Draft:Video Presentation (Dolibarr features) - Stock

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Story board for Module Stocks


Video Title: Stocks in Dolibarr

Voice Over Visuals in the Video
Welcome to this video tutorial about the Dolibarr ERP and CRM system. In this video, we will look at how to use the Stocks module in Dolibarr. Animate the video title with special effects. Below it, the Dolibarr logo appears along with the url www.dolibarr.org (Do NOT show the YouTube channel and Social media accounts like for exit sequence)
Activate the module Stocks from menu Home - Setup - Modules. You may also want to activate the module "Product Lots". The Products module is activated automatically when the Stocks module is activated. Go on menu Home - Setup - Modules, scroll to Stocks module and show you can switch on/off the module. Enable also the module "Stock" and "Product Lots".
Grant permission on the "Stocks" and "Products" modules for your users. For more advanced information on how to setup permissions to users, you can watch our video "Users, Groups and Permissions" Show the module permissions and enable the permissions.
Stock Allocation
The Stock management module saves the current quantity, status and movement of products that are stocked in warehouses. Apply the "Stock too low" filter to view products having stock less than the desired stock. Show the list view of stocks.
You can create a warehouse from the respective menu. A warehouse is a location where products are received at; or stocked and shipped from. Show creating a warehouse.
While creating a product, the stock allocation parameters are also captured. Choose a default warehouse where the product is usually stocked. Specify a stock limit if you want to be notified when the stock limit is reached. Specify the desired quantity you want to get when performing automatic replenishment. Demo product creation screen and input the fields mentioned in the voice over.
For any product, the stocking information is available under the "Stock" tab. This includes all stocking parameters as well as warehouses. Show a product detail screen. Click on the Stock tab to show it.
Each product has 2 values of sock. Real stock, which is also known as physical stock, and virtual stock.

Real stock is the real quantity you have in your warehouse. Virtual stock is the stock you will have once all pending operations that influence the stock will be processeed, such as pending orders, shipments, manufacturing orders etc.

Show the 2 fields on a given product
Purchase orders, sales orders, shipments, and invoices can automatically update the virtual product stock or the real stock when the orders, shipments or invoices are fulfilled. The processes that change stocks depends on your setup of the "Stock: module. You must choose the setup according to your needs. Show the setup page of module Stock to list all option to increase and decrease stock.
Stocks - Module Features
When new stock arrives, or when any stock leaves the warehouse, click on the appropriate button to update the stock by means of stock correction. Choose the warehouse, and choose whether to add or delete stock. Enter the number of units and unit purchase price. If the module "Project" is enabled, you can choose a project. Finally, enter a label and inventory code for capturing the stock movement. Demo Stock Correction using the "Correct Stock" button.
You can transfer stock from one warehouse to another by clicking on the appropriate button. Choose the source warehouse, the target warehouse and the number of units to be transferred. Demo Stock Transfer.
Note that if you have created product variants, then the stock correction and stock transfer options are available only on those product variants and not on the original product. Show the buttons disabled for a product which has variants defined.
Stock correction and stock transfer are considered as stock movements and can be tracked from the "Movements" list view. Show the previous entry showing up in the Movements list view.
The "Mass stock transfer" menu option allows you to move stock from one warehouse to another. Show mass stock transfer. Click on record transfer and demo the feature.
"Replenishment" is a list of all products that have stock that is lower than the desired stock. Choose a product by ticking the checkbox to create a purchase order to fill the difference. Demo the replenishment feature.
There are also plenty of other features that can be enabled from the module "Setup". Also, like most other Dolibarr modules, you can add your own custom fields to describe your product stock, define default values or mandatory fields and you can use the import or export modules to import or export your product stock database. Show custom field creation
Thank you for watching this video tutorial. Visit www.dolibarr.org to learn more. The Dolibarr logo appears at the center of the screen along with the url www.dolibarr.org. Show the YouTube channel and other social media accounts with icons at the bottom (facebook, twitter and github).

TODO: Add inventory features when available in stable version (ignored for the moment).

TODO: Add feature stock at date (ignored for the moment).


'Lagerverwaltung im Dolibarr

SNO Voice Over in English Translated Voice Over
1 Welcome to this video tutorial about the Dolibarr ERP and CRM system. In this video, we will look at how to use the Stocks module in Dolibarr. Willkommen zum Video-Tutorial über Dolibarr ERP und CRM-System Software. In diesem Video werden wir uns das Modul "Lagerbestände" in Dolibarr ansehen.
2 Prerequisites


3 Activate the module Stocks from menu Home - Setup - Modules. You may also want to activate the module "Product Lots". The Products module is activated automatically when the Stocks module is activated. Aktivieren Sie das Modul "Lagerverwaltung" über das Menü Start -> Einstellungen -> Module/Anwendungen. Es besteht auch die Möglichkeit, das Modul "Chargen und Serien" zu aktivieren. Das Modul "Produkte" wird automatisch aktiviert, wenn das Modul "Lagerverwaltung" aktiviert wird.
4 Grant permission on the "Stocks" and "Products" modules for your users. For more advanced information on how to setup permissions to users, you can watch our video "Users, Groups and Permissions" Gewähren Sie Ihren Benutzern die Berechtigung für das Modul "Lagerverwaltung" und "Produkte". Weitere Informationen zum Konfigurieren von Benutzerberechtigungen finden Sie in unserem Video "Benutzer, Gruppen und Berechtigungen".
5 Stock Allocation

Zuweisung von Lagerbeständen

6 The Stock management module saves the current quantity, status and movement of products that are stocked in warehouses. Apply the "Stock too low" filter to view products having stock less than the desired stock. Das Lagerverwaltungs-Modul erfasst die aktuelle Menge, den Status und die Bewegung der in den Lagern gelagerten Produkte. Wenden Sie den Filter "Bestand zu niedrig" an, um die Produkte anzuzeigen, deren Bestand niedriger ist als der gewünschte Bestand.
7 You can create a warehouse from the respective menu. A warehouse is a location where products are received at; or stocked and shipped from. Sie können ein Lager oder einen Ablageplatz über das Menü Lager oder Ablageplatz erstellen. Ein Lager oder Ablageplatz ist ein Ort, an dem Produkte empfangen, gelagert oder versandt werden.
8 While creating a product, the stock allocation parameters are also captured. Choose a default warehouse where the product is usually stocked. Specify a stock limit if you want to be notified when the stock limit is reached. Specify the desired quantity you want to get when performing automatic replenishment. Beim Anlegen eines Produkts werden auch die Parameter für die Bestandszuweisung eingegeben. Wählen Sie ein Standardlager, in dem das Produkt normalerweise gelagert wird. Geben Sie eine Lagerbestandsgrenze an, wenn Sie benachrichtigt werden möchten, wenn die Lagerbestandsgrenze erreicht ist. Geben Sie die gewünschte Menge an, die Sie beim automatischen Nachschub bekommen möchten.
9 For any product, the stocking information is available under the "Stock" tab. This includes all stocking parameters as well as warehouses. Für jedes Produkt sind die Lagerinformationen unter der Registerkarte " Lagerbestand" verfügbar. Dazu gehören alle Parameter, die sich auf die Lagerung des Produkts beziehen, sowie der Bestand in jedem Lager.
10 Each product has 2 values of sock. Real stock, which is also known as physical stock, and virtual stock.Real stock is the real quantity you have in your warehouse. Virtual stock is the stock you will have once all pending operations that influence the stock will be processed, such as pending orders, shipments, manufacturing orders etc. Jedes Produkt hat 2 Bestandswerte. Den tatsächlichen Bestand, auch als physikalischer Bestand bezeichnet, und den virtuellen Bestand, auch als theoretischer Bestand bezeichnet. Der reale Bestand ist die tatsächlich verfügbare Menge in Ihrem Lager. Der virtuelle Bestand ist der Bestand, der zur Verfügung steht, sobald alle anstehenden Vorgänge, die den Bestand beeinflussen, wie z. B. rückständige Aufträge, Auslieferungen, Produktionsaufträge usw., abgearbeitet sind.
11 Purchase orders, sales orders, shipments, and invoices can automatically update the virtual product stock or the real stock when the orders, shipments or invoices are fulfilled. The processes that change stocks depends on your setup of the "Stock module. You must choose the setup according to your needs. Bestellungen, Kundenaufträge, Lieferaufträge und Rechnungen können eine automatische Aktualisierung des virtuellen Lagerbestands von Produkten oder des tatsächlichen Lagerbestands bewirken, wenn diese Bestellungen, Lieferaufträge oder Rechnungen verarbeitet werden. Die Ereignisse, die den Bestand automatisch ändern können, werden in der Konfiguration des Moduls " Lager" definiert. Wählen Sie die Konfiguration entsprechend Ihren Anforderungen.
12 Stocks - Module Features Lager - Modulfunktionen
13 When new stock arrives, or when any stock leaves the warehouse, click on the appropriate button to update the stock by means of stock correction. Choose the warehouse, and choose whether to add or delete stock. Enter the number of units and unit purchase price. If the module "Project" is enabled, you can choose a project. Finally, enter a label and inventory code for capturing the stock movement. Wenn neuer Bestand eintrifft oder ein Bestand ein Lager verlässt, klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche "Bestandsaktualisierung" mit der Bezeichnung "Bestandskorrektur". Wählen Sie das Lager aus und entscheiden Sie dann, ob Sie Bestand hinzufügen oder entfernen möchten. Geben Sie die Stückzahl und ggf. den Stückkaufpreis bei der Lagererfassung ein. Wenn das Modul "Projekt" aktiviert ist, können Sie ein Projekt auswählen. Geben Sie abschließend ein Etikett und einen Inventarcode ein, um die Lagerbewegung zu kennzeichnen.
14 You can transfer stock from one warehouse to another by clicking on the appropriate button. Choose the source warehouse, the target warehouse and the number of units to be transferred. Es ist möglich, Produkte von einem Lager in ein anderes zu übertragen, indem Sie auf die entsprechende Schaltfläche klicken. Wählen Sie das Quelllager, das Ziellager und die Anzahl der zu übertragenden Einheiten.
15 Note that if you have created product variants, then the stock correction and stock transfer options are available only on those product variants and not on the original product. Bitte beachten Sie, dass, wenn Sie Varianten eines Produkts angelegt haben, die Optionen Bestandskorrektur und Umlagerung nur für diese speziellen Produktvarianten zur Verfügung stehen und nicht für das Originalprodukt.
16 Stock correction and stock transfer are considered as stock movements and can be tracked from the "Movements" list view. Bestandskorrekturen und Umlagerungen werden als Bestandsbewegungen betrachtet und können in der Listenansicht "Bewegungen" überwacht werden.
17 The "Mass stock transfer" menu option allows you to move stock from one warehouse to another. Mit dem Menüpunkt "Massenumlagerung" können Sie Bestände von einem Lager in ein anderes umlagern.
18 "Replenishment" is a list of all products that have stock that is lower than the desired stock. Choose a product by ticking the checkbox to create a purchase order to fill the difference. "Nachschub" ist eine Liste aller Produkte, deren Bestand niedriger ist als der Sollbestand. Wählen Sie ein Produkt durch Ankreuzen des Kontrollkästchens aus, um eine Bestellung zu erstellen und die Differenz aufzufüllen.
19 There are also plenty of other features that can be enabled from the module "Setup". Also, like most other Dolibarr modules, you can add your own custom fields to describe your product stock, define default values or mandatory fields and you can use the import or export modules to import or export your product stock database. Darüber hinaus gibt es viele weitere Funktionen, die über das Modul "Konfiguration" aktiviert werden können. Darüber hinaus haben Sie, wie bei den meisten anderen Modulen von Dolibarr, benutzerdefinierte Felder, um Ihren Produktbestand zu beschreiben, Standardwerte oder erforderliche Felder zu definieren und Sie können die Import- oder Exportmodule verwenden, um Ihre Produktbestandsdatenbank zu importieren oder zu exportieren.
20 Thank you for watching this video tutorial. Visit www.dolibarr.org to learn more. Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich dieses Video-Tutorial angesehen haben. Besuchen Sie www.dolibarr.org, um mehr zu erfahren.


Translated Video Title: Gestion des stocks dans Dolibarr

SNO Voice Over in English Translated Voice Over
1 Welcome to this video tutorial about the Dolibarr ERP and CRM system. In this video, we will look at how to use the Stocks module in Dolibarr. Bienvenue dans ce tutoriel vidéo sur le logiciel Dolibarr ERP et CRM. Cette vidéo explique comment utiliser les fonctions principales du module Stocks dans Dolibarr.
2 Prerequisites


3 Activate the module Stocks from menu Home - Setup - Modules. You may also want to activate the module "Product Lots". The Products module is activated automatically when the Stocks module is activated. Activez le module Stocks à partir du menu Accueil - Configuration - Modules. Il est également possible d'activer le module "Lots/Série de produits". En effet, le module "Produits" est automatiquement activé lorsque le module "Stocks" est activé.
4 Grant permission on the "Stocks" and "Products" modules for your users. For more advanced information on how to setup permissions to users, you can watch our video "Users, Groups and Permissions" Accordez à vos utilisateurs les autorisations sur les modules "Stocks" et "Produits". Pour plus d'informations sur la manière de configurer les autorisations pour les utilisateurs, vous pouvez regarder notre vidéo "Utilisateurs, groupes et autorisations".
5 Stock Allocation

Allocation des stocks

6 The Stock management module saves the current quantity, status and movement of products that are stocked in warehouses. Apply the "Stock too low" filter to view products having stock less than the desired stock. Le module de gestion des stocks enregistre la quantité en cours, le statut et le mouvement des produits stockés dans les entrepôts. Appliquez le filtre "Stock trop faible" pour consulter les produits dont le stock est inférieur au stock souhaité.
7 You can create a warehouse from the respective menu. A warehouse is a location where products are received at; or stocked and shipped from. Vous pouvez créer un entrepôt ou emplacement à partir du menu correspondant. Un entrepôt ou emplacement est un lieu où les produits sont reçus, stockés ou expédiés.
8 While creating a product, the stock allocation parameters are also captured. Choose a default warehouse where the product is usually stocked. Specify a stock limit if you want to be notified when the stock limit is reached. Specify the desired quantity you want to get when performing automatic replenishment. Lors de la création d'un produit, les paramètres de répartition en stock sont également saisis. Choisissez un entrepôt par défaut où le produit est habituellement stocké. Précisez une limite de stock si vous souhaitez être averti lorsque la limite de stock est atteinte. Précisez la quantité souhaitée que vous souhaitez obtenir lors du réapprovisionnement automatique.
9 For any product, the stocking information is available under the "Stock" tab. This includes all stocking parameters as well as warehouses. Pour tout produit, les informations de stockage sont disponibles sous l'onglet "Stock". Cela inclut tous les paramètres en rapport avec le stockage du produit ainsi que le stock dans chaque entrepôt.
10 Each product has 2 values of sock. Real stock, which is also known as physical stock, and virtual stock.Real stock is the real quantity you have in your warehouse. Virtual stock is the stock you will have once all pending operations that influence the stock will be processed, such as pending orders, shipments, manufacturing orders etc. Chaque produit dispose de 2 valeurs de stock. Le stock réel, également appelé stock physique, et le stock virtuel, également appelé stock théorique. Le stock réel est la quantité réelle disponible dans votre entrepôt. Le stock virtuel est le stock qui sera disponible une fois que toutes les opérations en attente qui influencent le stock seront traitées, comme les commandes en attente, les expéditions, les ordres de fabrication, etc.
11 Purchase orders, sales orders, shipments, and invoices can automatically update the virtual product stock or the real stock when the orders, shipments or invoices are fulfilled. The processes that change stocks depends on your setup of the "Stock module. You must choose the setup according to your needs. Les commandes d'achat, les commandes clients, les expéditions et factures peuvent entraîner une mise à jour automatique du stock virtuel de produits ou du stock réel lorsque ces commandes, expéditions ou factures sont traitées. Les événements qui peuvent changer le stock automatiquement sont définies dans la configuration du module "Stock". Choisissez la configuration en fonction de vos besoins.
12 Stocks - Module Features Stocks - Fonctions du module
13 When new stock arrives, or when any stock leaves the warehouse, click on the appropriate button to update the stock by means of stock correction. Choose the warehouse, and choose whether to add or delete stock. Enter the number of units and unit purchase price. If the module "Project" is enabled, you can choose a project. Finally, enter a label and inventory code for capturing the stock movement. Lorsqu'un nouveau produit arrive, ou lorsqu'un produit quitte un entrepôt, cliquez sur le bouton de mise à jour du stock appelé "Correction du stock". Choisissez l'entrepôt, puis décidez si vous voulez ajouter ou supprimer du stock. Saisissez le nombre d'unités et éventuellement le prix d'achat unitaire en cas d'entrée en stock. Si le module "Projet" est activé, vous pouvez choisir un projet. Enfin, entrez un label et un code inventaire pour marquer le mouvement de stock.
14 You can transfer stock from one warehouse to another by clicking on the appropriate button. Choose the source warehouse, the target warehouse and the number of units to be transferred. Il est possible de transférer des produits d'un entrepôt à l'autre en cliquant sur le bouton qui correspond. Choisissez l'entrepôt source, l'entrepôt cible et le nombre d'unités à transférer.
15 Note that if you have created product variants, then the stock correction and stock transfer options are available only on those product variants and not on the original product. Sachez que si vous avez créé des variantes d'un produit, les options de correction de stock et de transfert de stock ne sont disponibles que pour ces variantes de produit et non pour le produit d'origine.
16 Stock correction and stock transfer are considered as stock movements and can be tracked from the "Movements" list view. La correction de stock et le transfert de stock sont considérés comme des mouvements de stock et peuvent être suivis à partir de la vue liste des "Mouvements".
17 The "Mass stock transfer" menu option allows you to move stock from one warehouse to another. L'option de menu "Transfert de stock en masse" vous permet de déplacer le stock d'un entrepôt à un autre.
18 "Replenishment" is a list of all products that have stock that is lower than the desired stock. Choose a product by ticking the checkbox to create a purchase order to fill the difference. Le "Réapprovisionnement" est un tableau de tous les produits dont le stock est inférieur au stock désiré. Cochez la ligne des produits pour lesquels créer une commande d'achat afin de combler la différence.
19 There are also plenty of other features that can be enabled from the module "Setup". Also, like most other Dolibarr modules, you can add your own custom fields to describe your product stock, define default values or mandatory fields and you can use the import or export modules to import or export your product stock database. Il existe également de nombreuses autres fonctionnalités qui peuvent être activées à partir du module "Configuration". De plus, comme la plupart des autres modules de Dolibarr, vous disposez de champs personnalisés pour décrire votre stock de produits, définir des valeurs par défaut ou des champs obligatoires et vous pouvez utiliser les modules d'importation ou d'exportation afin d'importer ou d'exporter votre base de données de stock de produits.
20 Thank you for watching this video tutorial. Visit www.dolibarr.org to learn more. Merci d'avoir regarder ce tutoriel vidéo. Visitez le site www.dolibarr.org pour en savoir plus.


Video Title: Gestión de inventario en Dolibarr

SNO Voice Over in English Translated Voice Over
1 Welcome to this video tutorial about the Dolibarr ERP and CRM system. In this video, we will look at how to use the Stocks module in Dolibarr. Bienvenido a este video tutorial sobre el sistema ERP y CRM Dolibarr. En este vídeo, veremos cómo utilizar el módulo Stocks de Productos en Dolibarr.
2 Prerequisites Requisitos previos
3 Activate the module Stocks from menu Home - Setup - Modules. You may also want to activate the module "Product Lots". The Products module is activated automatically when the Stocks module is activated. Activar el módulo Stocks de Productos desde el menú Inicio - Configuración - Módulos. También puede activar el módulo "Lotes de productos". El módulo "Productos" se activa automáticamente cuando se activa el módulo "Stocks de Productos".
4 Grant permission on the "Stocks" and "Products" modules for your users. For more advanced information on how to setup permissions to users, you can watch our video "Users, Groups and Permissions" Conceda permiso a sus usuarios para utilizar los módulos "Stocks de Productos" y "Productos". Para obtener información más avanzada sobre cómo configurar los permisos de los usuarios, puede ver nuestro video "Usuarios, Grupos y Permisos".
5 Stock Allocation Asignación de Existencias
6 The Stock management module saves the current quantity, status and movement of products that are stocked in warehouses. Apply the "Stock too low" filter to view products having stock less than the desired stock. El módulo de Stocks de Productos guarda la cantidad, el estado y el movimiento de los productos que están almacenados en los almacenes. Aplique el filtro "Stock insuficiente" para ver los productos que tienen un stock inferior al deseado.
7 You can create a warehouse from the respective menu. A warehouse is a location where products are received at; or stocked and shipped from. Puede crear un almacén desde el menú correspondiente. Un almacén es un lugar donde se reciben productos, almacenan y desde donde se envían.
8 While creating a product, the stock allocation parameters are also captured. Choose a default warehouse where the product is usually stocked. Specify a stock limit if you want to be notified when the stock limit is reached. Specify the desired quantity you want to get when performing automatic replenishment. Al crear un producto, también se capturan los parámetros de asignación de existencias. Elija un almacén predeterminado donde el producto se almacene habitualmente. Especifique un límite de existencias si desea que se le notifique cuando se alcance el límite de existencias. Especifique la cantidad deseada que desea obtener al realizar el reabastecimiento automático.
9 For any product, the stocking information is available under the "Stock" tab. This includes all stocking parameters as well as warehouses. Para cualquier producto, la información de stock está disponible en la pestaña "Stock". Esto incluye todos los parámetros de almacenamiento, así como los almacenes.
10 Each product has 2 values of sock. Real stock, which is also known as physical stock, and virtual stock. Real stock is the real quantity you have in your warehouse. Virtual stock is the stock you will have once all pending operations that influence the stock will be processed, such as pending orders, shipments, manufacturing orders etc. Cada producto tiene 2 valores de stock. Stock real, que también se conoce como stock físico, y stock virtual. El stock real es la cantidad real que tienes en tu almacén. El stock virtual es el stock que tendrás una vez que se procesen todas las operaciones pendientes que influyen en el stock, tales como pedidos pendientes, envíos, órdenes de fabricación, etc.
11 Purchase orders, sales orders, shipments, and invoices can automatically update the virtual product stock or the real stock when the orders, shipments or invoices are fulfilled. The processes that change stocks depends on your setup of the "Stock: module. You must choose the setup according to your needs. Los pedidos de compra, los pedidos de venta, los envíos y las facturas pueden actualizar automáticamente el stock virtual de productos o el stock real cuando se realicen los pedidos, los envíos o las facturas. Los procesos que modifican las existencias dependen de la configuración del módulo "Stocks de Productos". Debe elegir la configuración según sus necesidades.
12 Stocks - Module Features Stocks - Características del Módulo
13 When new stock arrives, or when any stock leaves the warehouse, click on the appropriate button to update the stock by means of stock correction. Choose the warehouse, and choose whether to add or delete stock. Enter the number of units and unit purchase price. If the module "Project" is enabled, you can choose a project. Finally, enter a label and inventory code for capturing the stock movement. Cuando lleguen nuevas existencias, o cuando alguna de ellas salga del almacén, haga clic en el botón correspondiente para actualizar las existencias mediante la corrección de las mismas. Elija el almacén y elija si desea añadir o eliminar existencias. Introduzca el número de unidades y el precio de compra de las mismas. Si el módulo "Proyecto" está habilitado, puede elegir un proyecto. Finalmente, introduzca una etiqueta y un código de inventario para capturar el movimiento de stock.
14 You can transfer stock from one warehouse to another by clicking on the appropriate button. Choose the source warehouse, the target warehouse and the number of units to be transferred. Puede transferir el stock de un almacén a otro haciendo clic en el botón correspondiente. Seleccione el almacén de origen, el almacén de destino y el número de unidades a transferir.
15 Note that if you have created product variants, then the stock correction and stock transfer options are available only on those product variants and not on the original product. Tenga en cuenta que si ha creado variantes de producto, entonces las opciones de corrección de stock y de transferencia sólo están disponibles en esas variantes de producto y no en el producto original.
16 Stock correction and stock transfer are considered as stock movements and can be tracked from the "Movements" list view. La Corrección de Stock y el Transferir se consideran movimientos de stock y se pueden seguir desde la vista de lista "Movimientos".
17 The "Mass stock transfer" menu option allows you to move stock from one warehouse to another. La opción de menú "Transferencia de stock en masa" permite trasladar stock de un almacén a otro.
18 "Replenishment" is a list of all products that have stock that is lower than the desired stock. Choose a product by ticking the checkbox to create a purchase order to fill the difference. "Reaprovisionamiento" es una lista de todos los productos que tienen un stock inferior al stock deseado. Elija un producto marcando la casilla de verificación para crear un pedido de compra que llene la diferencia.
19 There are also plenty of other features that can be enabled from the module "Setup". Also, like most other Dolibarr modules, you can add your own custom fields to describe your product stock, define default values or mandatory fields and you can use the import or export modules to import or export your product stock database. También hay muchas otras funciones que pueden activarse desde el módulo "Configuración". Además, como la mayoría de los otros módulos de Dolibarr, puede añadir sus propios campos personalizados para describir el stock de sus productos, definir los valores por defecto o los campos obligatorios y puede utilizar los módulos de importación o exportación para importar o exportar su base de datos de stock de productos.
20 Thank you for watching this video tutorial. Visit www.dolibarr.org to learn more. Gracias por ver este video tutorial. Visite www.dolibarr.org para obtener más información.