Table llx subscription

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  Contains the afiliations of members of the association module. In version 7.xx of dolibarr, the table is now called llx_subscription

  Contient les cotisations des adhérents du module association. Dans la version 7.xx de dolibarr, la table s'appelle désormais llx_subscription

  Contiene las cotizaciones de los miembros del módulo miembros. En la versión 7.xx de dolibarr, la tabla se llama ahora llx_subscription



Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
rowid int(11) NO PRI auto_increment technical index
tms timestamp NO Current date Date of last modification. See page Field Tms.
datec datetime YES NULL date of creation
fk_adherent int(11) YES UNI NULL ID of member (llx_adherent->rowid)
dateadh datetime YES UNI NULL date of affiliation
datef date YES NULL date of end affiliation
subscription double YES NULL amount of affiliation
fk_bank int(11) YES NULL ID of bank to pay (llx_bank_account->rowid)
note text YES NULL notes



Key Type Fields
uk_cotisation UNIQUE fk_adherent,dateadh