Module OAuth

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The OAUth module is a technical module that allows you to create and manage OAuth2 connections with an OAuth2 authentication delegation server. Alone this module is useless. But once you have created OAuth2 connections, you can reuse them in some other modules, for example:


This module is included with the Dolibarr distribution, so there is no need to install it.


Creation of the OAuth entry

This is the first step. You must create an entry and choose the permission the according to the purpose the OAuth entry will be used for. This is some examples of value you can use according to OAuth provider and goal of the entry. Try to create 1 entry for each different purpose.

For SMTP access

This is example of setup if you plan to use the OAuth token to send emails.

For Google

Client ID / Secret ID: See chapter #How to get my Client / Secret ID.

Scope: Choose the scope gmail_full

For Microsoft Office365

Client ID / Secret ID: See chapter #How to get my Client / Secret ID.

Tenant: The ID of the tenant provided by Microsoft. Example: 123456ab-1234-5678-abdc-12345678abcd

Scope: Choose the scope: offline_access + Scope email can also be added but seems not mandatory. Don't forget to also allow this permissions in Azure setup

It if fails, choose:

For IMAP access

This is example of setup if you plan to use the OAuth token to read your email box with the email collector.

For Google

Client ID / Secret ID: See chapter #How to get my Client / Secret ID.

Scope: Choose the scope gmail_full

For Microsoft Office365

Client ID / Secret ID: See chapter #How to get my Client / Secret ID.

Tenant: The ID of the tenant provided by Microsoft. Example: 123456ab-1234-5678-abdc-12345678abcd

Scope: Choose the scope: offline_access + Scope email can also be added but seems not mandatory. Don't forget to also allow this permissions in Azure setup

It if fails, choose:

For SSO Login

This is example of setup if you plan to use the OAuth provider to login. Note that for this purpose, creating the OAuth entry is enough, no need to generate the token.

For Google

Name of the entry: "Login" (The text "Login" with L uppercase. You must use this entry string for SSO Login. No other name is possible).

Client ID / Secret ID: See chapter #How to get my Client / Secret ID.

Scope: Choose the scope openid and email

You must also modify you Dolibarr conf file to use SSO Login with Google OAuth. See page Authentication,_SSO_and_SSL.

For Microsoft Office365

Not yet available ! Will probably be ...

Client ID / Secret ID: See chapter #How to get my Client / Secret ID.

Tenant: The ID of the tenant provided by Microsoft. Example: 123456ab-1234-5678-abdc-12345678abcd

Scope: Choose the scope openid and email

Other services

For Mastodon read/write

URL for endpoint termination: Should be the root url of the Mastodon server; For example:

Client ID / Secret ID: You can get them from your Mastodon profile account.

Scope: Type read,write

Generation of the token

Note: If the goal if the OAuth entry is to be used for SSO Login, you don't need to generate the token.

Once your OAuth entry has been created, you can switch on the second tab to generate and get your OAuth full token (a full token is the access token that expires after a short delay + a refresh token that allows to get a new access token once expired). This full token will then be used by the other modules or features (for example, to send email using SMTP or to read emails using IMAP).

Note about token duration of validity

  • For Google, when your oauth entry is published is Testing, Google unverified, the refresh_token expires is 7 days and is limited to 100 access_token refreshes.
  • For Google, when your oauth entry is published in Production, Google verified, refresh_token expire is 180 days and has unlimited access_token refreshes.

How to get my Client / Secret ID

To create an OAuth entry, you need a Client and Secret ID (and sometimes a Tenant ID). Getting them depends on your OAUTH provider.

For Microsoft 365

The following steps are:

  • Go on - Manage application to create an Application. You can get the value for Client ID in field "ID application (client)" and Tenant ID in field "ID annuary (tenant)"
  • Then set property "Assignation required to No (not sure this is necessary)
  • Then set Authentification chapter to add the allowed callback URL suggested by Dolibarr.
  • Then set Authorized API, for example Microsoft Graph email, IMAP.ACcessAsUser.ALL, Mail.Read, Mail.Send, offline_access, openid, profile, SMTP.Send
  • Then set Certificate & Secret (The Secret ID is column "Value", the column "ID of secret" can be ignored)

You can get a summary of all of this in the menu "Overview"

The is some documentation here:

For Google

The following steps are:

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The is some documentation here: