
模块ID 400
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开发文档 Module Projects (developer)




  • 跟踪销售线索和机会
  • 和|或 管理定义为层次结构任务的项目
  • 和|或 跟踪用户在这些任务上投入的时间。

可用于内部项目,为您的组织或项目链接不同Dolibarr对象(如 报价单客户订单客户发票 ...)。



在阅读本文档之前,了解由规范 RFC2445 定义和规范化的每个术语的含义非常重要。



  • 允许定义商机状态和项目是否为商务线索的概率。
  • 将项目作为层次结构的任务进行管理
  • 允许定义内部项目(为您的组织而做)或外部项目(由您的组织为客户而做)
  • 允许在任务上分配内部或外部用户
  • 允许在用户之间共享项目,为每个分配的用户提供任务和项目的正确视图
  • 允许跟踪每个工位和用户在任务上花费的时间。
  • 可以根据花费的时间生成发票。
  • 允许将任何对象(发票,订单,报价单,干预,制造订单...)、文档、URL分配给项目和任务。
  • 提供项目的完整视图,包括计划时间和实际工时,甘特视图和所有文档
  • 支持项目和任务的自定义字段
  • 为项目和任务报表提供文档模型


  • 不支持基于用户空闲时间的自动规划。
  • 不计算任何关键路径。


该模块包含在 Dolibarr 发行版中,因此无需安装。


要使用此模块,必须首先使用管理员帐户通过菜单选项 "主页 - 设置 - 模块"启用它:

选择列出模块的选项卡。然后点击 "激活"。。


如果在该模块的行尾出现一个齿轮图标 ,则单击它以访问特定于模块的设置页面。



项目 > 参数


项目 > 项目编号模式


项目 > 任务编号模式


项目 > 项目报表文档模板




可以启用ODT templates模板:从OpenDocuments模板生成文档。

项目 > 任务报表文档模板

可以启用ODT templates模板:从OpenDocuments模板生成文档。

项目 > 其他参数












  1. 查看项目和任务(共享项目和我联系的项目)。还可以输入已分配任务所消耗的时间(工时)
  2. 创建/修改项目(共享项目和我联系的项目)
  3. 删除项目(共享项目和我联系的项目)
  4. 导出项目
  5. 查看所有项目和任务(包括非我联系的私人项目)
  6. 创建/修改所有项目和任务(包括非我联系的私人项目)
  7. 删除所有项目和任务(包括非我联系的私人项目)


该模块可通过 Dolibarr 顶部菜单中的项目图标进行访问。


  1. 访问您自己的项目和任务。这些是分配给您的项目和任务。
  2. 访问共享项目和任务。这些是您可以读取的项目和任务(即使您未被分配到)。根据您拥有的权限,对此视图的访问可能会受到限制。





属性 描述 注释 / 值
Reference 由模板自动生成。它是独一无二的。 参见 Set-up Options 以自定义模板。
Label 项目的全名。
Visibility 此属性定义用户权限。
  • Project Contacts,该项目仅对关联的用户可用。
  • Everybody,每个人,项目是共享的(公共的)。
Status Current status of the project, updated by the project workflow.
  • Draft
  • Open
  • Closed
Start date Starting date for the project Could be any valid date in past or future. Note that no control is made between start and end date.
End date Ending date for the project Could be any valid date in past or future. Note that no control is made between start and end date.
Opportunity status Value selected from the "Opportunity status for project/lead" dictionary. Only displayed when "Use projects to follow leads/opportunities" option is set-up.
Opportunity probability The percentage associated to the Opportunity status, could be updated manually. Only displayed when "Use projects to follow leads/opportunities" option is set-up.
Opportunity amount Amount of the opportunity in default currency. Only displayed when "Use projects to follow leads/opportunities" option is set-up.
Budget Amount of the budget required for the project in default currency (if any).
Description A text to describe your project.
Public Notes A text area (html) to store public notes on the project.
Private Notes A text area (html) to store private notes on the project.


Entity linked Description Notes
Users You could allocate multiple users to a project, specifying a role. Two roles are defined by default, but you could extend it if needed. There is no limitation to number of users linked, even with the same role.
Contacts You could allocate multiple contacts - from different third parties - to a project, specifying a role. Two roles are defined by default, but you could extend it if needed There is no limitation to number of contacts linked, even with the same role. Contact and User roles could be different if needed.
Documents You could upload multiple document files and link them to a project. Document could also be generated using templates, see Set-up Options to activate the templates.
URL You could attach multiple URL links to a project.
Commercial proposal You could attach multiple proposals to a project. You could create the proposal from the project overview tab.
Customer order You could attach multiple customer orders to a project. You could create the order from the project overview tab.
Customer invoice You could attach multiple customer invoices to a project. You could create the invoice from the project overview tab.
Customer template invoice You could attach multiple template customer invoices to a project. You could create the invoice from the project overview tab.
Supplier order You could attach multiple supplier orders to a project. You could create the order from the project overview tab.
Supplier invoice You could attach multiple supplier invoices to a project. You could create the invoice from the project overview tab.
Contract You could attach multiple contracts to a project. You could create the contract from the project overview tab.
Expense report You could attach multiple expense report to a project. You could create the invoice from the project overview tab.
Event You could attach multiple events to a project. You could create the event from the project overview tab. The Agenda module should be activated.
Task You could attach multiple tasks to a project. See below the tasks properties. The option to manage tasks in a project should be properly activated, see Set-up Options

Task entity

This is the child entity of the project entity. It is possible to create a hierarchy of tasks, the project being the root of the tree.


Property Description Note / Values
Reference Generated automatically by a template. It is unique. See Set-up Options to customize the template.
Label The full name of the task.
Child of project/task By default the current project but could be changed to an other project task to create a tasks hierarchy.
Assigned to The user responsible of the task. By default the task creator.
Start date Starting date for the task Could be any valid date in past or future. Note that no control is made between start and end date neither with project dates.
End date Ending date for the task Could be any valid date in past or future. Note that no control is made between start and end date neither with project dates.
Planned workload Planned workload to complete the task in hours and minutes.
Declared progress A percentage to be updated manually. Could also be updated when capturing time spend on task.
Description A text to describe your task.
Public Notes A text area (html) to store public notes on the task.
Private Notes A text area (html) to store private notes on the task.


Entity linked Description Notes
Users You could allocate multiple users to a task, specifying a role. Two roles are defined by default, but you could extend it if needed. There is no limitation to number of users linked, even with the same role.
Contacts You could allocate multiple contacts - from different third parties - to a task, specifying a role. Two roles are defined by default, but you could extend it if needed There is no limitation to number of contacts linked, even with the same role. Contact and User roles could be different if needed.
Documents You could upload multiple document files and link them to a project. Document could also be generated using ODT templates, see Set-up Options to activate the templates.
URL You could attach multiple URL links to a project.
Time spent You could attach multiple time spent slot to a task. See the entity attributes below for more details.
Task You could attach multiple tasks to a task by using it as a parent task.

Time spent record

These records allows to capture the time spent by a user on a task at a given time.

The time spent could be entered from different points:

  • using the tab dedicated in the task form
  • using the "New time spent" option in the module left menu.

In both cases you could enter time spend by day, but the menu option allows also to enter time spend by week. In this case you could only enter one time slot by day.


Property Description Note / Values
Start Date and Time Define when the time has been spent. Time is not available when you enter the data by weeks.
Duration Hours and minutes spent on the task. This is mandatory to create a record
Note A small text to comment what was done or how time was spent. Note is not available when you enter the data by weeks.
Done by The user who has spent time on the task. The user should be assigned to the task to enter a time spent record


Entity linked Description Notes
Users One and only one user is linked to a time spent record The user should be linked to the task, to create the record.
Task One and only one task is linked to a time spent record

Project visibility and user actions

This module allow to share projects and task across users. Each user could interact based on :

  • Permissions allowed
  • Project visibility
  • Assignment to project

The following table summarizes actions available based on these factors.

User Project
Visibility on project contact only Visibility for everybody
Status User is not a contact of project User is a contact of project User is not a contact of project User is a contact of project
Permission Read Project hidden read project & tasks

add time spent on owned tasks

Project hidden read project & tasks

add time spent on tasks

Create/Modify modify close project

create modify tasks

modify close project

create modify tasks

Delete delete projects & tasks delete projects & tasks
Read all projects (even if not contact or public) read projects & tasks

add time spent on owned tasks

Create/Modify all projects (even if not contact or public) modify close project

create modify tasks

Delete all projects (even if not contact or public) delete projects and tasks









  • 如果您具有创建/编辑项目的权限,并且您是项目的联系人(或者项目是公共项目),则可以创建一个任务。
  • 一个任务位于项目的根目录下或项目的另一个任务下。

  Page waiting to complete. To complete, create an account, go back and clic on "Modify".
  Page en attente d'être complété. Pour compléter, créez un compte, revenez et cliquez sur "Modifier".
  Página a completar. Para completarla, cree una cuenta, vuelva a la página y haga clic en "editar"
  Seite wartet auf Vervollständigung. Um zu helfen, erstelle ein Konto, gehe zurück und klicke auf "Bearbeiten".