Report board meeting 20240709 teleconf


  • Title: Foundation board meeting
  • Date: 09 / 07 / 2024
  • Location: Online with NextCloud


Valid members of the board (subscription up to date), present:

  • Philippe GRAND
  • Maxime KOHLHAAS
  • Alexandre SPANGARO
  • Emmanuel OYEZ
  • Florian HENRY
  • Nicolas ZABOURI


Working around Commission

=> Board have validated Les Commissions de l’Association => Florian will do a communication when tool "decidim" will be ready (+3)

DECIDIM on foundation server. Eric is OK for this 4 commissions, but it will be better to host a DECIDIM on foundation servers => Florian will communicate on 4 commissions on this tools


Foundation will take a conference booth at (9 & 10 octobre 2024) with Laurent, Emmanuel and Alexandre or Nicolas

Brand protection renewal

Trademark was renew for Europe and world under Dolibarr foundation

Dolibarr lawyer

Argentina trademark subscription will take time.

Assurance Responsabilité Civile

Go for not cyber, only responsabilité civile : Validated for Onlynnov => Maxime : (+3), waiting feed back from onlyonv


Laurent will work on the future Dolistore as a Dolibarr module, next information in May about the project Nicolas will test (v2 +1) Demo at the DevCamp Montpellier Some new modules was validated by mistake, as they do not respect section S3 (E) ( rule. They will be desactivated DoliCloud will send a proposal to finish the all developement including migration and support and maintenance (during warranty period) to the Dolibarr Foundation


Winter DevCamp 2024 (max 70 places, 40 hotel rooms) : Nancy (Mercure hotel Nancy) Dates: 14 november to 17 november 2024 => Deposit Invoice done => Opening of subscription in septembre => Discord will be the channel for the Bug Fix Contest

Summer DevCamp 2025 : Valence (38 places maximum) Date : 29 may to 1 june => To be organized

Winter DevCamp 2025 : Angoulême (Progiseize) or Noisy Le Grand (NET Logic) Date : TBD => To be organized. Progiseize + NetLogic must send an email with their intent to organize the event at with the name of the expected town => Florian ask them to apply.

DevCamp Germany 2024 (Munich) Dates : 29 novembre 1 decembre 2024 => Communication is done by German foundation on different platform => Dolibarr foundation agreed exceptionally the budget of funding to 100€ per person per day. Warning: The next time, the budget allowed must remains the target expected by the foundation. (80€ per person per day)

Task done by Laurent during past month (access not public),t.element_datehour,t.rowid&sortorder=desc,desc,desc&begin=&contextpage=timespentlist&search_user=2&search_date_startday=1&search_date_startmonth=6&search_date_startyear=2024&search_date_endday=30&search_date_endmonth=6&search_date_endyear=2024&projectid=1&withproject=1&page_y=45

Preferred partner

TIMGOURP was approuved

GIF(F): Groupement d’intérêt Fonctionnel (et financier)

4 GIF in progress...

=> Tenant need to made invoice to fundation Function are integrated in v20 as experimental mode. Email will be sent with week

=> GIFF UX/UI has been launched next week. Financing in progress.

=> GIFF Facture électronique. First meet this afternoon.

Migrate AppViser page to the foundation

On going :


Germanophone doliday online will be done the 12 april 2024

Nord ERP CRM and Elonet will organize a Dolibarr Day in the north of France (Lille) => May be the 7 of november. Not confirmed yet.