Module Lot / Serial (developer)

Numero/ID of module 39000
User doc. of module Module ProductBatch
Developer doc. of module This page


The ProductBatch module allows you to manage batch number, consumption by date and sale by date for product.

Entity ProductBatch

This entity is used with stock and product. The PHP class to use to manipulate such object is file htdocs/product/class/productbatch.class.php.

It contains CRUD methods to create (C), read (R), update (U) and delete (D) this object.

Entity ExpeditionLigneBatch

This entity is used with shipment. The PHP class to use to manipulate such object is file htdocs/expedition/class/expeditionbatch.class.php.

It contains CRUD methods to create (C), read (R), update (U) and delete (D) this object.


No specific permission.

Tables SQL