Modul DatenExporte

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Numero/ID of module 240
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Um Daten von Dolibarr zu exportieren, nutze das Export Modul.

Bulk imports are described in the page Mass imports.






  1. Go to Menu-> Tools -> New Export and choose a predefined dataset.
  2. Choose a predefined (by you) export profile or manually choose the fields you want to include in the export file.
  3. Add any filters you may wish to place on the values of those fields.
  4. Change the position/column of the fields in the export file. You may save the selections you have made as an export profile/template for future use.
  5. Choose a format for the export file from the dropdown list. Possible formats are CSV / TSV (Text files) or XLS 2007 / 95 (native Excel files). Click on Generate.

After few seconds, a link to the file is shown for download.

Outils.png Develop your own export script

If there is no predefined dataset that matches your needes and you have program knowledge, you can also develop your own script. Any language can be used if this language can read a database. You just have to read the table of the entity you want to export and build a file, using the format of your choice, from any fields available in table. The only thing to know is which table contains data you want to export. To help you, the page Table SQL lists all the tables used in Dolibarr.

Note that versions above 2.6 allow "admin" users to see the SQL code that was used to build the export file content when using the Export module. This is shown at the moment of file generation.