronically is staggered:
- Large economic operators: from 18 May 2022
- Medium-sized economic operators: from 18 October 2022
- Small and newly established economic operators: from 18 March 2023
Dolibarr support
While there's no specific mention of Dolibarr support for Luxembourg e-invoicing, users can likely use the Peppol XML module available for other countries:
Legislation and current status
- B2G: Yes (mandatory since 18 April 2019 or 18 April 2020 for sub-central contracting authorities)
- B2B: Yes (mandatory as per the timeline above)
- E-reporting: Not specifically mentioned
The legal framework is based on:
- Law of 13 December 2021 amending the Law of 16 May 2019 on electronic invoicing in public procurement and concession contracts
- Grand-Ducal Regulation of 13 December 2021 determining the common delivery network and alternative technical solutions for electronic invoicing
Luxembourg has chosen the Peppol network as the common delivery network for automated receipt of electronic invoices. For economic operators unable to use Peppol, alternative non-automated solutions (online forms) are available through Guichet.lu.
Mexico (CFDIXML)
Dolibarr support
To generate invoices in the Mexican electronic format, you need to install the CFDIXML module:
Legislation and current status
- B2G:
- B2B:
- E-reporting:
Netherlands (Peppol BIS Billing 3.0, NLCIUS)
The electronic invoice format in The Netherlands are NLCIUS (Dutch CIUS) and Peppol BIS Billing 3.0 with country-specific rules equal to NL CIUS. Peppol BIS Billing 3.0 is now the preferred format but not mandatory.
Dolibarr support
Legislation and current status
- https://ec.europa.eu/digital-building-blocks/sites/display/DIGITAL/eInvoicing+in+The+Netherlands (NO VERIFICATION)
- B2G: N/A
- B2B: N/A
- E-reporting: N/A
Spain (Facturae - VeriFactu)
The electronic invoice format in Spain is called Facturae. VeriFactu is the system and network to send and validate invoices.
Dolibarr support
One of the following module is required:
With the 2Facturae module you can create the XML in billura format through your ERP & CRM Dolibarr, in order to be able to digitally sign the XML (through digital signature portals or your own digital signature software), and once signed, to be able to import at the entry point of the corresponding administration.
Another solution to be ready and compliant with the VeryFactu system is to install the external module called "Ley antifraude y VeriFactu"
Note: As the law is evolving frequently and may depends on your business, you MUST check with your book keeper or your laywer that this suits completely the law and the need of your own business.
Legislation and current status
- https://ec.europa.eu/digital-building-blocks/sites/display/DIGITAL/eInvoicing+in+Spain (NO VERIFICATION)
- B2G: N/A
- B2B: N/A
- E-reporting: N/A
Switzerland (QR-Bill)
- E-reporting:
Until 2022, Switzerland required invoices to be accompanied by a red payment slip (called BV) and an orange payment slip (called BVR). This is no longer the case. Instead, PDF invoices in Euro or Swiss Francs, which can or must be paid by bank transfer, must include, at the bottom of the page for example, a section containing all the information required for payment by transfer. This is called the QR-Bill or QR-Invoice.
- Complete PDF standard: https://www.six-group.com/dam/download/banking-services/standardization/qr-bill/ig-qr-bill-v2.2-fr.pdf
- More info: https://www.six-group.com/fr/products-services/banking-services/payment-standardization.html
- FAQ: https://www.six-group.com/fr/products-services/banking-services/payment-standardization/downloads-faq/faq.html
The "red payment slip" (called BV) and an "orange payment slip" (called BVR) is no more required after 2022.
QR-Bill is expected for PDF invoices in Euro or Swiss Francs, which can or must be paid by bank transfer since the 20th june 2020.
Dolibarr support
To obtain such a section:
- You can install the following module: https://www.dolistore.com/fr/modules/286-SwissBanking.html
- The other option is to activate the experimental option INVOICE_ADD_SWISS_QR_CODE:
- Setting the value to '1' will generate and print the QR code only.
- If the option is set to 'bottom', the entire section at the bottom of the invoice will be displayed, but the installation of an external PHP library will be requested at the first generation of the PDF.
Legislation and current status
- B2G:
- B2B: