Draft:Video Presentation (Dolibarr features) - Third Parties (Customers, Suppliers, Partners)

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Story board for Module Third Parties


Video Title: Third Parties in Dolibarr (Customers, Suppliers, Partners)

Voice Over Visuals in the Video
Welcome to this video tutorial about the Dolibarr ERP and CRM system. In this video, we will look at how to use the Third Parties module in Dolibarr. Animate the video title with special effects. Below it, the Dolibarr logo appears along with the url www.dolibarr.org (Do NOT show the YouTube channel and Social media accounts like for exit sequence)
Activate the module Third Parties from the menu Home -> Setup -> Modules. Enable the module "Suppliers" as well. Go on menu Home - Setup - Modules, scroll to Third Party module and show you can switch on/off the module. Enable also the module "Suppliers".
Grant permission on the Third Parties module for your users. For more advanced information on how to setup permissions to users, you can watch our video "Users, Groups and Permissions" Demo the permissions being granted for the third parties module.
Creating a Third Party
The "Third Parties" module allows you to manage your customers, prospects, suppliers or partners. Some pre-filtered lists are available to list prospects, customers and vendors. Note that a third party can appear in several of these lists. Show the list views.
Let's look at how to create a "Third party". Provide a name and an alias. Note that this is usually the name of the business entity. You can add multiple people under the third party when you add "contacts" in the next step. Choose whether the third party is a prospect, customer or vendor. Provide the address, contact details and social media handles. Choose the type and legal entity type. Upload a logo if required.

A customer or vendor code can be automatically or manually assigned for each new third-party, like the accounting code if the module "Double party accounting" is used. Note that your third parties can also be easily imported using the Import module.

Demo the third party creation process.
Third Parties - Module Features
Once the third party is created, you can navigate to the "Contacts" tab to add people who are representatives of the third party or an alternative address like another delivery address or the address of an accounting department. Show the contacts tab and demo creating a contact.
You can attach files such as documents and photos under the "Linked files" menu. Demo attaching a document under linked files menu.
If the module "Notification by Email" has been enabled, then in the "Notifications" tab, you can define people who must receive email notifications for specific Dolibarr events. Demo configuring a notification.
If duplicate entries have been created for a third party, use the "Merge" button to merge the entries. Show the merge button.
The tab "Payment information" can be used to enter bank information or electronic payment ID of your customers Show the list of contacts
The "Events or Agenda" tab will give you a complete list of all past and upcoming events related to the third-party, such as creation, update, invoicing, emails sent, phone calls, planned meetings etc. Show the list of events
More tabs and buttons will be added on the Third-party view, providing more features like by the module "Commercial proposal", "Orders" and "Invoice". Additional information about these features is available in the relevant video tutorials of these modules.
The "Contacts" list view shows all the contacts. The list view is separated into list of prospects, customers, vendors and others. Show the list of contacts
Tags and Grouping
You can create tags in order to group third parties. Tags maybe anything you want for grouping your customers such as sales region, type of customer, their importance such as VIP etc. Clicking on a tag will show all the third parties associated with it. Click and show the tag hierarchy tree. Click on a tag to view all third parties associated with the tag.
To associate tags with a third party, navigate to the third party record and click on "Modify". Input the tag names in the appropriate field.

Third-parties are one of the most important data of your company. If they are well qualified, it will be easy to use them with other modules to make your commercial proposals, orders, invoices, marketing emails, or to export them into CSV or Excel sheets with the module Export.

Show adding multiple tags to a third party.
There is also a lot of other features that can be enabled from the setup. Also, like most Dolibarr modules, you can also add your own custom fields to describe your customers or vendors, define default values or mandatory fields, and you can use the import or export module to load or export your third parties.
Thank you for watching this video tutorial. Visit www.dolibarr.org to learn more. The Dolibarr logo appears at the center of the screen along with the url www.dolibarr.org. Show the YouTube channel and other social media accounts with icons at the bottom (facebook, twitter and github).

Translation in German

SNO Voice Over Translation
1 Third Parties in Dolibarr (Customers, Suppliers, Partners) Geschäftspartner in Dolibarr (Kunden, Lieferanten und Interessenten)
2 Welcome to this video tutorial about the Dolibarr ERP and CRM system. In this video, we will look at how to use the Third Parties module in Dolibarr. Willkommen zum Video-Tutorial über die Dolibarr ERP und CRM-System Software. In diesem Video werden wir uns die Adressverwaltung genauer anschauen.
3 Prerequisites Anforderung
4 Activate the module Third Parties from the menu Home -> Setup -> Modules. Enable the module "Suppliers" as well. Aktivieren Sie das Modul Geschäftspartner über das Menü Start -> Einstellungen -> Module/Anwendungen. Aktivieren Sie auch das Modul "LIEFERANTEN/HERSTELLER".
5 Grant permission on the Third Parties module for your users. For more advanced information on how to setup permissions to users, you can watch our video "Users, Groups and Permissions" Erteilen Sie Ihren Benutzern Berechtigungen für das Modul "Geschäftspartner". Ausführlichere Informationen zur Konfiguration von Benutzerberechtigungen finden Sie in unserem Video "Benutzer, Gruppen und Berechtigungen".
6 Creating a Third Party Erstellung eines Geschäftspartners
7 The "Third Parties" module allows you to manage your customers, prospects, suppliers or partners. Some pre-filtered lists are available to list prospects, customers and vendors. Mit dem Modul "Geschäftspartner" können Sie Ihre Kunden, Interessenten oder Lieferanten verwalten. Zur Auflistung dieser Interessenten, Kunden und Lieferanten stehen einige vorgefilterte Listen zur Verfügung.
8 Note that a third party can appear in several of these lists. Beachten Sie, dass ein Geschäftspartner in mehr als einer dieser Listen erscheinen kann.
9 Let's look at how to create a "Third party". Provide a name and an alias. Note that this is usually the name of the business entity. Schauen wir uns an, wie man einen "Geschäftspartner" erstellt. Geben Sie einen Namen und eventuell einen Kurznamen an. Beachten Sie, dass dies normalerweise der Firmenname ist.
10 You can add multiple people under the third party when you add "contacts" in the next step. Choose whether the third party is a prospect, customer or vendor. Sie können mehrere Personen oder Adressen zu einem Geschäftspartner hinzufügen, wenn Sie im nächsten Schritt "Kontakte" hinzufügen. Wählen Sie, ob der Partner ein Interessent, ein Kunde oder ein Lieferant ist.
11 Provide the address, contact details and social media handles. Choose the type and legal entity type. Upload a logo if required. Geben Sie seine Adresse, Kontaktdaten und andere Merkmale wie Typ und Rechtsform an. Laden Sie eventuell ein Logo hoch.
12 A customer or vendor code can be automatically or manually assigned for each new third-party, like the accounting code if the module "Double party accounting" is used. Note that your third parties can also be easily imported using the Import module. Für jeden neuen Geschäftspartner kann automatisch oder manuell ein Kunden- oder Lieferantencode vergeben werden, ebenso wie der Buchhaltungscode, wenn das Modul "BUCHHALTUNG (ERWEITERT)" verwendet wird. Beachten Sie, dass Ihre Partner auch einfach über das Modul "DATEN IMPORT" importiert werden können.
13 Third Parties - Module Features Geschäftspartner - Modulmerkmale
14 Once the third party is created, you can navigate to the "Contacts" tab to add people who are representatives of the third party or an alternative address like another delivery address or the address of an accounting department. Nach dem Erfassen eines Geschäftspartners können Sie auf die Registerkarte "Kontakte" navigieren, um Personen oder Adressen, wie zum Beispiel eine andere Lieferadresse oder die Adresse einer Buchhaltungsabteilung, hinzuzufügen.
15 You can attach files such as documents and photos under the "Linked files" menu. Unter dem Menüpunkt "Verknüpfte Dokumente" können Sie Dateien wie Dokumente und Fotos anhängen.
16 If the module "Notification by Email" has been enabled, then in the "Notifications" tab, you can define people who must receive email notifications for specific Dolibarr events. Wenn das Modul "E-Mail-Benachrichtigung" aktiviert wurde, dann können Sie im Register "Benachrichtigungen" Personen definieren, die E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen für Dolibarr-Ereignisse speziell für diesen Partner erhalten sollen.
17 If duplicate entries have been created for a third party, use the "Merge" button to merge the entries. Wenn Duplikate angelegt wurden, verwenden Sie die Schaltfläche "Zusammenführen", um die Einträge zu verschmelzen.
18 The tab "Payment information" can be used to enter bank information or electronic payment ID of your customers Auf der Registerkarte "Zahlungsinformationen" können Sie die Bankdaten Ihrer Kunden oder die Zugangsdaten für elektronische Zahlungen eingeben.
19 The "Events or Agenda" tab will give you a complete list of all past and upcoming events related to the third-party, such as creation, update, invoicing, emails sent, phone calls, planned meetings etc. Auf der Registerkarte "Ereignisse/Terminplan" erhalten Sie eine vollständige Liste aller vergangenen und zukünftigen Ereignisse im Zusammenhang mit dem Partner, z. B. Erstellung, Aktualisierung, Abrechnung, gesendete E-Mails, Telefonanrufe, geplante Meetings usw.
20 By activating mode modules, more tabs and buttons will be added on the Third-party view, providing more features like by the module "Commercial proposal", "Orders" and "Invoice". Additional information about these features is available in the relevant video tutorials of these modules. Durch die Aktivierung anderer Module werden zusätzliche Registerkarten und Schaltflächen auf der Seite "Geschäftspartner" hinzugefügt, die mehr Funktionalität bieten, wie z. B. die Module "Angebote", "Verkaufsaufträge" und "Rechnungen". Weitere Informationen zu diesen Funktionen finden Sie in den entsprechenden Video-Tutorials zu diesen Modulen.
21 The "Contacts" list view shows all the contacts. The list view is separated into list of prospects, customers, vendors and others. Die Seite "Kontakte" zeigt eine Liste aller Kontakte oder alternativen Adressen an. Die Listen sind unterteilt in Interessenten, Kunden und Lieferanten.
22 Tags and Grouping Kategorien und Gruppierung
23 You can create tags in order to group third parties. Tags maybe anything you want for grouping your customers such as sales region, type of customer, their importance such as VIP etc. Clicking on a tag will show all the third parties associated with it. Sie können Kategorien erstellen, um Partner zu gruppieren. Kategorien können frei definiert werden, um Ihre Geschäftspartner zu gruppieren, wie z. B. Verkaufsregion, Art des Kunden, seine Bedeutung als VIP usw. Wenn Sie auf eine Kategorie klicken, sehen Sie alle Geschäftspartner, denen diese Kategorie zugeordnet ist.
24 To associate tags with a third party, navigate to the third party record and click on "Modify". Input the tag names in the appropriate field. Um Kategorien mit einem Geschäftspartner zu verknüpfen, Navigieren Sie zu dem Partner und klicken Sie auf "ändern". Geben Sie die Kategorie-Namen in das entsprechende Feld ein.
25 Third-parties are one of the most important data of your company. If they are well qualified, it will be easy to use them with other modules to make your commercial proposals, orders, invoices, marketing emails, or to export them into CSV or Excel sheets with the module Export. Geschäftspartner sind eine der wichtigsten Daten Ihres Unternehmens. Wenn sie gut qualifiziert sind, wird es einfach sein, sie mit anderen Modulen zu verwenden, um Ihre Angebote, Bestellungen, Rechnungen und Marketing-E-Mails zu erstellen oder sie in CSV- oder Excel-Tabellen mit dem Export-Modul zu exportieren.
26 There is also a lot of other features that can be enabled from the setup. Also, like most Dolibarr modules, you can also add your own custom fields to describe your customers or vendors, define default values or mandatory fields, and you can use the import or export module to load or export your third parties. Viele weitere Funktionen können auch über die Einstellungen aktiviert werden. Außerdem können Sie, wie in den meisten Dolibarr-Modulen, Ihre eigenen benutzerdefinierten Felder hinzufügen, um Daten Ihrer Kunden oder Lieferanten zu erfassen, Standardwerte oder erforderliche Felder zu definieren, und Sie können das Import- oder Exportmodul verwenden, um Ihre Adressen zu importieren oder zu exportieren.
27 Thank you for watching this video tutorial. Visit www.dolibarr.org to learn more. Vielen Dank dafür, dass Sie sich Zeit genommen haben, das Tutorial zum Modul "Geschäftspartner" anzusehen. Besuchen Sie www.dolibarr.org, um mehr zu erfahren.

Translation in French

SNO Voice Over Translation
1 Third Parties in Dolibarr (Customers, Suppliers, Partners) Tiers sur Dolibarr (clients, fournisseurs, partenaires)
2 Welcome to this video tutorial about the Dolibarr ERP and CRM system. In this video, we will look at how to use the Third Parties module in Dolibarr. Bienvenue à ce tutoriel vidéo sur le logiciel ERP et CRM Dolibarr. Dans cette vidéo, nous allons voir comment utiliser le module Tiers.
3 Prerequisites Prérequis
4 Activate the module Third Parties from the menu Home -> Setup -> Modules. Enable the module "Suppliers" as well. Activez le module Tiers dans le menu Accueil -> Configuration -> Modules. Activez également le module "Fournisseurs".
5 Grant permission on the Third Parties module for your users. For more advanced information on how to setup permissions to users, you can watch our video "Users, Groups and Permissions" Donnez les autorisations à vos utilisateurs sur le module Tiers. Pour des informations plus détaillées sur la manière de configurer les autorisations pour les utilisateurs, vous pouvez regarder notre vidéo "Utilisateurs, groupes et autorisations".
6 Creating a Third Party Création d'un tiers
7 The "Third Parties" module allows you to manage your customers, prospects, suppliers or partners. Some pre-filtered lists are available to list prospects, customers and vendors. Le module "Tiers" vous permet de gérer vos clients, prospects, fournisseurs ou partenaires. Certaines listes pré-filtrées sont disponibles pour répertorier ces prospects, clients et fournisseurs.
8 Note that a third party can appear in several of these lists. Notez qu'un tiers peut figurer dans plusieurs de ces listes.
9 Let's look at how to create a "Third party". Provide a name and an alias. Note that this is usually the name of the business entity. Voyons comment créer un "Tiers". Fournissez un nom et éventuellement un pseudonyme. Notez qu'il s'agit généralement du nom de l'entreprise.
10 You can add multiple people under the third party when you add "contacts" in the next step. Choose whether the third party is a prospect, customer or vendor. Vous pourrez ajouter plusieurs personnes ou adresses sous le tiers lorsque vous ajouterez des "contacts" à l'étape suivante. Choisissez si le tiers est un prospect, un client ou un vendeur.
11 Provide the address, contact details and social media handles. Choose the type and legal entity type. Upload a logo if required. Indiquez son adresse, ses coordonnées et autres caractéristiques comme le type et l'entité juridique. Téléversez un logo si nécessaire.
12 A customer or vendor code can be automatically or manually assigned for each new third-party, like the accounting code if the module "Double party accounting" is used. Note that your third parties can also be easily imported using the Import module. Un code client ou fournisseur peut être attribué automatiquement ou manuellement pour chaque nouveau tiers, tout comme le code de comptabilité si le module "Comptabilité double partie" est utilisé. Notez que vos tiers peuvent également être facilement importés à l'aide du module "Import".
13 Third Parties - Module Features Tiers - Caractéristiques du module
14 Once the third party is created, you can navigate to the "Contacts" tab to add people who are representatives of the third party or an alternative address like another delivery address or the address of an accounting department. Une fois le tiers créé, vous pouvez naviguer dans l'onglet "Contacts" pour ajouter des personnes qui sont des représentants du tiers ou des adresses alternatives comme une autre adresse de livraison ou l'adresse d'un service comptable.
15 You can attach files such as documents and photos under the "Linked files" menu. Vous pouvez joindre des fichiers tels que des documents et des photos sous le menu "Fichiers liés".
16 If the module "Notification by Email" has been enabled, then in the "Notifications" tab, you can define people who must receive email notifications for specific Dolibarr events. Si le module "Notification par email" a été activé, alors dans l'onglet "Notifications", vous pouvez définir les personnes qui doivent recevoir des notifications par email pour des événements Dolibarr spécifiques à ce tiers.
17 If duplicate entries have been created for a third party, use the "Merge" button to merge the entries. Si doublons ont été créées pour un tiers, utilisez le bouton "Fusionner" pour fusionner les entrées.
18 The tab "Payment information" can be used to enter bank information or electronic payment ID of your customers L'onglet "Informations de paiement" peut être utilisé pour saisir les informations bancaires ou les identifiants de paiement électronique de vos clients
19 The "Events or Agenda" tab will give you a complete list of all past and upcoming events related to the third-party, such as creation, update, invoicing, emails sent, phone calls, planned meetings etc. L'onglet "Événements ou agenda" vous donnera une liste complète de tous les événements passés et à venir liés au tiers, tels que la création, la mise à jour, la facturation, les e-mails envoyés, les appels téléphoniques, les réunions prévues, etc.
20 By activating mode modules, more tabs and buttons will be added on the Third-party view, providing more features like by the module "Commercial proposal", "Orders" and "Invoice". Additional information about these features is available in the relevant video tutorials of these modules. En activant d'autres modules, d'autres onglets et boutons seront ajoutés à la page Tiers, offrant plus de fonctionnalités comme par exemple le module "Proposition commerciale", "Commandes" et "Facture". Des informations supplémentaires sur ces fonctionnalités sont disponibles dans les tutoriels vidéo correspondants de ces modules.
21 The "Contacts" list view shows all the contacts. The list view is separated into list of prospects, customers, vendors and others. La page "Contacts" affiche la liste de tous les contacts ou adresses alternatives. La page de liste est divisée en liste de prospects, de clients, de fournisseurs et autres.
22 Tags and Grouping Tags et regroupement
23 You can create tags in order to group third parties. Tags maybe anything you want for grouping your customers such as sales region, type of customer, their importance such as VIP etc. Clicking on a tag will show all the third parties associated with it. Vous pouvez créer des tags afin de regrouper des tiers. Les tags peuvent être n'importe quoi pour regrouper vos clients comme la région de vente, le type de client, leur importance comme VIP etc. En cliquant sur un tag, vous verrez tous les tiers qui y sont associés.
24 To associate tags with a third party, navigate to the third party record and click on "Modify". Input the tag names in the appropriate field. Pour associer des tags à un tiers, naviguez jusqu'à l'enregistrement du tiers et cliquez sur "Modifier". Saisissez les noms des tags dans le champ approprié.
25 Third-parties are one of the most important data of your company. If they are well qualified, it will be easy to use them with other modules to make your commercial proposals, orders, invoices, marketing emails, or to export them into CSV or Excel sheets with the module Export. Les tiers sont l'une des données les plus importantes de votre entreprise. Si elles sont bien qualifiées, il sera facile de les utiliser avec d'autres modules pour faire vos propositions commerciales, commandes, factures, e-mails marketing, ou de les exporter en CSV ou en feuilles Excel avec le module Export.
26 There is also a lot of other features that can be enabled from the setup. Also, like most Dolibarr modules, you can also add your own custom fields to describe your customers or vendors, define default values or mandatory fields, and you can use the import or export module to load or export your third parties. De nombreuses autres fonctionnalités peuvent également être activées à partir de la configuration. De plus, comme la plupart des modules de Dolibarr, vous pouvez aussi ajouter vos propres champs personnalisés pour décrire vos clients ou fournisseurs, définir des valeurs par défaut ou des champs obligatoires, et vous pouvez utiliser le module d'importation ou d'exportation pour importer ou exporter vos tiers.
27 Thank you for watching this video tutorial. Visit www.dolibarr.org to learn more. Merci d'avoir suivi ce tutoriel vidéo. Visitez www.dolibarr.org pour en savoir plus.

Translation in Spanish

Video title in Spanish: ???

SNO Voice Over Translation
1 Third Parties in Dolibarr (Customers, Suppliers, Partners) Terceros en Dolibarr (Clientes, Proveedores, Socios)
2 Welcome to this video tutorial about the Dolibarr ERP and CRM system. In this video, we will look at how to use the Third Parties module in Dolibarr. Bienvenido a este video tutorial sobre el sistema ERP y CRM Dolibarr. En este vídeo, veremos cómo utilizar el módulo Terceros en Dolibarr.
3 Prerequisites Requisitos previos
4 Activate the module Third Parties from the menu Home -> Setup -> Modules. Enable the module "Suppliers" as well. Activar el módulo Terceros desde el menú Inicio -> Configuración -> Módulos. Activa también el módulo "Proveedores".
5 Grant permission on the Third Parties module for your users. For more advanced information on how to setup permissions to users, you can watch our video "Users, Groups and Permissions" Concede permiso al módulo "Terceros" para tus usuarios. Para obtener información más avanzada sobre cómo configurar los permisos de los usuarios, puedes ver nuestro video "Usuarios, Grupos y Permisos"
6 Creating a Third Party Creación de un Tercero
7 The "Third Parties" module allows you to manage your customers, prospects, suppliers or partners. Some pre-filtered lists are available to list prospects, customers and vendors. El módulo "Terceros" te permite gestionar tus clientes, clientes potenciales, proveedores o socios. Algunas listas prefiltradas están disponibles para listar clientes potenciales, clientes y proveedores.
8 Note that a third party can appear in several of these lists. Ten en cuenta que un tercero puede aparecer en varias de estas listas.
9 Let's look at how to create a "Third party". Provide a name and an alias. Note that this is usually the name of the business entity. Veamos cómo crear un "Tercero". Proporciona un nombre y un alias. Ten en cuenta que éste suele ser el nombre de la entidad comercial.
10 You can add multiple people under the third party when you add "contacts" in the next step. Choose whether the third party is a prospect, customer or vendor. Puedes añadir varias personas a un tercero cuando añadas "contactos" en el siguiente paso. Elige si el tercero es un cliente potencial, un cliente o un proveedor.
11 Provide the address, contact details and social media handles. Choose the type and legal entity type. Upload a logo if required. Introduzce la dirección, los datos de contacto y los datos de las redes sociales. Escoge el tipo y el tipo de entidad legal. Sube un logotipo si es necesario.
12 A customer or vendor code can be automatically or manually assigned for each new third-party, like the accounting code if the module "Double party accounting" is used. Note that your third parties can also be easily imported using the Import module. Se puede asignar un código de cliente o proveedor de forma automática o manual para cada nuevo tercero, como el código de contabilidad si se utiliza el módulo "Contabilidad (Doble Partida)". Ten en cuenta que sus terceros también pueden ser importados fácilmente utilizando el módulo "Importación de Datos".
13 Third Parties - Module Features Terceros - Características del Módulo
14 Once the third party is created, you can navigate to the "Contacts" tab to add people who are representatives of the third party or an alternative address like another delivery address or the address of an accounting department. Una vez creado el tercero, puedes navegar a la pestaña "Contactos" para añadir personas que sean representantes del tercero, o una dirección alternativa como otra dirección de entrega o la dirección de un departamento de contabilidad.
15 You can attach files such as documents and photos under the "Linked files" menu. Puedes adjuntar archivos como documentos y fotos en el menú "Archivos vinculados".
16 If the module "Notification by Email" has been enabled, then in the "Notifications" tab, you can define people who must receive email notifications for specific Dolibarr events. Si el módulo "Notificación Sobre Eventos" ha sido activado, entonces en la pestaña "Notificaciones", se pueden definir las personas que deben recibir las notificaciones por correo electrónico para los eventos específicos de Dolibarr.
17 If duplicate entries have been created for a third party, use the "Merge" button to merge the entries. Si se han creado entradas duplicadas para un tercero, utiliza el botón "Fusión" para fusionar las entradas.
18 The tab "Payment information" can be used to enter bank information or electronic payment ID of your customers La pestaña "Información del pago" puede utilizarse para introducir la información bancaria o el ID de pago electrónico de sus clientes
19 The "Events or Agenda" tab will give you a complete list of all past and upcoming events related to the third-party, such as creation, update, invoicing, emails sent, phone calls, planned meetings etc. La pestaña "Eventos/Agenda" te dará una lista completa de todos los eventos pasados y futuros relacionados con el tercero, como la creación, actualización, facturación, correos electrónicos enviados, llamadas telefónicas, reuniones planificadas, etc.
20 More tabs and buttons will be added on the Third-party view, providing more features like by the module "Commercial proposal", "Orders" and "Invoice". Additional information about these features is available in the relevant video tutorials of these modules. Se añadirán más pestañas y botones en la vista de terceros, proporcionando más características como por ejemplo por el módulo "Presupuestos", "Pedidos" y "Factura". Se puede obtener información adicional sobre estas características en los correspondientes videotutoriales de estos módulos.
21 The "Contacts" list view shows all the contacts. The list view is separated into list of prospects, customers, vendors and others. La vista de lista de "Contactos/Direcciones" muestra todos los contactos. La vista de lista está separada en la lista de prospectos, clientes, proveedores y otros.
22 Tags and Grouping Etiquetas y Grupos
23 You can create tags in order to group third parties. Tags maybe anything you want for grouping your customers such as sales region, type of customer, their importance such as VIP etc. Clicking on a tag will show all the third parties associated with it. Puedes crear etiquetas para agrupar a terceros. Etiquetas que pueden ser cualquier cosa que quieras para agrupar a tus clientes como la región de ventas, el tipo de cliente, su importancia como VIP, etc. Al hacer clic en una etiqueta se mostrarán todos los terceros asociados a ella.
24 To associate tags with a third party, navigate to the third party record and click on "Modify". Input the tag names in the appropriate field. Para asociar etiquetas con un tercero, navega al registro de terceros y haz clic en "Modificar". Introduce los nombres de las etiquetas en el campo correspondiente.
25 Third-parties are one of the most important data of your company. If they are well qualified, it will be easy to use them with other modules to make your commercial proposals, orders, invoices, marketing emails, or to export them into CSV or Excel sheets with the module Export. Los terceros son uno de los datos más importantes de su empresa. Si están bien clasificados, será fácil utilizarlos con otros módulos para hacer tus propuestas comerciales, pedidos, facturas, correos electrónicos de marketing, o para exportarlos a hojas CSV o Excel con el módulo Exportaciones de Datos.
26 There is also a lot of other features that can be enabled from the setup. Also, like most Dolibarr modules, you can also add your own custom fields to describe your customers or vendors, define default values or mandatory fields, and you can use the import or export module to load or export your third parties. También hay muchas otras características que pueden ser habilitadas desde la configuración. Además, como la mayoría de los módulos de Dolibarr, también puedes añadir tus propios campos personalizados para describir a tus clientes o proveedores, definir valores por defecto o campos obligatorios, y puedes utilizar el módulo de importación o exportación para cargar o exportar tus terceros.
27 Thank you for watching this video tutorial. Visit www.dolibarr.org to learn more. Gracias por ver este video tutorial. Visita www.dolibarr.org para obtener más información.

Translation in Dutch

Video title in dutch: ???

SNO Voice Over Translation
1 Third Parties in Dolibarr (Customers, Suppliers, Partners) Relaties in Dolbarr (Klanten, Leveranciers, Partners)
2 Welcome to this video tutorial about the Dolibarr ERP and CRM system. In this video, we will look at how to use the Third Parties module in Dolibarr. Welkom bij deze video tutorial van het Dolibarr ERP en CRM systeem. In deze video laten we zien hoe de module 'Relaties' werkt.
3 Prerequisites Voorbereiding
4 Activate the module Third Parties from the menu Home -> Setup -> Modules. Enable the module "Suppliers" as well. Activeer de module Relaties in het menu Home->Setup->Modules. Activeer ook de module 'Leveranciers'.
5 Grant permission on the Third Parties module for your users. For more advanced information on how to setup permissions to users, you can watch our video "Users, Groups and Permissions" Wijs de rechten op de modules toe aan uw gebruikers. Voor meer informatie over het toewijzen van rechten aan de gebruikers, kun je de video 'Gebruikers & groepen' bekijken.
6 Creating a Third Party Een Relatie aanmaken
7 The "Third Parties" module allows you to manage your customers, prospects, suppliers or partners. Some pre-filtered lists are available to list prospects, customers and vendors. Met de module 'Relaties' kun je klanten, prospects, leveranciers en partners beheren. Er zijn diverse overzichten met gedefinieerd filter beschikbaar voor prospects, klanten en leveranciers.
8 Note that a third party can appear in several of these lists. Merk op dat een relatie in meerdere overzichten kan voorkomen.
9 Let's look at how to create a "Third party". Provide a name and an alias. Note that this is usually the name of the business entity. Laten we kijken hoe we een 'Relatie' aanmaken. Vul een naam in en een alias. Merk op dat dit meestal de naam is van het bedrijf of organistatie.
10 You can add multiple people under the third party when you add "contacts" in the next step. Choose whether the third party is a prospect, customer or vendor. Je kunt meedere personen opvoeren bij een relatie wanneer je een contactpersonen toevoegt in de volgende stap. Kies of een relatie een prospect is, een klant of een leverancier.
11 Provide the address, contact details and social media handles. Choose the type and legal entity type. Upload a logo if required. Voorzie de relatie van een adres en contactgegevens en eventueel de social media informatie. Kies het type juridische entiteit en upload een logo indien gewenst.
12 A customer or vendor code can be automatically or manually assigned for each new third-party, like the accounting code if the module "Double party accounting" is used. Note that your third parties can also be easily imported using the Import module. Een klant of leveranciers code kan automatisch of handmatig worden toegekend voor elke nieuwe relatie, evenals een grootboekrekening wanneer de uitgebreide boekhoudingsmodule is geactiveerd. Merk op dat elke relatie ook eenvoudig kan worden geïmporteerd door middel van de Import module.
13 Third Parties - Module Features Relaties - Module functies
14 Once the third party is created, you can navigate to the "Contacts" tab to add people who are representatives of the third party or an alternative address like another delivery address or the address of an accounting department. Zodra een relatie is aangemaakt kun je navigereven naar de 'Contactpersonen' tab om personen toe te voegen die vertegenwoordigers zijn van de relatie of een alternatief adres zoals een apart leveradres of het adres voor de financiële administratie.
15 You can attach files such as documents and photos under the "Linked files" menu. Bijlagen kunnen toegevoegd worden zoals documenten of fotos, onder het tabblad gekoppelde bestanden.
16 If the module "Notification by Email" has been enabled, then in the "Notifications" tab, you can define people who must receive email notifications for specific Dolibarr events. Als de module voor e-mailmeldingen is geactiveerd, kan via de tab 'kennisgevingen', worden aangegeven wie een notificatie moet krijgen bij specifieke Dolibarr gebeurtenissen.
17 If duplicate entries have been created for a third party, use the "Merge" button to merge the entries. Als er een duplicaat relatie is aangemaakt voor een relatie, gebruik dan de knop 'samenvoegen' om relaties samen te voegen.
18 The tab "Payment information" can be used to enter bank information or electronic payment ID of your customers Het tabblad 'Betalingsinformatie' kan gebruikt worden om bankrekeningen van een relatie op te geven.
19 The "Events or Agenda" tab will give you a complete list of all past and upcoming events related to the third-party, such as creation, update, invoicing, emails sent, phone calls, planned meetings etc. De 'gebeurtenissen of agenda' tab geeft een compleet overzicht van alle gebeurtenissen die zijn geweest of nog aanstaande zijn zoals het aanmaken van de relatie of een wijziging, facturering, verstuurde emails, telefoongesprekken, geplande vergaderingen, etc.
20 By activating mode modules, more tabs and buttons will be added on the Third-party view, providing more features like by the module "Commercial proposal", "Orders" and "Invoice". Additional information about these features is available in the relevant video tutorials of these modules. Bij activatie van de verschillende modules, verschijnen er meer tabbladen en knoppen in het overzicht van de relatie. Hierdoor is er meer functionaliteit beschikbaar, bijvoorbeeld in het geval van de "Zakelijke voorstellen", "Verkooporders" en "Facturen". Meer informatie over deze onderdelen is beschikbaar in de diverse tutorials van deze modules.
21 The "Contacts" list view shows all the contacts. The list view is separated into list of prospects, customers, vendors and others. Het menu 'Contactpersonen / adressen' laat een overzicht zien van alle contactpersonen. Het lijstweergave menu is onderverdeeld in prospects, klanten, leveranciers en overig.
22 Tags and Grouping Labels en groepering
23 You can create tags in order to group third parties. Tags maybe anything you want for grouping your customers such as sales region, type of customer, their importance such as VIP etc. Clicking on a tag will show all the third parties associated with it. Je kunt labels aanmaken om hiermee relaties te groeperen. Labels kunnen van alles zijn naar hoe je het wilt groeperen voor je klanten zoals verkoopregio, type klant of belangrijkheid van de klant zoals VIP etc. Wanneer je klikt op een label, worden alle relaties die hiermee gelabeld zijn getoond.
24 To associate tags with a third party, navigate to the third party record and click on "Modify". Input the tag names in the appropriate field. Om labels toe te voegen aan een relatie, ga naar de betreffende relatie en klik op 'Wijzigen'. Voer de labels in het daarvoor bestemde veld.
25 Third-parties are one of the most important data of your company. If they are well qualified, it will be easy to use them with other modules to make your commercial proposals, orders, invoices, marketing emails, or to export them into CSV or Excel sheets with the module Export. Relaties vormen één van de belangrijkste data van je bedrijf. Als het goed wordt opgevoerd en bijgehouden, is het eenvoudig te gebruiken bij de andere modules om bijvoorbeeld offertes, verkoopordes, facturen, marketing emails te maken of om de relaties te exporteren naar CSV of een Excel sheet met de module Export.
26 There is also a lot of other features that can be enabled from the setup. Also, like most Dolibarr modules, you can also add your own custom fields to describe your customers or vendors, define default values or mandatory fields, and you can use the import or export module to load or export your third parties. Er zijn een heleboel andere functies die kunnen worden geactiveerd via de setup. Zoals in de meeste modules kun je ook gebruik maken van aanvullende attributen om de informatie van je klanten of leveranciers uit te breiden met definiëring van default waarden of verplichte velden en het is mogelijk om de import en export module te gebruiken om relaties te laden of te exporteren.
27 Thank you for watching this video tutorial. Visit www.dolibarr.org to learn more. Bedankt voor het bekijken van deze video tutorial. Als u meer wilt leren over Dolibarr, kijk dan op www.dolibar.org!