Cloud with Amazon EC2

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This page is a tutorial to explain how to install Dolibarr ERP-CRM on the Amazon EC2 Cloud Platform

Using a Bitnami packaged VM

The fastest way to have an install running into your amazon cloud is to use a prepared virtual image (Amazon Machine Image = AMI file).

You can use the AMI file prepared by BitNami for Dolibarr. Download is available here (but you should also find this AMI files directly into Amazon Public Image market):

Tutorial to create and launch your instance from an AMI file is available here (just replace virtual image file selected in example with the image for dolibarr bitnami-dolibarr-...) :

Manual process from scratch

This chapter will describe process if you don't use any virtual image file.

  Page waiting to complete. To complete, create an account, go back and clic on "Modify".
  Page en attente d'être complété. Pour compléter, créez un compte, revenez et cliquez sur "Modifier".
  Página a completar. Para completarla, cree una cuenta, vuelva a la página y haga clic en "editar"
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To set up Dolibarr manually "from scratch" on Amazon's AWS using EC2 and RDS, follow these instructions:

1.  Sign into AWS

2.  Open EC2

3.  Click Instances on Left Side

4.  Click "Launch Instance"

5.  Select "Amazon Linux AMI 2016.09.1 (HVM), SSD Volume Type"

6.  Select Free Tier

7.  Click review and launch

8.  Press Launch

9.  Create Pair

10.  Download Pair

11.  Launch Instance

12.  Open list of Instances

13.  Swap in your file name: chmod 400 ServerPair.pem

14.  Swap in your file name and ip address: ssh -i "ServerPair.pem"

15.  Update your instance sudo yum update -y

16.  Install Apache Web Server, MySQL, PHP sudo yum install -y httpd24 php70 mysql56-server php70-mysqlnd php70-intl php70-gd

17.  Start the Apache Web Server sudo service httpd start

18.  Make it so Apache Web Server runs on server boot: sudo chkconfig httpd on

19.  Verify it with: chkconfig --list httpd and httpd 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off

20.  Go to your Public DNS or IPv4 Public IP: Example:

21.  Create a new user group sudo groupadd www

22.  Add our EC2 User to this group sudo usermod -a -G www ec2-user

23.  Leave the current session exit.  If you do not exit here, this will not work.

24. Sign back in. Swap in your file name and ip address: ssh -i "ServerPair.pem"

25. Verify www exists by running: groups

26. Give www permission on server files /var/www with: sudo chown -R root:www /var/www

27. Change file permissions: “sudo chmod 2775 /var/www” and “find /var/www -type d -exec sudo chmod 2775 {} \;”

28. Add a index.html in var/www/html: “touch /var/www/html/index.html” and “vi /var/www/html/index.html”, then add some content, such as "Hello, Mike!" or "Mike's World!".

29. Go back to Instances, scroll right and look at the Security Groups column and make note of the name; the name's format should be similar to that of "launch-wizard-3".  Another method that can be used is selecting your Instance > Change Security group and make note of the name.

30. (basically what I said in the instructions above) Right click on your new instance, select Networking, then Change Security Group

31. Open Security Groups on the left side bar:

33. Select the group, go to Actions > Edit the Inbound rules for that security group already assigned.

34. Add Rule and set the type to be HTTP

35. Files sit in ls -l /var/www

36. Go to your IPv4 and you should see the content you created eariler, such as “Hello, Mike!”.

37. Download open source ERP/CRM software here:

- Upload all files from dolibarr_version_number_xxx/htdocs into the folder with index.html on AWS.  You now must rename index.html to another name.  This upload will take a few minutes.  Make sure that all the files are placed in the same folder as the index file (i.e. /var/www/html/index.html).  Rename or remove the index.html file to not block the index.php file.

- You will now need to create your MySQL database on AWS.  Go to AWS > Services > RDS > Create db > Standard Create > MySQL > - Keep at Version > Free tier > record down the settings as it will come in hand for the ERP setup.  For example, the db name will be in the format of “database-2”, master username and password, and keep all else the same and click on “Create database”.  This will now take a few minutes to launch.

- Once it’s done creating, go into Terminal (if on a Mac, or Command Prompt on Windows), remote to EC2, and check if mysql is on by using the command “sudo service mysqld status”.  If mysql is stopped, type “sudo service mysqld start”.  

- Go back into RDS: click on the name (“database-2”), grab the endpoint which is similar to the format of ““, finish your setup.

- To fix this error that may appear “…htdocs/conf/conf.php does not exist…create permissions”, navigate to the conf folder (it is not under htdocs as I have found some instructions have stated, but actually under html), then use these commands: “touch conf.php”, “chmod 666 conf.php”, and “sudo service httpd restart” to restart Apache.

- Create folder “documents” in html folder and give server write access to it: “mkdir documents”, “chmod 777 documents” (you can use other privileges other than 777 to restrict access and make this folder "safer"), and “sudo service httpd restart”.

- On this next install page ("Directory to store uploaded and generated documents"), place a check on the checkbox "Create database", create the "Login" user name is "root" and the password is the master password that was set up in AWS' RDS.

- Under "Database server- Superuser access", create the "Login" user name of "root" again and the same password as the previous step.

- If successful, you will see the "Configuration file" screen with a number of green check marks.

- Click on Next Step, and you will see this message “The current step may take several minutes. Please wait until the next screen is shown completely before continuing.  Please be patient...

- If everything is successful, you will see a new screen title "Database" and green check marks.

- On the following screen, create your admin login here on the "Dolibarr admin login" screen, and click the Next button.

- Congratulations.  If you now see the message "Dolibarr install or upgrade- End of setup." and "This installation was completed successfully", you have completed the install.

- Finally, create the install.lock file.  This file prevents other users from reinstalling the app.  Navigate to the “install” folder, and on Linux use the command “touch install.lock”

Create an account

Create an instance/domain

Submit Dolibarr files

Run Dolibarr install Wizard