DevCamps Organization

This page lists typical actions needed to organize a DevCamp. You can also use it as a template to start organization of a particular devcamp.


What is a DevCamp

Most of the time a DevCamp is a meeting between all kind of contributors around a specific technologies to provide training, remind best practice, exchange non formal information, massively improve a product. Commonly a DevCamp is on a short time range, like a week-end or a week during manifestation.

Who can come to a DevCamp

All kind of contributors (developers, translators, documentation writers) can come to a DevCamp. A leader is designated to schedule the program. Expert and senior members will indicate and communicate about the technologies and help beginners.

What kind topic at DevCamp

  • Training
  • Special feature to build (may be the goal of a DevCamp)
  • Update project documentation


To start a devcamp organization, first thing to do is to create a wiki page with answers to several questions. To save time, you can copy an existing page of a past camp (for example HackWeek_2010_Organisation) or use the generic template that follows.


Choose a name for the event. For example DevCamp Dolibarr 2013, Hackweek 2010, DoliMeeting summer 2013, …

  • Event Name of: ___________
  • Main language used: _______ (french, english ?)


Define name of organizers and managers (may be the same guys):

  • Location manager: _____________
  • Food manager: ____________
  • Communication manager: _____________
  • Sponsor manager (not mandatory): _____________


Event dates and duration must be defined (one day, two days, three…). But also limit date for subscriptions.


  • Be sure the location where you want to organize is ok regarding security, mobility and insurance.
  • Following data must be defined:
    • Location for food: ________________________ (provide name of room or address for lunch. Better with link to openstreetmap)
    • Location for bedrooms: ____________________ (provide address of sleeping rooms or nearest hotels. Better with link to openstreetmap)
    • chairs: _____________
    • tables: _____________
    • video projector: _____________

Planning suggestion

  • Define a suggestion of Planning

Participants planned

Please enter here your record if you plan to be present to this devcamp. You need a wiki account. If you don't have it yet, send an email to to ask one.

  • Lastname Firstname: _______________________
  • Age: _________
  • Coming from (town, country): ___________________
  • Arrival date and hour: ____________
  • Departure date and hour: ______________
  • Underage: Yes or no
  • Transportation: ____________
  • Lodging: __________
  • Estimated price of trip (ticket, parking, toll, lodging...): ________
  • Email for contact: ____________________

TODO Checklist

Launch communication

  1. Initiate wiki page following previous template
  2. Start to fill it with name, dates, places
  3. Submit page to the Dolibarr foundation board team to complete, feedbacks...
  4. Once feedbacks are enough, the responsible of communication launch communication to ask people to register to devcamp add their name into wiki page of the devcamp, providing the limit date to apply. Posting should be done onto the follwoing channels:
* Dolibarr foundation mailing list:
* Dolibarr developer mailing list:
* Dolibarr portals ( in english, in french, in spanish). This should also automatically push information onto facebook and twitter.
* Add event into
* Post a dedicated news onto
  1. According the number of attendes, be sure the place you think about is the right one. Also be sure to provide at least some food, and lot's of coffee and tea. It's a well know fact, coders transform caffeine into code lines.
  2. Once devcamp is finished, build a page to show everybody what happened. An example can be found here: Compte_rendu_Hackweek_2010.


Some sponsors can contribute to sponsor/fund the event.

Example of past and next DevCamps

See page Category:DevCamps