Draft:Video Presentation (Dolibarr features) - Commercial proposals, Quotes
(Draft page, no need to be translated)
Story board for Module Commercial Proposals:
Video Title: Commercial Proposals, Quotes in Dolibarr
Voice Over | Visuals in the Video |
Welcome to this video tutorial about the Dolibarr ERP and CRM system. In this video, we will look at how to use the Commercial Proposals module in Dolibarr. | Animate the video title with special effects. Below it, the Dolibarr logo appears along with the url www.dolibarr.org (Do NOT show the YouTube channel and Social media accounts like for exit sequence) |
Prerequisites | |
Activate the module "Proposals" from menu Home - Setup - Modules. You can also enable the "Vendor Commercial Proposals" module if you are going to deal with proposals for vendors. | Go on menu Home - Setup - Modules, scroll to CRM and enable the Proposals module and show you can switch on/off the module. Enable also the "Vendor Commercial Proposals" module. |
Grant permission on the Proposals module for your users. For more advanced information on how to setup permissions to users, you can watch our video "Users, Groups and Permissions" | Show the module permissions and enable the permissions. |
Creating a Commercial Proposal | |
Let's create a new commercial proposal. Choose the customer you are creating the proposal for. | Click on New Proposal. Choose the customer. |
Choose the validity in number of days. Choose the payment terms, payment type and source. All the values of these combo lists can customized from the setup of the module. | Choose validity, payment terms, payment type and source. |
Set the availability delay, shipping method and delivery date. If the module Project is enabled, you can also select a project. Choose the currency. | Perform the actions as in the voice over. |
Provide any notes that will be visible in the proposal, as well as any private notes that will by visible only to you. | Add notes. |
Once created, the proposal is in the draft status. You can now start adding the actual product and pricing information to it. | Click create. |
Add the product or service name along with a description. Choose a tax slab if relevant. Enter the net cost, quantity and any applicable discount.
You can add multiple items to the proposal. |
Add a service offering to the proposal. |
Use the Contacts or addresses tab if you want to assign particular contacts to the proposal. This information can be filled automatically with default contacts and can be used on the generated PDF or ODT document. | Show adding a contact/address |
Use the linked files section to add any attachments to the proposal. | Upload a file to the proposal. |
Validating and Sending the Proposal | |
Once you are done, click on "Validate" to finalise the proposal and move it to the "Open" status. | Click on Validate. |
Now, the proposal is ready to be sent to your customer or vendor. A default template is used for the generated PDF file. | Click on the PDF in section "Generated document" to show the PDF. |
Click on the "Send Email" button. You can now fill in the receiver details. All other details in the proposal are automatically included. | Click on Send Email and fill in the receiver details, show the email being sent. |
Based on the response received from your customer or vendor, you can set the proposal to the "Accepted" or "Refused" status. | Show updating the status of the proposal. |
Commercial Proposal - Module Features | |
Use the "Clone" button to create a similar proposal with all the details pre-filled, for example, to create another version of the proposal. | Show the Clone button. |
Depending on your workflow, you can convert your proposal into an order or directly into an invoice. | Show "Create order" and "Create invoice" button. |
Statistics gives a birds eye view of all the commercial proposals sent to your customers and vendors. Use the filters available to get more detailed statistics. | Show statistics. Demo the filters. |
With the list views, you can view proposals based on their status such as Draft, Open, Accepted or Signed (which needs billing), Rejected or Not signed, and Billed. | Show the list views |
There are plenty of other features that can be enabled from the setup. Also, like most Dolibarr modules, you can add you own custom fields to describe your proposals and you will be able to export your database of proposals. | |
Thank you for watching this video tutorial. Visit www.dolibarr.org to learn more. | The Dolibarr logo appears at the center of the screen along with the url www.dolibarr.org. Show the YouTube channel and other social media accounts with icons at the bottom (facebook, twitter and github). |
Translation in French
SNO | English Text | Translation |
1 | Commercial Proposals and Quotes in Dolibarr | Propositions commerciales et Devis sur Dolibarr |
2 | Welcome to this video tutorial about the Dolibarr ERP and CRM system. In this video, we will look at how to use the Commercial Proposals module in Dolibarr. | Bienvenue dans ce tutoriel vidéo sur le logiciel ERP et CRM Dolibarr. Dans cette vidéo, nous allons voir comment utiliser le module de propositions commerciales sur Dolibarr. |
3 | Prerequisites | Prérequis |
4 | Activate the module "Proposals" from menu Home - Setup - Modules. You can also enable the "Vendor Commercial Proposals" module if you are going to deal with proposals for vendors. | Activez le module "Propositions" à partir du menu Accueil - Configuration - Modules. Vous pouvez également activer le module "Propositions commerciales des fournisseurs" si vous allez traiter des propositions de fournisseurs. |
5 | Grant permission on the Proposals module for your users. For more advanced information on how to setup permissions to users, you can watch our video "Users, Groups and Permissions" | Donnez des autorisations à vos utilisateurs sur le module "Propositions commerciales". Pour des informations plus détaillées sur la manière de configurer les autorisations pour les utilisateurs, vous pouvez regarder notre vidéo "Utilisateurs, groupes et autorisations". |
6 | Creating a Commercial Proposal | Créer une proposition commerciale |
7 | Let's create a new commercial proposal. Choose the customer you are creating the proposal for. | Créons une nouvelle proposition commerciale. Choisissez le client pour lequel vous créez la proposition. La création de tiers bien qualifié est abordé dans la vidéo "Tiers dans Dolibarr". |
8 | Choose the validity in number of days. Choose the payment terms, payment type and source. All the values of these combo lists can customized from the setup of the module. | Choisissez la validité en nombre de jours. Choisissez éventuellement les conditions de paiement, le type et la source. Toutes les valeurs de ces listes déroulantes peuvent être personnalisées à partir de la configuration. |
9 | Set the availability delay, shipping method and delivery date. | Définissez; si vous le voulez, le délai de disponibilité, le mode d'expédition et la date de livraison. |
10 | If the module Project is enabled, you can also select a project | Si le module Projet est activé, vous pouvez également sélectionner un projet. |
11 | Provide any notes that will be visible in the proposal, as well as any private notes that will by visible only to you. | Indiquez toutes les notes qui seront visibles dans la proposition, ainsi que toutes les notes privées qui ne seront visibles que pour vous. |
12 | Once created, the proposal is in the draft status. You can now start adding the actual products or services and pricing information to it. | Une fois créée, la proposition est à l'état de projet. Vous pouvez maintenant commencer à y ajouter le détail des produits ou services et les informations de prix. |
13 | Add the product or service name along with a description. Choose a tax slab if relevant. Enter the net cost, quantity and any applicable discount. | Ajoutez le nom du produit ou du service ainsi qu'une description. Choisissez les taux de taxes si nécessaire. Saisissez le prix net, la quantité et toute remise applicable. |
14 | You can add multiple items to the proposal. | Vous pouvez ajouter plusieurs articles à une même proposition. |
15 | Use the Contacts or addresses tab if you want to assign particular contacts to the proposal. This information can be filled automatically with default contacts and can be used on the generated PDF or ODT document. | Utilisez l'onglet Contacts ou adresses si vous souhaitez affecter des contacts particuliers à la proposition. Ces informations peuvent être remplies automatiquement selon la définition des Contacts et adresses par défaut du Tiers et peuvent être utilisées sur le document PDF ou ODT généré. |
16 | Use the linked files section to add any attachments to the proposal. | Utilisez la section des fichiers liés pour ajouter des pièces jointes à la proposition. |
17 | Validating and Sending the Proposal | Validation et envoi de la proposition |
18 | Once you are done, click on "Validate" to finalise the proposal and move it to the "Open" status. | Une fois que vous avez terminé, cliquez sur "Valider" pour finaliser la proposition et la faire passer au statut "Ouvert". |
19 | Now, the proposal is ready to be sent to your customer or vendor. A default template is used for the generated PDF file. | La proposition est maintenant prête à être envoyée à votre client ou à votre fournisseur. Un modèle par défaut est utilisé pour le fichier PDF généré. |
20 | Click on the "Send Email" button. You can now fill in the receiver details. All other details in the proposal are automatically included. | Cliquez sur le bouton "Envoyer email". Vous pouvez maintenant remplir les détails du destinataire. Tous les autres détails de la proposition sont automatiquement inclus. |
21 | Based on the response received from your customer or vendor, you can set the proposal to the "Accepted" or "Refused" status. | En fonction de la réponse reçue de votre client ou fournisseur, vous pouvez mettre la proposition en statut "Signée" ou "Non signée". |
22 | Commercial Proposal - Module Features | Proposition commerciale - Autres fonctions du module |
23 | Use the "Clone" button to create a similar proposal with all the details pre-filled, for example, to create another version of the proposal. | Utilisez le bouton "Cloner" pour créer une proposition similaire avec tous les détails pré-remplis, par exemple, pour créer une autre version de la proposition. |
24 | Depending on your workflow, you can convert your proposal into an order or directly into an invoice. | En fonction de votre flux de travail, vous pouvez convertir votre proposition en une commande ou directement en facture. |
25 | Statistics gives a birds-eye-view of all the commercial proposals sent to your customers and vendors. Use the filters available to get more detailed statistics. | Le module "Statistiques" donne un aperçu de toutes les propositions commerciales envoyées. Utilisez les filtres disponibles pour obtenir des statistiques plus détaillées. |
26 | With the list views, you can view proposals based on their status such as Draft, Open, Accepted or Signed (which needs billing), Rejected or Not signed, and Billed. | Grâce aux listes, vous pouvez visualiser les propositions en fonction de leur statut, par exemple : Brouillon, Ouvert, Accepté ou Signé (qui doit être facturé), Rejeté ou non signé, et Facturé. |
27 | There are plenty of other features that can be enabled from the setup. Also, like most Dolibarr modules, you can add you own custom fields to describe your proposals and you will be able to export your database of proposals. | De nombreuses autres fonctionnalités peuvent être activées à partir de la configuration. De plus, comme la plupart des modules Dolibarr, vous pouvez ajouter vos propres champs personnalisés pour décrire vos propositions et vous pourrez exporter votre base de données de propositions. |
28 | Thank you for watching this video tutorial. Visit www.dolibarr.org to learn more. | Merci d'avoir regardé ce tutoriel vidéo. Visitez le site www.dolibarr.org pour en savoir plus. |
Translation in Spanish
SNO | English Text | Translation |
1 | Commercial Proposals and Quotes in Dolibarr | Propuestas Comerciales y Presupuestos en Dolibarr |
2 | Welcome to this video tutorial about the Dolibarr ERP and CRM system. In this video, we will look at how to use the Commercial Proposals module in Dolibarr. | Bienvenido a este video tutorial sobre el sistema ERP y CRM Dolibarr. En este vídeo, veremos cómo utilizar el módulo de Propuestas Comerciales en Dolibarr. |
3 | Prerequisites | Requisitos previos |
4 | Activate the module "Proposals" from menu Home - Setup - Modules. You can also enable the "Vendor Commercial Proposals" module if you are going to deal with proposals for vendors. | Activa el módulo "Presupuestos" en el menú Inicio - Configuración - Módulos. También puedes activar el módulo "Presupuestos de Proveedores" si vas a gestionar presupuestos para proveedores. |
5 | Grant permission on the Proposals module for your users. For more advanced information on how to setup permissions to users, you can watch our video "Users, Groups and Permissions" | Concede permiso en el módulo "Presupuestos " a tus usuarios. Para obtener información más avanzada sobre cómo configurar los permisos de los usuarios, puedes ver nuestro video "Usuarios, Grupos y Permisos". |
6 | Creating a Commercial Proposal | Creación de una Propuesta Comercial |
7 | Let's create a new commercial proposal. Choose the customer you are creating the proposal for. | Vamos a crear una nueva propuesta comercial. Elije el cliente para el que está creando el presupuesto. |
8 | Choose the validity in number of days. Choose the payment terms, payment type and source. All the values of these combo lists can customized from the setup of the module. | Elije la duración validez en número de días. Elije las condiciones de pago, el tipo de pago y el origen. Todos los valores de estas listas desplegables se pueden personalizar desde la configuración del módulo. |
9 | Set the availability delay, shipping method and delivery date. | Establezce el plazo de entrega, el método de envío y la fecha de entrega. |
10 | If the module Project is enabled, you can also select a project. Choose the currency. | Si el módulo Proyectos está habilitado, también puedes seleccionar un proyecto. Elije la moneda. |
11 | Provide any notes that will be visible in the proposal, as well as any private notes that will by visible only to you. | Introduce las notas que serán visibles en la propuesta, así como las notas privadas que sólo serán visibles para ti. |
12 | Once created, the proposal is in the draft status. You can now start adding the actual product and pricing information to it. | Una vez creada, la propuesta se encuentra en estado de borrador. Ahora puede empezar a agregarle la información real del producto y el precio. |
13 | Add the product or service name along with a description. Choose a tax slab if relevant. Enter the net cost, quantity and any applicable discount. | Añade el nombre del producto o servicio junto con una descripción. Elija una ficha de impuestos si es pertinente. Introduzce el coste neto, la cantidad y cualquier descuento aplicable. |
14 | You can add multiple items to the proposal. | Puedes agregar varios artículos a la propuesta. |
15 | Use the Contacts or addresses tab if you want to assign particular contacts to the proposal. This information can be filled automatically with default contacts and can be used on the generated PDF or ODT document. | Utiliza la pestaña Contactos o Direcciones si deseas asignar contactos concretos a la propuesta. Esta información se puede rellenar automáticamente con los contactos predeterminados y se puede utilizar en el documento PDF o ODT generado. |
16 | Use the linked files section to add any attachments to the proposal. | Utiliza la sección de archivos vinculados para agregar cualquier archivo adjunto a la propuesta. |
17 | Validating and Sending the Proposal | Validación y Envío de la Propuesta |
18 | Once you are done, click on "Validate" to finalise the proposal and move it to the "Open" status. | Una vez que hayas terminado, haz clic en "Validar" para finalizar la propuesta y pasarla al estado "Abierto". |
19 | Now, the proposal is ready to be sent to your customer or vendor. A default template is used for the generated PDF file. | Ahora, la propuesta está lista para ser enviada a su cliente o proveedor. Se utiliza una plantilla por defecto para el archivo PDF generado. |
20 | Click on the "Send Email" button. You can now fill in the receiver details. All other details in the proposal are automatically included. | Haga clic en el botón "Enviar correo electrónico". Ahora puede rellenar los datos del receptor. Todos los demás detalles de la propuesta se incluyen automáticamente. |
21 | Based on the response received from your customer or vendor, you can set the proposal to the "Accepted" or "Refused" status. | Basándose en la respuesta recibida de su cliente o proveedor, puede establecer la propuesta en estado "Aceptado" o " Rechazado". |
22 | Commercial Proposal - Module Features | Propuesta Comercial - Características del Módulo |
23 | Use the "Clone" button to create a similar proposal with all the details pre-filled, for example, to create another version of the proposal. | Utiliza el botón "Clonar" para crear una propuesta similar con todos los detalles prellenados, por ejemplo, para crear otra versión de la propuesta. |
24 | Depending on your workflow, you can convert your proposal into an order or directly into an invoice. | Dependiendo de tu flujo de trabajo, puede convertir su propuesta en un pedido o directamente en una factura. |
25 | Statistics gives a birds-eye-view of all the commercial proposals sent to your customers and vendors. Use the filters available to get more detailed statistics. | Las estadísticas ofrecen una vista general de todas las propuestas comerciales enviadas a tus clientes y proveedores. Utiliza los filtros disponibles para obtener estadísticas más detalladas. |
26 | With the list views, you can view proposals based on their status such as Draft, Open, Accepted or Signed (which needs billing), Rejected or Not signed, and Billed. | Con las vistas de lista, puedes ver las propuestas en función de su estado como Borrador, Abierto, Aceptado o Firmado (que necesita ser facturado), Rechazado o No firmado, y Facturado. |
27 | There are plenty of other features that can be enabled from the setup. Also, like most Dolibarr modules, you can add you own custom fields to describe your proposals and you will be able to export your database of proposals. | Hay muchas otras características que se pueden activar desde la configuración. Además, como la mayoría de los módulos de Dolibarr, puedes añadir tus propios campos personalizados para describir sus propuestas y podrás exportar su base de datos de propuestas. |
28 | Thank you for watching this video tutorial. Visit www.dolibarr.org to learn more. | Gracias por ver este video tutorial. Visita www.dolibarr.org para obtener más información. |