Draft:Video Presentation (Dolibarr features) - Contracts

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Story board for Module Contracts / Subscriptions


Video Title in English: Contracts & Subscriptions in Dolibarr

Voice Over Visuals in the Video
Welcome to this video tutorial about the Dolibarr ERP and CRM system. In this video, we will look at how to use the Contracts and Subscriptions module in Dolibarr. Animate the video title with special effects. Below it, the Dolibarr logo appears along with the url www.dolibarr.org (Do NOT show the YouTube channel and Social media accounts like for exit sequence)
Activate the module "Contracts and Subscriptions" from menu Home - Setup - Modules. Note that you will also need to enable dependent modules such as Proposals, Invoices etc. in order to be able to use the relevant features. Go on menu Home - Setup - Modules, scroll down and enable the Contracts and Subscriptions module. Show that the modules Proposals and Invoices have also been enabled.
Grant permission on the "Contracts and Subscriptions" module for your users. For more advanced information on how to setup permissions to users, you can watch our video "Users, Groups and Permissions" Show the module permissions and enable the permissions.
Creating a Contract
A contract is usually created from a commercial proposal or sales order that has been accepted by your customer. Navigate to the commercial proposal and click on the "Create Contract" button which is available only for commercial proposals that have been validated and accepted. Navigate to the commercial proposals list view. Choose a proposal. Click on the "Create Contract" button.
In this case, the products or services defined in the proposal are copied into the contract automatically. For more details on how to work with commercial proposals and quotes, refer to the video about Commercial Proposals and Quotes. Highlight and show that the services have been copied over into the contract.
You can also create a contract by clicking on "New Contract / Subscription" and entering all the details manually. Perform the actions as in the voice over.
Provide the customer or vendor reference. Choose the third party for whom you are creating the contract. Choose the sales representatives who will follow up on the contract and sign the contract. Choose the contract date and project. Enter notes, both public and private. Click the "create" button to create the contract. Perform the actions as in the voice over.
You can now start adding the actual service and pricing information to your contract. Add the service name or choose from one of your pre-defined services. Choose a tax slab if relevant. Enter the net cost, quantity and any applicable discount. You can add multiple services to the contract. Note that the goal of the contract is above all to follow if a service is active or expired and to renew the service, so the price is not mandatory. But if it is already defined in the contract, it will save you time if you request payment at a later time for your contract. Perform the actions as in the voice over.
Validating and Sending the Contract
Once you are done, click on "Validate" to finalise the contract. Click on Validate.
Now, the contract is ready to be sent to your customer or vendor. Click on the "Send Email" button. You can now fill in the receiver details. All other details in the contract are automatically included. Click on Send Email and fill in the receiver details. Show the email being sent.
Contracts - Module Features
You can use the list view to view the list of contracts. Show the list of contracts. Click on a contract to open the detailed view.
The Contacts and Addresses tab captures all the relevant business entities and people involved in the contract. Show the contacts tab.
Use the "linked files" section to add any file attachments to the contract. Show the linked files tab and upload an attachment.
The "Events or Agenda" tab will give you a complete list of all past and upcoming events related to the contract, such as creation, update, invoicing, emails sent, phone calls, etc. Show the Events tab.
Use the "Clone" button to create a similar contract with all the details pre-filled. Show the Clone button.
You can create an invoice or sales order from the contract by clicking on the appropriate buttons. Invoices and Sales Orders are covered in detail in the relevant video tutorials of these modules.

Note that an invoice can also be a recurring invoice, for example, for a yearly contract that needs monthly payments, so an invoice will be generated automatically each month, 12 times.

Show the appropriate buttons. Click on one of them to show the invoice or sales order creation screen.
Managing Services
Services that are part of your contract are in the inactive, running, expired or closed state. Click the appropriate buttons to activate or close all the services that are part of the contract.

To renew a service of a contract, just update the end date of the service.

Show the appropriate buttons. Click them to show the popups. Show updating the end date.
Click on the "Services" list view to view the list of services associated with your contracts. You can view the list of services based on their current status such as inactive, running, expired and closed. Show the list views.
In any page of the application, for example, on the main dashboard, when the reference of a contract is mentioned, you can also have an orange flag to alert you when at least one service has expired. You can setup an offset that is the number of days before or after the expiration date to decide when the visual "Late" alert must be shown. Go on main My dashboard page to show the widget "Latest 5 contracted products" or "Latest 5 modified contract" to show a contract with the exclamation flag and put the mouse on the flag so the tooltip "Late" appears.
There is also a lot of other features that can be enabled from the setup. Also, like most Dolibarr modules, you can add your own custom fields to describe your contracts, define default values or mandatory fields and you can use the export module to export your contract database.
Thank you for watching this video tutorial. Visit www.dolibarr.org to learn more. The Dolibarr logo appears at the center of the screen along with the url www.dolibarr.org. Show the YouTube channel and other social media accounts with icons at the bottom (facebook, twitter and github).

Translation in German

Translated Video Title: Laufende Verträge und Abonnements in Dolibarr

SNO Voice Over in English Übersetzt in Deutsch
1 Welcome to this video tutorial about the Dolibarr ERP and CRM system. In this video, we will look at how to use the Contracts and Subscriptions module in Dolibarr.

Willkommen zum Video-Tutorial über Dolibarr ERP und CRM-System Software. In diesem Video werden wir uns das Modul Verträge / Abbonements genauer anschauen.

2 Prerequisites Anforderung
3 Activate the module "Contracts and Subscriptions" from menu Home - Setup - Modules. Note that you will also need to enable dependent modules such as Proposals, Invoices etc. in order to be able to use the relevant features.

Aktivieren Sie das Modul "Verträge/Abonnements" über das Menü Start -> Einstellungen -> Module/Anwendungen. Aktivieren Sie auch das Modul "Verträge/Abonnements". Berücksichtigen Sie, dass Sie auch abhängige Module wie z. B. Angebote, Rechnungen etc. aktivieren müssen, um die jeweiligen Funktionen nutzen zu können.

4 Grant permission on the "Contracts and Subscriptions" module for your users. For more advanced information on how to setup permissions to users, you can watch our video "Users, Groups and Permissions"

Gewähren Sie Ihren Benutzern die Berechtigung für das Modul "Verträge und Abonnements". Weitere Informationen zum Konfigurieren von Benutzerberechtigunge finden Sie in unserem Video "Benutzer, Gruppen und Berechtigungen".

5 Creating a Contract

Erstellen eines Vertrags

6 A contract is usually created from a commercial proposal or sales order that has been accepted by your customer. Navigate to the commercial proposal and click on the "Create Contract" button which is available only for commercial proposals that have been validated and accepted. Ein Vertrag wird manchmal aus einem Verkaufsangebot oder einer Bestellung erstellt, die von Ihrem Kunden bestätigt wurde. Gehen Sie in diesem Fall zum Verkaufsangebot oder Auftrag und klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche "Vertrag erstellen", die nur für geprüfte und bestätigte Verkaufsangebote verfügbar ist.
7 In this case, the products or services defined in the proposal are copied into the contract automatically. For more details on how to work with commercial proposals and quotes, refer to the video about Commercial Proposals and Quotes. In diesem Fall werden die Produkte oder Dienstleistungen, die im Angebot oder in der Bestellung definiert wurden, automatisch in den Vertrag übernommen. Weitere Details zur Arbeit mit Angeboten, Kostenvoranschlägen oder Aufträgen finden Sie in den entsprechenden Video-Tutorials.
8 You can also create a contract by clicking on "New Contract / Subscription" and entering all the details manually.

Sie können einen Vertrag auch anlegen, indem Sie auf "Neuer Vertrag/Abonnement" klicken und alle Details manuell eingeben.

9 Provide the customer or vendor reference. Choose the third party for whom you are creating the contract. Choose the sales representatives who will follow up on the contract and sign the contract. Choose the contract date and project. Enter notes, both public and private. Click the "create" button to create the contract.

Geben Sie die Referenz des Kunden- oder Lieferantenvertrags an. Wählen Sie den Geschäftspartner aus, für den Sie den Vertrag erstellen möchten. Wählen Sie die möglichen Außendienstmitarbeiter aus, die sich an den Vertrag halten und ihn unterschreiben werden. Wählen Sie das Vertragsdatum und das Projekt. Sie können auch Notizen eingeben, entweder öffentlich (möglicherweise vom Kunden/Lieferanten gesehen) oder privat. Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche "Erstellen", um den Vertrag anzulegen.

10 You can now start adding the actual service and pricing information to your contract. Add the service name or choose from one of your pre-defined services. Choose a tax slab if relevant. Enter the net cost, quantity and any applicable discount. You can add multiple services to the contract. Note that the goal of the contract is above all to follow if a service is active or expired and to renew the service, so the price is not mandatory. But if it is already defined in the contract, it will save you time if you request payment at a later time for your contract. Von hier aus können Sie beginnen, Serviceinformationen zu Ihrem Vertrag hinzuzufügen. Fügen Sie den Namen des Dienstes hinzu oder wählen Sie einen Ihrer vordefinierten Dienste aus. Wählen Sie einen Steuersatz, falls zutreffend, und andere zutreffende Informationen, wie z. B. die Vertragslaufzeit. Sie können mehrere Dienste zu einem einzigen Vertrag hinzufügen. Beachten Sie, dass der Zweck des Vertrags in erster Linie darin besteht, zu verfolgen, ob ein Dienst aktiv oder abgelaufen ist, und ihn zu erneuern, daher ist der Preis nicht zwingend erforderlich. Wenn es aber bereits im Vertrag festgelegt ist, sparen Sie Zeit, wenn Sie die Rechnung zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt einfordern.
11 Validating and Sending the Contract

Bestätigen und Versenden des Vertrags

12 Once you are done, click on "Validate" to finalise the contract.

Wenn Sie fertig sind, klicken Sie auf " Bestätigen", um den Vertrag abzuschließen.

13 Now, the contract is ready to be sent to your customer or vendor. Click on the "Send Email" button. You can now fill in the receiver details. All other details in the contract are automatically included. Jetzt ist der Vertrag bereit, um auf Wunsch an Ihren Kunden oder Lieferanten gesendet zu werden. Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche "E-Mail senden". Als nächstes können Sie die Kontaktinformationen des Empfängers eingeben. Alle anderen variablen Felder der E-Mail-Vorlage werden automatisch einbezogen.
14 Contracts - Module Features

Verträge - Modulfunktionen

15 You can use the list view to view the list of contracts.

Sie können die Listenansicht verwenden, um eine Liste der Verträge anzuzeigen.

16 The Contacts and Addresses tab captures all the relevant business entities and people involved in the contract.

Im Register "Kontakte und Adressen" können Sie auf alle Kontakte zugreifen, die den Vertrag betreffen.

17 Use the "linked files" section to add any file attachments to the contract.

Verwenden Sie den Abschnitt "Verknüpfte Dateien", um dem Vertrag Dateien beizufügen.

18 The "Events or Agenda" tab will give you a complete list of all past and upcoming events related to the contract, such as creation, update, invoicing, emails sent, phone calls, etc.

Auf der Registerkarte " Termine oder Kalender" erhalten Sie eine vollständige Liste aller vergangenen und zukünftigen Ereignisse im Zusammenhang mit dem Vertrag, z. B. Erstellung, Aktualisierung, Abrechnung, gesendete E-Mails, Telefonanrufe usw.

19 Use the "Clone" button to create a similar contract with all the details pre-filled.

Verwenden Sie die Schaltfläche "Duplizieren", um einen ähnlichen Vertrag mit allen identisch vorausgefüllten Details zu generieren.

20 You can create an invoice or sales order from the contract by clicking on the appropriate buttons. Invoices and Sales Orders are covered in detail in the relevant video tutorials of these modules.Note that an invoice can also be a recurring invoice, for example, for a yearly contract that needs monthly payments, so an invoice will be generated automatically each month, 12 times. Sie können aus dem Vertrag eine Rechnung oder einen Auftrag erstellen, indem Sie auf die entsprechenden Schaltflächen klicken. Beachten Sie, dass eine Rechnung auch eine wiederkehrende Rechnung sein kann, z. B. für einen Jahresvertrag, der monatliche Zahlungen erfordert, so dass automatisch jeden Monat, also 12 Mal, eine Rechnung erstellt wird.
21 Managing Services Dienstleistungsmanagement
22 Services that are part of your contract are in the inactive, running, expired or closed state. Click the appropriate buttons to activate or close all the services that are part of the contract.To renew a service of a contract, just update the end date of the service. Die Dienstleistungen, die zu Ihrem Vertrag gehören, sind inaktiv, laufend, abgelaufen oder geschlossen. Klicken Sie auf die entsprechenden Schaltflächen, um alle Dienste, die Teil des Vertrags sind, zu aktivieren oder zu schließen. Das Verlängern eines Services in einem Vertrag erfolgt durch einfaches Aktualisieren des Enddatums des Services.
23 Click on the "Services" list view to view the list of services associated with your contracts. You can view the list of services based on their current status such as inactive, running, expired and closed. Klicken Sie auf die Listenansicht "Leistungen", um die Liste der mit Ihren Verträgen verbundenen Leistungen anzuzeigen. Diese Liste kann basierend auf ihrem aktuellen Status wie inaktiv, laufend, abgelaufen oder als geschlossen angezeigt werden.
24 In any page of the application, for example, on the main dashboard, when the reference of a contract is mentioned, you can also have an orange flag to alert you when at least one service has expired. You can setup an offset that is the number of days before or after the expiration date to decide when the visual "Late" alert must be shown. Auf jeder Seite der Anwendung, z. B. auf dem Haupt-Dashboard, wenn die Referenz eines Vertrags erwähnt wird, können Sie auch eine orange Flagge haben, um Sie zu warnen, wenn mindestens eine Leistung abgelaufen ist. Es ist möglich, einen Zeitversatz zu definieren, der der Anzahl der Tage vor oder nach dem Verfallsdatum entspricht, um zu entscheiden, wann die visuelle Warnung " Verspätung" angezeigt werden soll (n Tage vor dem Verfall, wenn negativ, oder n Tage danach, wenn positiv).
25 There is also a lot of other features that can be enabled from the setup. Also, like most Dolibarr modules, you can add your own custom fields to describe your contracts, define default values or mandatory fields and you can use the export module to export your contract database. Es gibt außerdem viele weitere Funktionen, die über die Konfiguration aktiviert werden können. Darüber hinaus können Sie, wie die meisten Dolibarr-Module, Ihre eigenen benutzerdefinierten Felder hinzufügen, um Ihre Verträge zu beschreiben, Standardwerte oder Pflichtfelder zu definieren, und Sie können das Exportmodul verwenden, um Ihre Vertrags und Dienstleistungsdatenbank zu exportieren.
26 Thank you for watching this video tutorial. Visit www.dolibarr.org to learn more. Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich dieses Video-Tutorial angesehen haben. Besuchen Sie www.dolibarr.org, um mehr zu erfahren.

Translation in French

Translated Video Title: Contrats et abonnements récurrents dans Dolibarr

SNO Voice Over in English Translated Voice Over
1 Welcome to this video tutorial about the Dolibarr ERP and CRM system. In this video, we will look at how to use the Contracts and Subscriptions module in Dolibarr.

Bienvenue sur ce tutoriel vidéo sur le système ERP et CRM Dolibarr. Cette vidéo explique comment utiliser le module Contrats et abonnements de Dolibarr.

2 Prerequisites


3 Activate the module "Contracts and Subscriptions" from menu Home - Setup - Modules. Note that you will also need to enable dependent modules such as Proposals, Invoices etc. in order to be able to use the relevant features.

Activez le module "Contrats et abonnements" à partir du menu Accueil - Configuration - Modules. Sachez que vous devrez également activer les modules dépendants tels que Propositions, Factures, etc. pour pouvoir utiliser les fonctionnalités correspondantes.

4 Grant permission on the "Contracts and Subscriptions" module for your users. For more advanced information on how to setup permissions to users, you can watch our video "Users, Groups and Permissions"

Accordez à vos utilisateurs une autorisation sur le module "Contrats et abonnements". Pour plus d'informations sur comment configurer les autorisations pour les utilisateurs, vous pouvez regardez notre vidéo "Utilisateurs, groupes et autorisations".

5 Creating a Contract

Création d'un contrat

6 A contract is usually created from a commercial proposal or sales order that has been accepted by your customer. Navigate to the commercial proposal and click on the "Create Contract" button which is available only for commercial proposals that have been validated and accepted. Un contrat est parfois créé à partir d'une proposition commerciale ou d'une commande qui a été acceptée par votre client. Pour ce cas, allez à la proposition commerciale ou commande et cliquez sur le bouton "Créer un contrat" qui est uniquement disponible pour les propositions commerciales qui ont été validées et acceptées.
7 In this case, the products or services defined in the proposal are copied into the contract automatically. For more details on how to work with commercial proposals and quotes, refer to the video about Commercial Proposals and Quotes. Dans ce cas, les produits ou services qui ont été définis dans la proposition ou commandes sont automatiquement copiés dans le contrat. Pour plus de détails sur la méthode de travail avec les propositions commerciales, devis ou commandes, consultez les tutoriels vidéos correspondants.
8 You can also create a contract by clicking on "New Contract / Subscription" and entering all the details manually.

Vous pouvez également créer un contrat en cliquant sur "Nouveau contrat / Abonnement" et en entrant tous les détails manuellement.

9 Provide the customer or vendor reference. Choose the third party for whom you are creating the contract. Choose the sales representatives who will follow up on the contract and sign the contract. Choose the contract date and project. Enter notes, both public and private. Click the "create" button to create the contract.

Indiquez la référence du contrat client ou du fournisseur. Choisissez le tiers pour lequel vous créez le contrat. Choisissez les éventuels représentants commerciaux qui suivront le contrat et le signeront. Choisissez la date du contrat et le projet. Vous pouvez aussi saisir des notes, publiques (potentiellement vues par le client ou fournisseur) ou privées. Cliquez sur le bouton "créer" pour créer le contrat.

10 You can now start adding the actual service and pricing information to your contract. Add the service name or choose from one of your pre-defined services. Choose a tax slab if relevant. Enter the net cost, quantity and any applicable discount. You can add multiple services to the contract. Note that the goal of the contract is above all to follow if a service is active or expired and to renew the service, so the price is not mandatory. But if it is already defined in the contract, it will save you time if you request payment at a later time for your contract. A partir de là, vous pouvez commencer à ajouter à votre contrat les informations relatives aux services, voir aux tarifs. Ajoutez le nom du service ou choisissez l'un de vos services prédéfinis. Choisissez un taux de taxe, le cas échéant et autres informations applicables, comme la période de validité du contrat. Vous pouvez ajouter plusieurs services à un même contrat. Gardez à l'esprit que le but du contrat est avant tout de suivre si un service est actif ou a expiré et de le renouveler, le prix n'est donc pas obligatoire. Mais s'il est déjà défini dans le contrat, il vous fera gagner du temps si vous demandez le paiement de votre contrat à une date ultérieure.
11 Validating and Sending the Contract

Validation et envoi du contrat

12 Once you are done, click on "Validate" to finalise the contract.

Une fois que vous avez terminé, cliquez sur "Valider" pour finaliser le contrat.

13 Now, the contract is ready to be sent to your customer or vendor. Click on the "Send Email" button. You can now fill in the receiver details. All other details in the contract are automatically included. Maintenant, le contrat est prêt à être envoyé à votre client ou fournisseur si nécessaire. Cliquez sur le bouton "Envoyer un courriel". Ensuite, vous pouvez remplir les coordonnées du destinataire. Tous les autres champ variable du modèle d'email seront automatiquement inclus.
14 Contracts - Module Features

Contrats - Fonctions du module

15 You can use the list view to view the list of contracts.

Vous pouvez utiliser la vue en liste pour consulter la liste des contrats.

16 The Contacts and Addresses tab captures all the relevant business entities and people involved in the contract.

L'onglet "Contacts et adresses" vous permet d'accéder à toutes les contacts explicites concernés par le contrat.

17 Use the "linked files" section to add any file attachments to the contract.

Utilisez la section "Fichiers liés" pour ajouter des fichiers joints au contrat.

18 The "Events or Agenda" tab will give you a complete list of all past and upcoming events related to the contract, such as creation, update, invoicing, emails sent, phone calls, etc.

L'onglet "Événements ou agenda" vous permet d'obtenir une liste complète de tous les événements passés et à venir liés au contrat, tels que la création, la mise à jour, la facturation, les courriels envoyés, les appels téléphoniques, etc.

19 Use the "Clone" button to create a similar contract with all the details pre-filled.

Utilisez le bouton "Cloner" pour créer un contrat similaire avec tous les détails pré-remplis à l'identique.

20 You can create an invoice or sales order from the contract by clicking on the appropriate buttons. Invoices and Sales Orders are covered in detail in the relevant video tutorials of these modules.Note that an invoice can also be a recurring invoice, for example, for a yearly contract that needs monthly payments, so an invoice will be generated automatically each month, 12 times.

Vous pouvez créer une facture ou une commande à partir du contrat en cliquant sur les boutons qui conviennent. Il faut savoir qu'une facture peut également être une facture récurrente, par exemple, pour un contrat annuel nécessitant des paiements mensuels, de sorte qu'une facture sera générée automatiquement chaque mois, 12 fois.

21 Managing Services Gestion des services
22 Services that are part of your contract are in the inactive, running, expired or closed state. Click the appropriate buttons to activate or close all the services that are part of the contract.To renew a service of a contract, just update the end date of the service. Les services qui font partie de votre contrat sont inactifs, en cours, expirés ou fermés. Cliquez sur les boutons qui conviennent pour activer ou fermer tous les services faisant partie du contrat. Le renouvellement d'un service d'un contrat se fait en mettant simplement à jour la date de fin du service.
23 Click on the "Services" list view to view the list of services associated with your contracts. You can view the list of services based on their current status such as inactive, running, expired and closed. Cliquez sur la vue "Services" pour afficher la liste des services associés à vos contrats. Cette liste peut être consultée en fonction de leur statut actuel, par exemple inactif, en cours, expiré ou fermé.
24 In any page of the application, for example, on the main dashboard, when the reference of a contract is mentioned, you can also have an orange flag to alert you when at least one service has expired. You can setup an offset that is the number of days before or after the expiration date to decide when the visual "Late" alert must be shown. Dans n'importe quelle page de l'application, par exemple, sur le tableau de bord principal, lorsque la référence d'un contrat est mentionnée, vous disposez également d'un drapeau orange pour vous alerter lorsqu'au moins un service du contrat a expiré. Il est possible de définir un décalage qui correspond au nombre de jours avant ou après la date d'expiration pour décider du moment où l'alerte visuelle "Retard" doit être affichée (n jours avant expiration si négatif ou n jours après si positif).
25 There is also a lot of other features that can be enabled from the setup. Also, like most Dolibarr modules, you can add your own custom fields to describe your contracts, define default values or mandatory fields and you can use the export module to export your contract database. Il existe également de nombreuses autres fonctionnalités qui peuvent être activées à partir de la configuration. De plus, comme la plupart des modules Dolibarr, vous pouvez ajouter vos propres champs personnalisés pour décrire vos contrats, définir des valeurs par défaut ou des champs obligatoires et vous pouvez utiliser le module d'exportation pour exporter votre base de données de contrats et services.
26 Thank you for watching this video tutorial. Visit www.dolibarr.org to learn more. Nous vous remercions d'avoir suivi ce tutoriel vidéo. Visitez le site www.dolibarr.org pour en savoir plus.

Translation in Spanish

Video Title in Spanish: ???

SNO Voice Over in English Translated Voice Over
1 Welcome to this video tutorial about the Dolibarr ERP and CRM system. In this video, we will look at how to use the Contracts and Subscriptions module in Dolibarr. Bienvenido a este video tutorial sobre el sistema ERP y CRM Dolibarr. En este vídeo, veremos cómo utilizar el módulo de Contratos y Suscripciones en Dolibarr.
2 Prerequisites Requisitos Previos
3 Activate the module "Contracts and Subscriptions" from menu Home - Setup - Modules. Note that you will also need to enable dependent modules such as Proposals, Invoices etc. in order to be able to use the relevant features. Activar el módulo "Contratos/Suscripciones" en el menú Inicio - Configuración - Módulos. Tenga en cuenta que también tendrá que activar los módulos dependientes tales como Presupuestos, Facturas, etc. para poder utilizar las características correspondientes.
4 Grant permission on the "Contracts and Subscriptions" module for your users. For more advanced information on how to setup permissions to users, you can watch our video "Users, Groups and Permissions" Conceda permiso al módulo "Contratos/Suscripciones" a sus usuarios. Para obtener información más avanzada sobre cómo configurar los permisos de los usuarios, puede ver nuestro vídeo "Usuarios, Grupos y Permisos".
5 Creating a Contract Creación de un Contrato
6 A contract is usually created from a commercial proposal or sales order that has been accepted by your customer. Navigate to the commercial proposal and click on the "Create Contract" button which is available only for commercial proposals that have been validated and accepted. Un contrato suele crearse a partir de un presupuesto o un pedido de venta que ha sido aceptado por su cliente. Navegue hasta el presupuesto y haga clic en el botón "Crear Contrato", que sólo está disponible para presupuestos que han sido validados y aceptados.
7 In this case, the products or services defined in the proposal are copied into the contract automatically. For more details on how to work with commercial proposals and quotes, refer to the video about Commercial Proposals and Quotes. En este caso, los productos o servicios definidos en el presupuesto se copian en el contrato de forma automática. Para más detalles sobre cómo trabajar con presupuestos  y cotizaciones, consulte el vídeo sobre Presupuestos y Prupuestas Comerciales.
8 You can also create a contract by clicking on "New Contract / Subscription" and entering all the details manually. También puede crear un contrato haciendo clic en "Nuevo contrato/suscripción" e introduciendo todos los detalles manualmente.
9 Provide the customer or vendor reference. Choose the third party for whom you are creating the contract. Choose the sales representatives who will follow up on the contract and sign the contract. Choose the contract date and project. Enter notes, both public and private. Click the "create" button to create the contract. Proporcione la referencia del cliente o proveedor. Elija el tercero para el que está creando el contrato. Elija el comercial de ventas que harán el seguimiento del contrato y lo firmará. Seleccione la fecha del contrato y el proyecto. Introduzca las notas, tanto públicas como privadas. Haga clic en el botón "Crear" para crear el contrato.
10 You can now start adding the actual service and pricing information to your contract. Add the service name or choose from one of your pre-defined services. Choose a tax slab if relevant. Enter the net cost, quantity and any applicable discount. You can add multiple services to the contract. Note that the goal of the contract is above all to follow if a service is active or expired and to renew the service, so the price is not mandatory. But if it is already defined in the contract, it will save you time if you request payment at a later time for your contract. Ahora puede empezar a agregar la información real de servicio y precios a su contrato. Añada el nombre del servicio o elija uno de sus servicios predefinidos. Elija una tabla de impuestos si es pertinente. Introduzca el precio unitario, la cantidad y cualquier descuento aplicable. Puede agregar varios servicios al contrato. Tenga en cuenta que el objetivo del contrato es, sobre todo, saber si un servicio está activo o ha caducado y renovarlo, por lo que el precio no es obligatorio. Pero si ya está definido en el contrato, le ahorrará tiempo si solicita el pago posterior de su contrato.
11 Validating and Sending the Contract Validación y Envío del Contrato
12 Once you are done, click on "Validate" to finalise the contract. Una vez que haya terminado, haga clic en "Validar" para finalizar el contrato.
13 Now, the contract is ready to be sent to your customer or vendor. Click on the "Send Email" button. You can now fill in the receiver details. All other details in the contract are automatically included. Ahora, el contrato está listo para ser enviado a su cliente o proveedor. Haga clic en el botón "Enviar E-mail". Ahora puede rellenar los datos del receptor. Todos el resto de los detalles del contrato se incluyen de forma automática.
14 Contracts - Module Features Contratos - Características del Módulo
15 You can use the list view to view the list of contracts. Puede utilizar la vista de lista para ver la lista de contratos.
16 The Contacts and Addresses tab captures all the relevant business entities and people involved in the contract. La pestaña Contactos/Direcciones contiene todas las entidades comerciales y personas relevantes involucradas en el contrato.
17 Use the "linked files" section to add any file attachments to the contract. Utilice la sección "Documentos" para agregar cualquier archivo adjunto al contrato.
18 The "Events or Agenda" tab will give you a complete list of all past and upcoming events related to the contract, such as creation, update, invoicing, emails sent, phone calls, etc. La pestaña "Eventos" le ofrecerá una lista completa de todos los eventos pasados y futuros relacionados con el contrato, como la creación, actualización, facturación, correos electrónicos enviados, llamadas telefónicas, etc.
19 Use the "Clone" button to create a similar contract with all the details pre-filled. Utilice el botón "Copiar" para crear un contrato similar con todos los detalles ya rellenados.
20 You can create an invoice or sales order from the contract by clicking on the appropriate buttons. Invoices and Sales Orders are covered in detail in the relevant video tutorials of these modules. Note that an invoice can also be a recurring invoice, for example, for a yearly contract that needs monthly payments, so an invoice will be generated automatically each month, 12 times. Puede crear una factura o pedido de venta a partir del contrato haciendo clic en los botones correspondientes. Las facturas y los pedidos de venta se tratan en detalle en los correspondientes video tutoriales de dichos módulos. Tenga en cuenta que una factura también puede ser una factura recurrente, por ejemplo, para un contrato anual que necesite pagos mensuales, por lo que se generará una factura automáticamente cada mes, 12 veces.
21 Managing Services Gestión de Servicios
22 Services that are part of your contract are in the inactive, running, expired or closed state. Click the appropriate buttons to activate or close all the services that are part of the contract. To renew a service of a contract, just update the end date of the service. Los servicios que forman parte de su contrato están en estado inactivo, activo, expirado o cerrado. Haga clic en los botones correspondientes para activar o cerrar todos los servicios que forman parte del contrato. Para renovar un servicio de un contrato, basta con actualizar la fecha de finalización del servicio.
23 Click on the "Services" list view to view the list of services associated with your contracts. You can view the list of services based on their current status such as inactive, running, expired and closed. Haga clic en la vista de lista de "Servicios" para ver la lista de servicios asociados a sus contratos. Puede ver la lista de servicios en función de su estado actual, como inactivo, en servicio, expirado y cerrado.
24 In any page of the application, for example, on the main dashboard, when the reference of a contract is mentioned, you can also have an orange flag to alert you when at least one service has expired. You can setup an offset that is the number of days before or after the expiration date to decide when the visual "Late" alert must be shown. En cualquier página de la aplicación, por ejemplo, en el Panel Principal, cuando se menciona la referencia de un contrato, también puede haber una bandera naranja que le avise cuando al menos un servicio haya caducado. Puede configurar una indicación que sea el número de días antes o después de la fecha de vencimiento para decidir cuándo debe mostrarse la alerta visual "Retraso".
25 There is also a lot of other features that can be enabled from the setup. Also, like most Dolibarr modules, you can add your own custom fields to describe your contracts, define default values or mandatory fields and you can use the export module to export your contract database. También hay muchas otras características que se pueden activar desde la configuración. Además, como la mayoría de los módulos de Dolibarr, puede añadir sus propios campos personalizados para describir sus contratos, definir los valores por defecto o los campos obligatorios y puede utilizar el módulo de exportación para exportar su base de datos de contratos.
26 Thank you for watching this video tutorial. Visit www.dolibarr.org to learn more. Gracias por ver este video tutorial. Visite www.dolibarr.org para obtener más información.