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= Linux =
= Linux =
== Reset the root password of Mysql ==
* Connect to a terminal console with user roor.
* Stop Mysql:
/usr/sbin/mysql stop
* Type the following line to restart MySQL in a particular mode.
/usr/sbin --skip-grant-tables
* Launch another terminal console.
* Type in this new windows
/usr/bin/mysql -u root
* At the MySQL prompt, type
<source lang="sql">
mysql> UPDATE mysql.user SET Password = PASSWORD('anewpassword') WHERE User = 'root';
mysql> QUIT;
* Type
/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root -panewpassword shutdown
* Restart your server or only mysql server.
You should now be able to access your MySQL database, you can now tell to Dolibarr to use the new password.
== Change Dolibarr config file to use new password ==
If you use the root user also to allow Dolibarr to connect to your database (not recommanded but why not)
* Go into
* Edit file conf.php to change variable
with value of the new password.
* Save file and quit. It should be ok.
If Dolibarr use another MySQL user than root,
* Ru mysql with root user
/usr/bin/mysql -u root -ppassword
* At the MySQL prompt, type
<source lang="sql">
mysql> UPDATE mysql.user SET Password = PASSWORD('anothernewpassword') WHERE User = 'userusedbydolibarr';
mysql> QUIT;
* Go into
* edit file conf.php and search lines
Replace xxx and yyy by real values.
= Mac =
= Mac =
== DoliMamp ==
== DoliMamp ==