Module Banks and Cash (developer)

Numero/ID of module 85
User doc. of module Module Banks and Cash
Developer doc. of module This page


The bank module allows you to manage bank or cash accounts. You can define several type of account: bank or cash.

Entity Bank account

The PHP class to use to manipulate such object is file htdocs/compta/bank/class/account.class.php.

It contains CRUD methods to create (C), read (R), update (U) and delete (D) this object.

Entity Category of bank transaction

The PHP class to use to manipulate such object is file htdocs\compta\bank\class\bankcateg.class.php.

It contains CRUD methods to create (C), read (R), update (U) and delete (D) this object.


  • ->banque->lire
  • ->banque->modifier
  • ->banque->configurer
  • ->banque->consolidate
  • ->banque->export
  • ->banque->transfer
  • ->banque->cheque

Tables SQL