Report board meeting 20250311 teleconf


  • Title: Foundation board meeting
  • Date: 11 / 03 / 2025
  • Location: Online with NextCloud


Valid members of the board (subscription up to date) that are present (Name of organization and name of contact):

  • Atoo-Net (Philippe GRAND)
  • Easya Solution (Philippe SCOFFONI)
  • Atm Consulting (Maxime KOHLHAAS)
  • Nord Erp (Emmanuel OYEZ)
  • Scopen (Florian HENRY)
  • Tiaris (Jean HEIMBURGER)
  • DoliCloud (Laurent DESTAILLEUR)
  • Inovea Conseil (Alexandre SPANGARO & Nicolas ZABOURI)


Communication plan

The member of the Dolibarr foundation will initiate a document with idea for a communication plan. Waiting a second quotation from a communication company to build such a communication plan.

Law evolution

Loi finance 2025 : A meeting is planned with the french ministry of finance and April to get information on the delay allowed to have the certification. The Dolibarr foundation will be part to help to fund the certification

Brand protection renewal

Annual budget will be allowed to brand protection.

The registration of the Dolibarr trademark was validated for Argentina.

Salon / Next meeting send a request for renewal next year (7,8 octobre 2025) => Ok to go : 3600 € for 6 m2. Maxime will send request.

Forum PHP 2025: => Date 9 and 10 october, sponsoring is not validated this year due to high number of other projects we have this year.

Next AG

=> may be plan to be 18 april 2025, communication wil be send


Summer DevCamp 2025 : Valence (50 places maximum) => Date : 12 june/15 june => IBIS Hotel Valence (next to TGV train station) => Ready - Registration open to Preferred Partners in march 2025 - to the community around april

Winter DevCamp 2025 : Angoulême (Progiseize) Date : TBD => To be organized. => wiki draft page :

Winter DevCamp 2025 Germany : Vienna Date : September => To be organized.

Summer DevCamp 2026 : Noisy Le Grand (NET Logic) Date : TBD => To be organized.

Assurance Responsabilité Civile

Go for not cyber, only responsabilité civile : Validated for Onlynnov => Maxime : waiting feed back from Onlynnov, Process canceled with Onlynnov => Emmanuel: Quotation should arrive at the end of the week

Preferred partner

Task done by Laurent during past month (access not public)

=> Manage domain name. Migration of portal page to the Dolibarr foundation server and DNS.

GIF(F): Groupement d’intérêt Fonctionnel (et financier)

Several GIF(F) in progress...

=> Actors need to make invoice to foundation. Feature should be visibleas a community feature with v22

=> GIFF UX/UI has been launched next week. On Going

=> GIFF Facture électronique. Stand by, discuss with others provider to create a PDP for open source software

Migrate AppViser page to the foundation

On going :